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I'm skipping one episode, 'honey's three bitter days', because we're going to say we remind him to brush his teeth more often. 

We were playing games outside, when tamaki kicked a ball into a window and hit someone. Next thing I know, we're cleaning up broken glass, and apologizing to the newspaper club president. I knew we had a newspaper club, since I bought one once to burn it in a fire with some old friends, tsukki and turashuma. Speaking of which, it's been a while since we had a boys day, just the three of us. 

We all met while in a gang in middle school, which has since disbanded since the leader got busted, but we were all spared since we were the youngest of the group. They knew all about my sister, my past and me, but they had yet to meet bunny. I smirked at the thought of them meeting, cause I knew how it would go. They'd piss their pants, since he was an idol to them. They had been keeping up with martial arts for the past five years, and while I never payed attention to it, we texted about it still. They were big fans of him and mori. But after they get over that, they'd be challenging him to a fight, just so they could say they got their asses handed to them by the mistsukuni haninozuka. 

"We're terribly sorry about that." 

"Don't worry, it's no big deal, could have happened to anyone, right? Just a ball, flying through a window and hitting me upside the head."

"Please, accept our apology." 

"Well this works out perfectly. I was just thinking of approaching the host club about a cover story. I don't suppose you'd be interested?" 

"I didn't know we had a newspaper club." 

"It's more gossip brag than newspaper."

"Yeah, like a trashy tabloid. It's filled with stories about scandalous love affairs, family power struggles, and just junk like that." 

"It's just a lame gossip brag that specializes in stirring up scandal."

"And everyone knows it's all lies so no-one reads it anymore." 

"You know I guess we sort of have lost sight of the truth, because we've been so worried about drawing in more readers." Oh, so he's trying to guilt trip us, huh? You know what I think? He can go fuck himself. "It's a shame we're just now realizing our error, now that the paper is at risk." He stopped for a second to make it dramatic. "We know now what we should have been reporting to the students at Ouran." The bowed. "Help us please! For our last paper of the semester, we'd like to do an up close special edition, revealing the charms of ourans host club members. I'm begging you, without your help our club will close." Good. Let it close. 

"You can count on us. On behalf of the host club I sa-" He was cut off by a scream from being shoved by kyoya. 

"We have to decline." He knows what's up. I seriously doubt this club will change it's ways so soon. It's their own fault they have no readers. Seriously the only thing their club is good for is kindling. 

"But kyoya he got hurt because of me! What's the big deal?!"

"Sorry, but we have a policy prohibiting us from sharing any personal information with anyone other than our guests. But we'd be more than happy to pay any medical expenses relate to your injury."

"And another thing, what makes you think we'd want to help you spread more rumors and gossip? We've got a reputation to uphold, and you'd just ruin it."

"Besides you guys cause a lot of trouble for other people, and who'd want to get mixed up with that?" It was scary how oblivious they were about themselves. 

"I understand. Well, I guess you really can't erase the sins of the past, can you? People won't even give you the opportunity to try and redeem yourself. Oh, my head is killing me!" 


"I'm okay, don't worry you two- Oh no! I'm getting dizzy!" 

"President!" Man he is really up-playing this, huh?

"No wait I'm fine= OH!"

"Knock it off already, before I punch you and actually give you something to whine and moan about." 

"Believe me, he will, and we'll let him." Hikaru said. 

"I guess all we can do at this point is disband with grace."

"No you wont have to! You can always make a fresh start. We'll help. We'll rally the power of our host club, and we can re-establish the newspaper club together!"

"Well count us out." 

"You're way too trusting boss. We can't just go along with everything you do forever."

"Yeah, we've had enough." 

"Sayonara. I'm out too." I said, walking away with pretty much everyone else. 

"So are we. We're holding an evaluation meeting, mostly about you." 

"Hold it." He spoke with a certain edge to his voice I had never heard before. "How can you be so heartless? These men are about to lose their club. Don't you feel sorry for them?! Their family's breaking up!" I just gave him a look like 'dude, wtf are you talking about?' "As your president I demand you help them, and that is a direct order!" The rest of us turned around. 

"We're not going to do it!" Tamaki yelled, and threw a fit like a toddler, while we walked out of the room. 

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