Halloween was right around the corner. Which meant one other thing -my birthday.
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't 'upset' about it. Well, not entirely at least. But I'm about to be 20 years old and still in high school. Don't get me wrong, we graduate soon, but it's still weird to me. But there's nothing I can do about it, so why get all worked up about it? I'll likely be at home playing a game or watching scary movies anyways.
And then I remember I have a boyfriend.
'Right, he might want to do something on Halloween instead of sitting around doing pretty much nothing. Maybe he'll have some fun ideas?'
I'm greeted by him at the school gates as per usual, and he bounces up and hugs me. "Y/n! Are you excited?"
"Excited for what?"
"Your birthday, silly!" I chuckle and decide not to tell him my worries about being drinking age in high school.
"Yeah, but I'll be honest, I have no clue what to do."
"How about we just go to my house? Is Luna-chan going trick-or-treating?"
"Yeah, but dad's taking her this year."
"So, what's stopping you?"
"Nothing, I guess. I'll be there. What time?"
"Just stop by around dinner. I'll be sure to tell my parents!" He says as we arrive at our class.
"Alright then. Hey Mori."
"What about you guy's little siblings?"
"They both insist they're too old to go trick or treating."
"Satoshi's upset about it."
"Who wasn't? I only got a few years before I was too old to go with Luna. It's the little things you take for granted when you get too old to do them." Mori nods.
"That's so upsetting! But at least she still gets to enjoy it for a few more years."
"Yeah, she does. She's going as princess yue from avatar the last airbender. She's been talking about it for months."
"I bet she's gonna look adorable!"
"I'll be sure to take pictures." I promise.
"Please do!" The class rep came into our classroom, and we quickly took our seats. It was time to figure out what to do for Halloween.
I didn't really pay any attention to what we were doing, mostly cause I wasn't really interested. Whatever it was, it likely wouldn't be much fun compared to anything else. Tamaki had mentioned we had a theme today. He didn't say much else, other than it appealed with the time of year, so all I knew is we were dressing up in some sort of spooky costume. As class let out, I walked with my boyfriend and his cousin to the club room. "Hey, do you two have any idea what today's theme is?"
"Other than it's something Halloween themed?" Mitsukuni asked.
"Yeah, anything other than that?"
"Nope." Mori replied.
"So, he didn't tell you guys either, huh?"
"He didn't, but that's what makes it fun sometimes! The surprises!" Of course he's super cheery about this.
"Let's hope it's a good surprise then." I smile. We arrived at the door and opened it, stepping into the world of the host club once more.

The bad boy and the Lolita
FanfictionOkay, Hopefully the description will save this time, since this is now my 3rd time having to rewrite it from the placeholder I made on my phone. Y/n l/n is a third year commoner student, in his first and only year at ouran. With his style and attitu...