When we opened up, there was a little girl standing at the door. She seemed about five or six years old, and I wanted to just scoop her up and hug her, like I do with Luna and bunny. (He acts all pouty when I do that, but I know he likes the attention.) We were all dressed up as cops today, and when tamaki saw her, he spoke. "Oh my, what an unusually young guest!"
"Are you lost little child?"
"Well, glad you're here, my little lost kitty-cat!" She was silent. "Little kitty cat, why have you come to see us today?" She pointed at us, and I took a sip of some water.
"Its a reverse harem!" I then proceeded to choke on said water. "This is a reverse harem!" I managed to stop choking.
"That can't be right, I must have heard wrong, maybe there's still water in my ear from when I went swimming." Hikaru laughed.
"Water in the ears, that's got to be it!"
"I'm sure we just heard her wrong, there's no way this cute little girl said the words 'reverse harem.' Somethings going on with our ears."
"There's debauchery here." We all froze again. What is with this child?! My sister would love her, but still! "Yay, there's debauchery here, isn't there!"
"That is not something to cheer about child!"
"You're the glasses character, you're the boy lolita and the stoic type, twincest, bookworm, and the bad boy!" I think I need a cigarette. She then looked at tamaki. "Big brother? My brothers blonde you must be him!"
"You never told us about this!"
"Since when do you have a little sister?!"
"I don't! I'm definitely an only child, at least as far as I know!"
"You two do certainly look alike."
"You are both blonde after all!"
"I want to know if glasses character is superior to big brother."
"Does it really matter? I can't believe she called me a bookworm."
"Excuse me, you want to tell me your name little girl?"
"Kirimi chan, I'm afraid you've made a mistake. I'm really sorry, but I don't have a younger sister." She teared up, and I picked her up.
"Are you sure, you're blonde just like me?" I bounced her a little, before she reached for tamaki.
"That is true.." He took her from my arms. "I give in. As of this moment I am your new big brother! You're so cute!" Kirimi squealed happily.
"I know you get carried away by emotion, but don't you think it's irresponsible to make such empty promises?"
"Don't listen to that men haruhi, I'm totally responcible! Come home with me an I'll look after you!"
"What do you think we should do kyoya senpai?"
"For starters we should find out if she actually has a brother at this school."
"Kirimi~ Kirimi~" A familliar voice called out. A russian looking guy poked his head out of the door leading to the black magic club.
"Hey uhh, who the hell are you?"
"Good question."
"He looks like a foreigner."
"What's up with that? How come the door looks different all of a sudden?"
"Oh kirimi!" She seemed uncomfortable.
"You forgot your cloak." They put it on the strange man, and I nodded. I talked to him a few times, and I know he's got bad photophobia, but I always assumed that was his normal hair color. But seeing all that, made more sense.
"Nekozawa senpai?!"
"Master umehito is terribly vulnerable to any type of bright light. For that reason if he doesn't shroud himself in black, he will fall victim to the brightness of the outside world, and undoubtedly collapse. And just to be comfortable he even has to cover his beautiful blonde hair with a dark wig!" She started doing pirouette's, for some reason then.
"On the other hand, his sister misstriss kirimi is terrified of dark dimly lit places"
"So the child is nekozawa's little sister. Got it."
"That would be quite insightful sir. You would be correct." Tamaki set kirimi down, as I heard the 'tap tap tap' of a cane.
"Kirimi, so this is where you've been hiding." he said, creeping closer. Kirimi was terrified.
"Big brother, save me from the monster!" She jumped back into tamaki's arms.
"Don't be scared, I want to introduce you to someone. This is belzanef. Our family has worshiped cats for generations."
"You know, I don't think she's scared of the cat puppet."
"Call me crazy, but I think she's scared of you." My sister opened the door, and listened in on what was happening. She was just as confused as I was, and I was there the entire time.
"Yeah it's definitely the clothes, we'll help you change kay?" The twins said before trying to pull off his cloak. I couldn't help myself from chuckling, as he tried to get them not to. Bunny tried darkening the room, but kirimi started crying because she's afraid of the dark. So either way someone's unhappy. As the maid went on about them being 'Romeo and Juliette' bunny came up to me, after putting the curtains back.
"This is going to be hard."
"Yeah, tell me about it." I think we have our work cut out for us this time.

The bad boy and the Lolita
FanfictionOkay, Hopefully the description will save this time, since this is now my 3rd time having to rewrite it from the placeholder I made on my phone. Y/n l/n is a third year commoner student, in his first and only year at ouran. With his style and attitu...