Against the odds||pt.3

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SANGRE- if you are sensitive I will have warnings throughout the paragraph, but I'm warning you rn okayyyyyyy



Paranoia was a constant thing on everyone's mind, they dared not get the police involved, due to Sarah sending in a pink envelope in loopy handwriting saying -

Paranoia was a constant thing on everyone's mind, they dared not get the police involved, due to Sarah sending in a pink envelope in loopy handwriting saying -

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I wouldn't contact police if I were you~

Lucy visibly shuddered at the note, TK peered over her shoulder
"Mh...fuck, the blood is fresh.."
Lucy glanced at TK and Yb-
"You don't think it's.." silence, no one wanted to imagine what had happened or what was happening to you.
Yb jolted, his mind lost in thoughtless rage,
For the past day he'd been silent, a tempest of horrifying emotions running wild through him-
On one hand he wanted to drag his sister through hell and back and then stuff her down a ditch,
But he grimaced, she had warned him-
It had been 2 years ago,
New city, new people, he had a love to call his own
It went downhill fast
The same girl followed him around, doe eyed and a bashful mess-
In truth Yb didn't lead her on, but when your in love, your crush could spit on you and you'd levitate,
He wasn't dumb either, he knew his sister loved this girl, what could he do ?
Sarah was upset always telling him to turn her down, he did, it in fact did not work.
Instead it made it worse.
"I just, I could make you so happy yb!" The girls eyes where puffy, in truth he felt sorry for her,
" I- no no go away , Sarah could make you so happy-"
" I don't want Sarah I want you!!!"
A glass broke
Everything went in slow motion
He was stupid, he hadn't shut up-
"But Im in love with someone and that someone isn't you-"
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"And that's never gonna change"
A sad smile and then-
"And I had hope" she smiled weakly
It rung through his ears but it shocked him more than anything
"What did you do?!" Sarah yelled but he couldn't even register anything
There sprawled out on the floor was the girl that had her grasp deep in Sarah's heart,
"No!!" Sarah was sobbing as she cradled the girl helplessly in her arms
Yb has started backing away, his mind flung into hyperdrive
"Run peter, but I promise you this , I'll kill the love of your life...when you think all is normal and at peace, when they're finally yours, I'll take them away from'll know my pain " if crazed murder had a look, sarah wore it well ,yb noted. He felt his throat clam up, his palms sweating as he dashed through the night.

Lucy and TK sat in stunned silence
And then
"So your telling me that your sister has y/n only because her crush killed herself just because you wouldn't , what, go out with her?"
Yb huffed
"About right"
TK was brimming with rage
"This is so fucking stupid -"
"Well-" Lucy interjected "now that we have some backstory, yb I assume you know the location?"
He nodded stiffly
"Yeah...I know where she's secluded"
"Meaning-?" TK hissed
"Woods....wildlife" he wrung his hands, feeling a cold sweat start to form
"Hey-" Lucy patted his arm awkwardly, " This isn't your fault"
Yb winced slightly, dread growing in every corner of his mind
TK patted his Shoulder awkwardly as well, there was no easy way to show anyone sympathy when tensions where this high.
"We go tonight" Lucy spoke up
In unison everyone nodded, yb tightening his hold on his arms 
"Oh god y/n.... stay alive..." tears welled in his eyes

"And then what happened ?" Sarah was weaving her hands through your hair, placing small clip on flowers and re adjusting them
"Hah, he passed out from one sip of vodka soda- one sip!" You laughed
Sarah giggles as she peered at the timer
"2 minutes until we gotta wash off the face masks " Sarah hummed shuffling over to you again and laying with you handing you the remote
"Mhhh you play something "
"Hmmm" you clicked through and saw a corny teen romance movie, you huffed before clicking it
Beep beep
"Oh rinse" Sarah grabbed your Arm rushing over to her pink restroom
You laughed as she sprayed water at you, flailing you puffed out water,
"Oh geez hey what time is it?" You asked, dabbing your face with a towel
Sarah glanced at the small hello kitty clock
"11:30 "
You blinked owlishly "oh yea, I'm feeling it"
She giggled before you both jumped into her pink bed giggling before assuming a comfy position, you on your back and her tucked into your side, her hand holding yours.
Silence and then-
"Y/n?" It was Sarah, she whispered sleepily
"Hm?" You mumbled out, eyes glued shut with tiredness
"Have you forgiven me for snatching you away..?" She mumbled against your shoulder
"Hm? Oh yea...I forgive you..." you where so tired, your brain was mush
"Will you stay here with me?" She whispered Against your skin,heart light with emotion
"I'm already here" you said, albeit a tad bit too sarcastic for your half asleep self.
She giggled sleepily, placing a hand against your heart
"What a beautiful feeling.." she said, the soft thrum of your heart was the last thing she felt, her breath slowing with sleep
I love how everyone is worried for y/n and y/n is loving life with Sarah, eating pink frosting and jamming to girl in red lmaoooooo
Last part is up next I PROMISEEEEE


Spot the difference

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Spot the difference.....I'll wait cuz I SEE NONE
-opallllllll :))))

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