Sometimes you need a hug|| TK

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"This soup is shit you know that?!" The rude customer huffed in my face, his eyes puffed out from how angry he was"S-sir I'm sorry I can get you a new-""A new soup? What are you serving?!piss?!" Tears stung at my eyes, you'd think after working at...

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"This soup is shit you know that?!" The rude customer huffed in my face, his eyes puffed out from how angry he was
"S-sir I'm sorry I can get you a new-"
"A new soup? What are you serving?!piss?!"
Tears stung at my eyes, you'd think after working at a Restraunt I'd have gotten used to rude customers-
And yet, yelling always got to me.
The customer finally sat up enraged,
"I want my fucking money back!"
"But sir-!" Im cut off because the man hauls the boiling soup in my face, the plate breaking on the floor with a loud crack.
"Fuck you!" And with that he storms off,
After such panic I stand there, the soup dripping off my face as tears rush freely down-
A warm towel is pressed to my check
"Here, wipe your face" it's TK and they're rubbing my back gently as they lead me to the kitchen, running warm water through the faucet as they help me clean up.
Once I'm semi clean, TK looks at me sympathetically
"Are you...alright? Silly question but still..?"
I open my mouth to respond and then I break down sobbing
I hate rude customers
I hate getting yelled at
TK groans a bit , but not because they're upset at me, more like a mad groan-
"Stupid fucking dude. I'm sorry he did that to you"
TK rubs my arm and then slowly, they wrap they're arms around me, holding me close, petting my hair
"Cry it out y/n. I won't ever judge" I hug them back, letting it all out, inhaling their warm scent.
Once I'm all cried out, I pull away smiling slightly
"Thank you, I needed that"
"Yea and now my shirt has snot on it"
There is no malice when they say it though, they're laughing actually
"And now your nose is all red. Very cute"
I look up and TK pauses
"I-I mean uhm- whatever ! I didn't say that just-"
I press a quick kiss to they're cheek and render them speechless
"Thank you TK" I say softly
TK grabs my hand before I can go, some green strands of hair falling on their face as they get closer
"Y/n.." they say softly, time freezes, oh god-
"Excuse me Can i get a refill?
We jump away from each other with inhuman speed
"Yes ma'am, refill coming right away!" I say rushing out, the wrong drink in hand , cheeks burning brighter than a thousand suns-
"Uhm excuse me?"
"Yes ma'am?"
"...this is the wrong drink"
"....I'm sorry"

Work kicked my ass so this is more or less something that actually happened
Yea give TK some love 💓

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