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By the time school came around, Bunny could walk again, and the hickies were mostly gone. You'd have to really look to find them. And it was time for some event where some other schools came to ours for the music and drama clubs or whatever. I wasn't particularly interested, but bunny seemed exited, so I kind of went with it. Apparently it's an annual thing, and it brings lots of new people and sweets... Yeah I can see why he's exited now. He's a little social butterfly when it comes to these things, especially when there's treats involved.

"Come on! We've got costumes today!" He said, pulling me along. 

"I know, I know! You're always so eager about these things." I said, chuckling. 

"We're knights today! I'm so exited! You know, when I was a kid, I actually wanted to be one." I chuckled. 

"I think most of us did. I wanted to be one when my sister was born. Now I just want to study forensics." He smiled and I couldn't help but do so in return. 

I was in a black suit like my rose color. It looked similar to mori's, but darker. Meanwhile my bunny was in a pink one, the color the same as his sweet rose. We heard the door start to open as two girls with different uniforms came in. "Welcome ladies!" All of us said, the exemption of mori an kyouya. They looked unimpressed. I was bored, while tamaki picked up a sword. Was it real? Who fuckin knows! I don't! 

"Well well well, I see you ladies are from another school. I certantly hope we haven't startled you. We love first time guests."

"Tamaki, I don't think they're guests." The looked like they hated him in all honesty. I can see why in the long run, but he's basically a puppy. The girls stayed silent as he walked to the m ignoring me.

"I'm glad you've come princesses. My darlings, even if the world were to be destroyed, I'd put my life on the line as your faithful knight and servant. I will protect you."

"Dude, that was so trashy!" I yelled. "Read a book! For real, that was so clichéd I wanted to puke, and I wasn't even on the receiving end of it!" I yelled. I dragged him back from his kneeling position. "So sorry about him. He's an idiot." I turned to him. "You need to learn some things about respecting girls. Not all want to be protected! Hell, I know several that can beat your ass in a minute. And they gave me trouble when I fought them!" I yelled in his face while the girls laughed. He sweated. 

"You are absolutely right!" A new voice said.

"If you think you can protect us you're both wrong."

"I'm not protecting you. I'm stating a fact that he's arrogant with nothing to show for it." 

"Y/n~! Bunny whined. 

"He's right though. Women don't want to hear things like that. It's so overused. They just want to protect us to boost their testosterone and hide the fact they can't even protect themselves." He turned back to them. 

"Well, what do ladies like you want to hear?"

"How about something like 'I would never leave my lover alone.'" A woman holding haruhi appeared. The child looked very confused. "If we fight it will be together! if we fail, we fail together. Even if I were to die, I will never leave your side my love." She kissed their hand, and I clapped, while bunny looked super exited. 

"You see! Now that is good passion! Good romance! A good promise, and a good portrayal of a goo relationship!" I yelled. 

"Y/n, I didn't know you were into theatre."

"My sister is, so I kind of did too, cause she listens to it so much." The girls were talking and admiring haruhi, as I heard the 'tap tap tap' of a cane.

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