So alone...||YBF

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Maybe it was the fact that life was pretty tough shit, or maybe it was the fact that rent was due and it was again going to fall on you.
Maybe it was your abusive parents trying again to squeeze themselves back into your life...
You buried your face deeper into the covers trying in vain to pierce your skin with your nails, your lips aches from peeling them, dried blood stained your pillowcase-
"Fuck" you groaned through a sore throat, dry from yelling into the mattress.
Life was just not rooting for you it seemed as of lately.
your eyes narrowed to the window that in vain hid the silhouette of a 'unknown stranger' -you'd be stupid not to know, especially cuz you'd gone out with the weirdo a week ago.
Stiffly you sat up, with an ache in your chest, rapid heartbeat from your anxious episode- you needed someone, anyone to calm you.
Yanking the window open you where met with the startled image of the lanky YB who seemed so shocked you'd just jolted the window open and seen him and not screamed or ran away-
"Hey" you said weakly
He seemed so shocked still but managed a shaky smile "h-hey! I uhm...well there's no excuse you caught me. B-but I meant well! I hear-" he was cut off because you'd dug your face into his warm torso due to the height difference, wrapping your arms around him.
You could feel his heartbeat race through his shirt.
This was probably not the smartest thing to do, encourage him to keep going but through the agony that tore you apart, you really didn't care at the moment. All you knew is that his warmth and slight smell of cologne and coffee brought down your racing heart -
"I just need...comfort..please" you spoke weakly
YB lifted his hands and shakily asked "uhm..May I-" you nodded, your face still buried into his chest.
He wrapped his long arms around your body, warming your back, you heard him inhale your scent wholly -
"Your shaking" he said softly
"I...I'm not doing good" you admitted
"I get not be okay. With anything. Life seems like a waking nightmare sometimes "
You chuckled, he'd described it perfectly, you where about to respond when-
You blinked as you'd felt a droplet of water hit your head
Looking up at the sky you saw the ominous gray clouds that had formed , the smell of earth-
The rain came in pouring heaps you yelped as you yanked YB inside your window shutting it as you trembled because now you where soaking wet.
"I-I didn't know it was gonna rain today" you mumbled
The squeaking of your bathroom door caught your attention
"YB..?" You called
He poked his head from the door giving you a small smile.
"I ran a warm bath for you, so you don't get a cold from the rain"
'I'm gonna pretend like I don't find it creepy that he knows where the bathroom is ' shaking your head you walked over,YB stepped out looking at the ground shyly averting his eyes-
"You Can uh, give me your wet clothes , so I can dry them...or don't ! It's okay!-" you cut him off with a squeeze of the hand, " I'll leave the clothes on the counter and once I'm inside you can get them" and with that you closed the door sighing, peeling the freezing shirt and pants from your wet body letting them splat on the counter.
Stepping in the bath you sighed, he'd made it the right temperature, not too hot but just right to give you that simmer.
a knock came, "hey uh, can I come in?"
"Yep come in" you called, burying your face in your knees
The door creaked  and his footsteps resounded as he stepped through, " need anything? " he asked
You peered over your shoulder "what about you?"
"Huh?" He got closer before sitting down on the floor next to the tub
"Your still wet " you laugh a little
He rubs his head sheepishly "don't worry about that I'll dry up using a towel"
You turned to him and studied him closely
His eyes met yours and then would dive down like he was excepting you to disappear at any moment
"Thank you so much for this" you said softly
He gave a small chuckle, giving your hand a small squeeze
"Hey, you can always count on me"
It's been a rough week :(

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