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I was walking to mmy bike, when Bunny stopped me. "What's going on?" I asked him, as he tugged gently on my arm.

"We're going to the pool! Wanna come?" I thought it over.

"Sure! Let's go." We started walking to my bike, when he asked me something.
"Where's Luna-chan?"

"Oh, she caught a cold. She's at home with my dad." He nodded, and hopped on behind me, holding tight.

I followed tamaki's limmo to a tropical resort, and parked my bike. With that, we hopped off and went inside. "Hey guys! Grab some swim suits and go ahead and change."

"The dressing rooms are over there." They pointed to some stalls, and we saw haruhi being pushed into the girls changing area.

"Let's go?" Bunny nodded, and we went ahead and grabbed some swimsuits. I went with some f/c wim trunks that had black stripes on the side, and Bunny went with some yellow trunks with blue trim. "You look cute." He smiled.

"Thanks! You look really good.." He wrapped his arms around me for a sec, before trailing his hand down my abs, letting his eyes linger and he bit his lip. "Okay, I lied. You look hot as hell." He said semi-quietly. I leaned down and kissed him, biting his lip in a teasing mannor as he let out a small groan.

"Want me to come over to your place tonight?" He looked at me, and nodded.

"If your dad's okay with it."

"As long as I'm home by the morning, he's fine. He knows I can take care of myself." He nodded and I placed one last kiss on his lips before we got out.

"You guys were in there for a bit."

"Yeah, everything go okay?" Hikaru and kouru chimed, sort of sly-like.

"Yeah. Just a little indecicive." They were quiet for a minute giving mischivous smiles.

"So indecisiveness is why you're going to honey senpai's place tonight?" Bunny went red, and I smirked.

"I think, you should mind your own buisness."

"Come on! We won't tell."

"You guys don't need to know, okay?" Bunnny chimed, trying to compose himself. "For all you know, we could be working on a project."

"Well are you?"

"Why would you keep a project secret?" Hikaru quirked an eyebrow. I sent a glare.

"How much do you guys know?"

"We know enough that you guys have something more than friendship going on." I looked at Bunny, who nodded.

"We're dating." We said together. They were quiet for a minute, and looked at my Bunny.

"You're gay?"

"I.. I'm not sure. I know I'm attracted to y/n, and I know I've got some attraction to girls, so maybe bisexual? I'm still fully figuring it out."

"Who else knows?" Kaouru asked us.

"Takashi knows."

"And Luna."

"Chika-chan knows I'm with someone. But I never said who." He pulled my arm a bit, before placing a kiss on my cheek, making me smile softly. "I'm gonna go for a swim, okay?"

"Yeah sure. Be safe, okay?" He gave me a look that said 'yeah yeah, I know' and ran off to hang out with his cousin.

"You wanna play with the two of us? We got a beach ball!"

"Know what? sure, why not?" I said before joining them in their game.

After we got bored of playing, Bunny had some coconut juice and mango cake with me, like a little mini date, and he let me feed him a bit, and vise versa. "I ment to ask, what's with the floatie? Don't get me wrong, it's adorable, but I know you dont need it."

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