Cancel your plans::DON-

101 4 2

Drumming your fingers to a beat only you could hear, you erased the same word over and over again-

This damned thesis, you couldn't get it right- that much had been made known to you by your professor and his angry red pen marks over your first draft-

Thesis is weak
Incorrect citation
No correlation
Not enough examples
See me after class-

See me after class- the words you'd dreaded when you received your paper back earlier this day.
You drummed your fingertips, Professor Don hadn't even looked up at you when you shuffled up to him after class, he blearily read your name before rubbing his eyes-

"-my last class is at 3:30, be here after, we can review and create a stronger thesis."

And that was all, you'd spent the next few classes nervous, and peeling your poor fingernails. You hated this, it wasn't that Prof. Don wasn't nice- he was, you just had the worst dilf crush on him and his gravely voice,

3:30 shone on your phone as you shakily knocked on his private office near the back of the school , through the large windows you could see the dorms where you stayed, and beyond that the sky, you wished you could disappear-

"Come in-"

Fuck- you pushed open the door stepping inside, the office was nice and roomy, his office was a tad bit bare, just the furniture and one fake potted plant near his desk, and a few frames, some kids? Maybe his ,your eyes landed on another frame, a really pretty lady, with slightly blonde hair holding a baby, she's smiling kissing the baby on the forehead could she be-?

"You can have a seat"

You jolt, before scurrying to sit in front of him, setting down your tattered first draft.

He finally looks up, taking off his glasses and he blinks- it's like he's seeing you for the first time.

"So Ms.y/n, your thesis-"

"Is bad.....yeah I know, I guessed that much from your nice commentary"

He blinks before he lets out a dry chuckle,

"I was going to say unorthodox.....but bad will do~"

He takes a sip of his mug, before he settles his gaze on you again....

"So....your thesis, explain it to me-"

You ramble, trying(in vain) to convey what you where trying to explain on paper, Professor Dons eyes never left you, when you looked up your words left you....

".....sorry....I rambled"

He chuckled again, before pulling your paper and jotting down some things, small comments and things to replace, he glanced at his laptop-

"Well. I won't keep you, it's late."

You glanced down-

It was 5:00.

You jolted, scrambling to grab your things, a pencil flew behind you and you dove to grab it, bending over your skirt lifting revealing your black panties, once you turned around you found Professor Don and his gaze on you, not shocked or fazed, just solely on you, you huffed-

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow in class professor!"

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow in class professor!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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