Against the odds || pt.2

802 13 15

Groggy and unaware, you stared up at the white ceiling fan of an unknown room.
Where am I ?
Why.... what happened?
Memories had come flooding back to you in an instant,
The pretty girls face loomed in your memory-
Almost as if summoned, she peaked her head through the pink curtains separating the door from what seemed to be a big living area.
"Hello sunshine!" Her sugar-sweet tone caught you off guard.
She approached you all giddy, but your nerves where shot, her approach made your mind scream in overdrive-
"Wait Stop!!"
the girl froze in her tracks
Your trembling hands shook as you held them in front of you,
"F-firstly....what is your name?"
The girl smiled, her pink nails clawing at the hem of her dress,
" my name is Sarah"
You eyed her "that's your real name??"
She nodded, crossing her heart
You'd have to be a fool to not believe someone crossing their heart-
"Okay fair enough, sarah -"
She visibly perked up hearing her name as she beamed at you-
"Why am I here Sarah?where am I . Why?" Your tone oozed with venom.
She shifted before she attempted to approach you, you could tell now, she truly meant you no harm, she saw in your eyes ,permission- as she approached you now, sitting herself on the edge of the bed, reaching to grasp your hand. Tense and all you let her, her hand was warm against yours
"I apologize y/n, I snatched you away and didn't even explain. I-I. My reasons for taking you are very selfish-" she eyed you, seeing your expression soft she continued
"My brother is peter-"
"Peter? Who mean YB" you said
Sarah giggled "YB? Is that what he calls himself now ?"
You couldn't help how her giggle was infectious, as you slowly also laughed at how that shit tore her up.
"Ahh sorry sorry , now onto the why-"
You gulped
Sarah ran her thumb over your knuckles, squeezing your fingers-
" I took you because peter loves you.. and he took the love of my life..." you blinked, she'd be referring to YB  as peter, you made a mental note.
"He did what?" You shift
She nods looking at you
"There are others as obsessive as him ya know...the love of my life loved him so, they could not live without him, despite how I would have given them everything -" she adds bitterly
Her eyes water, her mascara runs across her pink cheeks,
" he couldn't love them...he was too in love with..." her puffy eyes trail to look at you, you feel a lump form in your throat
" oh no..." you felt the ground beneath you break apart
She nods tersely, bitter tears cascade her face
"Its not your fault..but I wanted him to know what it feels like, to have your soul opened and set on fire. I wanted him to taste agony the way I languished it's flavor- " she's shaking with rage and it's slightly unsettling

All because of me...

The seed is planted
Sarah hides a malicious grin with a fake sob
Oh peter you'll pay dearly...


Yb blinks groggily
He's set on Lucy's couch , TK and Lucy watch him worriedly
"The Paramedics said you'd be just passed out" Lucy says
"You Stab your thigh for fun ,dude?" TK groans
It all comes back Instantly
"Fuck" yb groans
"Yeah about the video...the girl said you'd know where to find her-" Lucy is cut off
"Who is she? An ex ?" TK spats
Yb scrunches his face
"Ugh no- she's my uh...sister "
And then-
"Im sorry- YOU HAVE A SISTER?!" Lucy is blown out of her mind
"Great, there's two of them " TK massages the sides of their head
Yb rubs his head as well, he felt his mind would explode-
"Alright everyone let's just call it a night... start over tomorrow " Lucy said snapping everyone from their thoughts ,she arranged pillows on either coach and the love seat found in the living room-
"You mean stay here?" TK said groggily
She gave them an incredulous look-
"Do you know what time it is?"
TK glances at their watch -
"It's 2:39 am" they Say  falling onto  the couch behind them
Yb settles in the plush loveseat, shifting and wincing as he brushes his hurt thigh
That night he is plagued by nightmares
Horrible ones that make his stomach turn-
But there's one that is enough to make him shoot awake and scream-
"Y/n! No!!"
He holds your dead body in his hands, there's blood too much blood-
"Sarah! Imma kill you, you bitch!!!" He screams out into the night
He hears her voice, one he wished to purge from existence-
"So? Come find me~" she coos, its a mocking laugh, it makes him squirm with fury,
"I mean, either way, their  dead" she giggles
He feels his throat close, your choking him
"Come with me" you say, your lifeless eyes staring up at him
He lets you
I'll go with you...
Fellows of Wattpad, it's not looking too hot for y/n
What a coincidence it would be if Fuboo found my story
I'd die

————————————————————————-Fellows of Wattpad, it's not looking too hot for y/n Also What a coincidence it would be if Fuboo found my story I'd die Yea Also

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So like-
Finale coming next
-Opal :))))

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