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While we were gone, Kaoru invited haruhi for a date, only to fake being sick to send his brother in his place. Of course, she knew right away. She seemed confused, but we were too far away to really hear what she was saying. 

However, tamaki was having a fit because she looked cute. She had in some earrings, and a couple of clip in ponytails, along with a blue dress. It was kind of weird, but in a cute way, and it didn't look too terrible. "Ahhhh! Haruhi!"

"Careful boss, they'll see us!" Mitsukuni was eating some ice cream, while Mori sipped on tea, and I had some coffee. Kyoya was reading a book as per usual and knowing him it was probably some sort of spy novel. 

"How'd hikaru and haruhi end up on a date anyway, I don't understand?! How are yesterday's events even remotely related to this?!" 

"You know, this might be haru-chan's first date!" If tamaki could be a dragon, he'd be spitting fire in rage. 

"You're gonna pay for that! And look at what she's wearing it's cute! It's super cute!" 

"It's hard for you guys to understand, but it's good for hikaru to fins other people to be close to." 


"The only people we've ever been able to depend on are ourselves. We didn't care what anyone else thought of us. That's probably how we ended up so self-centered."

"I can relate to that in a way." I muttered. 

"Hikaru's immature. You see, I don't even think he's aware of it, but I can tell he cares about haruhi. He just doesn't know how to react, so his emotions run wild. He's selfish and wants all of her attention. He wants to be acknowledged by her but doesn't know how to make that happen. If you want true friends, friends who aren't only your toys, you have to learn to respect them. That's the only way you can have a meaningful relationship. And I think it's about time hikaru learned that lesson himself."

"Kaoru, that was amazing!" 

"So in other words, this is a test to see if hikaru can handle being thoughtful towards others, right?"

"Just promise me you won't interfere with them, kay?" 

"Fine, but why are you making us follow them?"

"Because there's no reason we should miss out on watching something this interesting!" I chuckled. 

"Of course." 

As we walked, tamaki stopped, thinking of something while looking at the sky. 

I didn't question what he was thinking, and just went along with the others. It wasn't a big deal.

As the day progressed, hikaru and haruhi seemed to start to get a little closer, bit by bit. It started with ice cream, and we watched as they had fun together. Mitsukuni smiled at me. "Maybe we should come back sometime, just the two of us." I nod. 

"That's a great idea." I smiled at him, looking down to meet his eyes. 

"What are you two planning?"

"Maybe another date here some other time." I said casually. 

"But didn't you guys have that yesterday?" Mitsukuni shook his head. 

"No, we went to visit some of y/n's friends. They're actually super nice." 

"We should get going. If we get caught it's going to ruin everything. And anyways, I don't think the boss can handle much more of this." We all looked over to a crying tamaki, hiding behind a pole. 

"It looks like so much fun. Lucky."

"He had no idea, does he?" Mitsukuni shook his head no. With that, we headed back, just missing the rain. Lucky too, since it was a downpour. 

"Check out that lightning." 

"I sure hope those two didn't get stuck in the rain."

"Yeah, me too. But I'm sure they caught a cab or something." I said this, trying to be optimistic, but I had serious doubts. If they did catch a cab, it was stuck in some serious traffic. I looked behind me at a pacing tamaki. 

"Tamaki dear, please try to settle down." 

"I should go and look for them." The phone rang. 

"Hello! This is pension misusu! Oh it's you arai! What is it?... What? Haruhi and Hikaru?" This caught our attention. "Hmm... Hmm. Thank you. Hikaru should have his cell with him so I'll try giving him a call, goodbye." With that, they hung up. "Evidentially, hikaru left haruhi in front of the produce shop, and decided he'd head back on his own." We all were alarmed hearing that. "Arai said haruhi took after hikaru and that's when it started pouring. He was worried so he called to make sure they made it home okay." Tamaki fished for his phone in his pocket. 

"Kaoru, when I see your brother, can I slap him?"


"You idiot! I want you to turn around and start looking for haruhi right now! What kind of jerk would leave a girl out in a thunderstorm like this by herself! Now you listen to me, haruhi is terrified of thunder! When she hears it, she gets so scared she can't even move! Why don't you spend less time concentrating on your jealousy and worry about someone else for once?!" He hung up, angry. 

"Wow, I didn't think you could tear someone a new one like that tamaki. I have to say, I'm impressed. Still going to slap him when he gets his ass here though." 

"How can you be so calm?!" I ground my teeth a little. 

"I'm not. Haruhi is like a little sibling to me. You think I'm not worried? I've had years to hide my fears, and in all honesty, thunder scares me too! I'm better at controlling it, but I'm wanting to scream on the inside, and if it wasn't for the fact, you all would stop me, I'd be running out there like a madman trying to find haruhi and hikaru!"  I got a little louder at the end of my rant, but he got the point. 

"Y/n, calm down." Mitsukuni said, grabbing my hand. "You're so worked up you're crying." I didn't even notice that, but when I touched my face, I was indeed crying a little. He led me over to a sofa, and we sat on it together, him in my lap as I buried my face in his shoulder. He just patted my head softly, letting me calm down. As thunder boomed, I held him a little tighter, thinking back to that night. The explosion of the gas truck we crashed into, my mother mangled with her brain everywhere, my bones sticking out...

I ran into the nearest bathroom to vomit at the memory. 

The club was waiting for me outside the bathroom, and misusuchi handed me some gum. I thanked her quietly, and sat back on the sofa, Mitsukuni in my lap, as was becoming the usual for us. 

They managed to get home late that night after the storm cleared, but the club had questions for me. I told them I'd answer them when they all were here, and since they were now, I had to. 

"Alright, fire away. I know you have questions, and I only want to go over this once."

"I think the main one is why are you so afraid of thunder you vomit?"

"What? Senpai threw up?"

"Y/n, are you okay?" I shrugged. 

"Well, it's a bit of a long story. It has to do with my mom, and it's not a pretty one either. Kyoya knows some of it, and mitsukuni knows it all." I shuddered as the memories flashed by my eyes. 

"You don't have to tell us if you don't want to."

"Yeah, don't force yourself."

"No. I feel like I should tell you the full story. It explains a few things. My scars, the behavour last night, and why I screamed when Mitsukuni went missing." I took a deep breath, and began to tell my story. 

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