My pretty witch//-YBF

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How would Peter/TK/Don react to a s/o with powers like Wanda aka the scarlet witch?

PETER———-listen i think due to his stalking he's caught you making things float and you manipulating peoples minds - I hc he's immune to your mind manipulation but plays along cuz he loves you too much to tell you otherwise - almost died cuz he sc...

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-listen i think due to his stalking he's caught you making things float and you manipulating peoples minds
- I hc he's immune to your mind manipulation but plays along cuz he loves you too much to tell you otherwise
- almost died cuz he scared you
- is not scared of you- at all
He should be tbh-

Your eyes flitted as you felt the presence of the stalker behind you as you walked down the empty cold street,
Energy cracked within your palms, the dull red slowly filled your eyes as you ducked into an alley watching as the tall stalker passed by and looked about wildly,
Focusing your power to the unwanted followers abdomen you released sending him flailing back and using your telekinetic power to hold him by the throat on the wall, his legs dangling against the worn out brick,
He eyed you with adoration, not fear
"Who are you, and why are you following me"
The man gasped, you released him slightly
"I'm Peter, and I'm in love with you, but you knew that already" he smirks despite how he's shaking slightly,
You freeze,
The man you'd memory wiped a week prior, the one that should not remember you-
"Your mind manipulation doesn't work on me ,precious ~"  his tone makes your skin crawl,
"How the fuck does my power not work on you"
He shrugs, "everything else works just not the mind tricks" he winks at you,
You huff releasing him and he slides down the wall onto his feet, taking a few deep breaths in.
The red magic slowly dispersed from your palms as you shoot a side glance at the man,
Peter approached you slowly, pushing some hair behind your ear, his smile was warm despite how you literally just choked him,
Your cheeks reddened-
"Show me what else you can do ~"

-so they are also sorta immune to the mind manipulation, not really though,
-kinda knew cuz you where so fidgety when controlling your anger,
-genuinely got scared shitless once a customer started cussing you out and your power choked the dude,
- hypes you up cuz damn that's hot

"Sir I said I'd fix your plate for you-"
The man swiftly threw a fork motioning for you to get it, as you turned and bent down the man eyed your thighs before he reached forward ready to grope you, except he never was able to lay a finger,
The red from your palms crushed his finger, sending him flying back yelping in pain,
"My finger !! Ah!"
Your anger grew as you saw he had grabbed his phone and was going to record your thighs,
The red swirling around his fingers spreads to his wrist, the man as well as many people are starting to panic around him,
You're enveloped by strong arms and a fresh scent as you look up to see TK who stares at you through thick lashed brown eyes,
"Y/n....stop, erase what these people have seen,hurry-"
You close your eyes, focusing, shifting the power into every mind in the restraunt except your own and TK's
You changed the images within these peoples mind, like erasing a sketch, and making it seem as if the man stabbed his own finger,
Slowly you ease off your power and jump to action,
"Sir you stabbed your finger, are you okay?"
The pervert blinks, before a goofy grin plays out on his face
"Ah sorry, yes very clumsy today"
You helped him up, seeing everyone go back to eating silently, shooting a smile at TK who winks at you,
"So you wanna tell me what that was all about?"
You turn to look at TK who is scrubbing the grill clean,
"What, that I'm a witch?"
"Pft I knew that-"
They grin at you,
"He tried to grope you?"
You groan , "yea, and I did kinda go overboard"
TK shakes their head, "I think you did good"
You sigh
"Can you, wipe the grill, by any chance with your uhm power?"
You laugh, placing a hand over the metal, focusing and with a whoosh the black residue come clean off, leaving sparkling stainless steel, TK looks at you in awe, and then that morphs into annoyance-
"You've had me scrubbing this piece of shit for months when it takes you 3 seconds?"
You shuffle over pressing a kiss to their cheek,
Your face drops seeing Their stunned expression
"I-I'm sorry-"
TK wastes no time, fully embracing you, pressing a sweet kiss fully on your lips,
You both pull away slightly stunned,
You both interrupt each other,
Giggling you motion to them,
"You first"
Chuckling, TK sheepishly rubs at the hair near they're nape,
"I've waited so long for's everything I could've imagined and more..."

- mans shat literal bricks one time he caught you levitating him before he could trip over something
- is not as immune as TK and Peter, but he knows when you've tampered with his memories, he will feel off and he just knows
- "you, you messed with my mind " yes yes you did erase a months late rent from his mind, and yes you did pay him after.
- thinks it's hot when you choke people
- saw you once completely crush a car and ever since then he walks around like he has a personal guard dog that would kill (he's right)
There was currently a robbery going on, well an attempt at a robbery-
Don was laid in bed with a beer, and his phone in the other,
"-eh just beat ''em up, and then hurry over the movie is about to start-" he was speaking to you on the other line, tonight was your date night, and the movie you'd both wanted to watch was going to be live, and you didn't want to miss it.
"Okay, but *huff* did you save me a beer?"
Don chuckled, tapping the large cooler by his head on his night stand,
"Full of 'em, and they're all cold "
He peered over, seeing the outline of red and the harsh sounds of male grunts as the final kicks where heard, and then the clicking of the locks, before red enveloped the door, revealing you looking very unamused.
"Is this what I am now? Your personal bodyguard and security system?"
Don laughed, deep and throaty, as he slid off his bed, pulling you into a warm embrace, he smelled slightly of beer and that deep cologne he always wore, pressing a hot kiss to your mouth,
"No, your just sexy" he finished his sentence with a hot kiss to your neck,
"T-the movie-"
Don sighed against your skin before whisking you and throwing you on the bed,
"Here-" he handed you the beer,
"Thanks-" with a twist of your fingers, the cap was enveloped in red as it flew off the bottle not making a sound,
"Did you kill 'em?" Don chuckled seeing you roll your eyes at him,
"No Don, I did not 'kill 'em' , I chucked them outside and took there guns, wiped their memories and now they're going back home, wherever that may be-"
"Damn, that's hot"
"You always say that, it's really not-"
"No it is-"
Don placed his beer on the bedside table, crawling over to you, a hungry look in his eyes,
"Tell me, how effective is your magic on getting rid of clothing, quickly and with little resistance~"
You smirked, wiggling your fingers so that dons shirt was clean off in seconds,
"Good good, take them all off, i won't need them-"
"But the movie-"
"Screw the movie" you giggled seeing his lust- filled expression,
"You mean screw me?"
Don laughed deeply, seeing your red energy course by taking clothing with it,
"Laugh it up, you won't be laughing at all soon-"


Hey guys, I feel like it's been forever, new job and stuff-
Anyways, here's a little something that's been sitting here, it's not much but it's something,

Take care guys, I feel like I'm just so into Don that it was like "meh yea we fucking" lmao sorry sorry-

Stay safe eat cake!
-Opal :)))

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