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We walked for a while, before we started to notice it rain. We ran to a gizibo for shelter, when haruhi started to speak. "Hey mori senpai, y/n senpai, you two seem really close to honey senpai. You guys must be really good friends. Childhood friends?"

"You mean you don't know?

"That their cousins?" They gasped.

"Well mori and honey are. I think I would know if I was related to them."

"You're kidding me, their related?!"

"The morinozukas have been serving the haninozukas for generations."

"Two generations ago, the two became related in marriage, and the master servant relationship became a thing of the past."

"But even so, Mori senpai has always made it a point to accompany honey-senpai."

"It must really be in his bloodline. The blood of a loyal servant flows through mori-senpais veins." The twins started crying a little about how beautiful of a story it was. Haruhi came up to him, and placed their hand on his arm.

"Hey mori senpai, y/n senpai, honey senpai's gonna be okay. He's tougher than he looks, and if he gets hungry the trees are filled with bananas." He placed his hand on their head.

"You're right."

"Yeah. Thanks a lot." I'm not too worried, but still, anxiety filled my stomach and brain. Hey, I'm his boyfriend, it's my job to worry about him!

While everyone else yelled, and kyoya spoke on a phone, Mori seemed to notice something. He started going the opposite way, and I followed. "This way, huh?"

"Mori senpai, y/n senpai, you guys are going the wrong way! Honey senpai went in the opposite direction!"

"You're wrong. He went this way."

"He's got a pretty good instinct on where to look. But if you don't trust it, you can go with the rest of the group." With that, we started to get going. They followed. There were pythons and bus and a swamp area they didn't know how to get through. I was about to grab them, when mori did. He picked them up, and with that, we kept going.

"Hey y/n?"


"What was that freak out session about?" I paled and stopped for a second. "Senpai?"

"It was just a bad memory.. Something terrifing that I hope you never have to go through."

"Did it have anything to do with your mother?" I nodded. "I lost mine too. It's been ten years now."

"Five for me. But a lot happened. I was there. Luna was there. It haunts me that night is the last thing she's ever going to see."

"Can.. Can you tell me about it?"

"Not today. I'm not ready. But when I am, I'll tell the rest of the club about that night." They nodded.

We kept walking through the jungle, when we heard some footsteps. But it sounded both too many and too heavy to be my bunny. I got ready to whoop some ass, when we were surrounded by a police force.

"Target confirmed. The target has been captured by two suspicious men. We'll take the target into custody. Put the target down now! If you don't, we'll make you do it by force."

"I mean, is there really any other way?" I said in a deadpan to myself. They grabbed the child's arm, while they yelled to hold on. I ran and punched him in the face, breaking his helmet and sent them flying. The other cops looked nervous.

"The suspects are resisting! Prepare to fire warning shots!"

"Takashi, y/n, haru-chan outta the way!" Bunny came in yelling on a vine. He picked one of the guards like luffy from one peice, and did a flip before landing like spider man.

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