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The next day, Ms. Kuriko was teaching haruhi how to waltz. I had decided to fully join the club, but refused an outfit, to which nobody complained. The girls liked it a lot, but little did they know, I'm here to spend more time with bunny. I wasn't really paying attention to my surroundings. "Thank you so much for allowing me to practice with you, I really appreciate it." I overheard haruhi say to kamiko.

"Oh, no problem. I heard that you're not seeing any customers today so you can practice dancing. I'm glad I got to spend this time alone with you." I overheard the conversation, zoning back in. Business isn't really much today, and I'm wanting to go home and play with missy, my cat. Just got to suck it out for a bit. "Oh my, this is a new tea set isn't it? It's genori." She said in awe of the cup. I don't get it, but whatever floats your boat I guess. 


"You have a keen eye mademoiselle. In fact, we just received them yesterday. We decided it was about time for the club to upgrade it's tea sets."

"I see. What a pretty color. Lovely." 

"You must really be into table wear huh?" She went red in the face when they said that.

"Huh? Not really- I mean no of course I'm not! What ever would give you that idea?" She started chuckling nervously, and I rolled my eyes. It was way too obvious that she knew tons about it. I don't know why she would deny it, but I passed it off as she think's it's a weird hobby. A guy walked in carrying some things.

"Hello? I'm here with the new tea cups you ordered!" 

"Ah, thank you very much. Every item that you've chosen for us has been extremely popular with the ladies. I'm quite impressed."

"Well that's good to hear." Kamiko looked stiff. 

"So, do you sell tea sets?"

"No, I'm just a regular student. Can't you tell by the uniform?" Miss kamiko laughed nervously.

"Oh haruhi, you're so funny. I can't blame you for not knowing," She said turning around. "After all, he doesn't really look like the heir to a first class company." 

"First class company?"

"His family's trading business, the sushishima trading company, deals primarily in the importing of table wear. They currently have the top market share in the country." I furrow my brows slightly. Miss kamiko seems to know a lot about table wear, and the heir to a company regarding it is sure to know a lot about it. And the way they're looking at each other can only be explained as longing and hurt. Maybe ex lovers? Something along those lines seems fitting. There's definitely a story here that I want to hear about. 


"So, whenever something exceptional comes in, we've asked him to send it our way. He has a great eye for fine china. Don't you susishima?" 

"You think? I've still got a lot to learn. But thank you!"

"Aren't you leaving next month to study abroad in England?" Oh, now it's making sense. Ex's that didn't want to break up, but did so because of this. Seems hard on both of them, especially miss kamiko. 

"Yes, I am. Well, I'd better go now." He said before leaving. She seemed sort of down after that.

"So, are you enjoying the host club?"

"I get the feeling you and that guy are kind of close." I bite my tongue as to not laugh as she jolts and stammers in suprise. It's way too obvious. 

"Don't be ridiculous we hardly know each other! What makes you say that haruhi?! Now if you'll please excuse me, take care." She said before leaving, and I finally started laughing after the door was shut.

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