Against the odds||part 1

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So this wonderful reader made a request and I'm happy to fulfill it, it goes-

*evil laughs In Spanish** So here ya go!! I hope I don't disappoint!!—————————————————————————————————————————-———————————-——————————-———————————-————————————-—————————————-———————————————

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*evil laughs In Spanish**
So here ya go!!
I hope I don't disappoint!!

The deep abyss of sleep was so comforting as you sank into dreamless slumber
Nothing to wake you and nothing to make you fear-
Or so you thought
The moon offers protection to all-
A willing culprit for crimes committed in the night.
As you blearily opened your eyes your whole body felt wrong
Odd is the better word
You had cotton mouth, with severe chills
Spiders ran up and down your arms and you flailed but to no avail, as it seemed that you where yelling alone in your head
Your body stayed still, motionless, just cold sweat and your heavy breathing as proof you weren't dead.
Pink manicured fingers trailed over you features
"Ah your so cute"
Fear and it's ice cold tendrils raced up your spine
You where pushed back from your side sleeping pose, to see a cute girl with short hair,
She gave you a sweet smile, one you'd swoon for had you not been drugged and scared shitless.
"Hello y/'s so nice to finally meet you after all this time..."
who the hell are you
It resounded in your head
bouncing across the four walls in your mind
She chuckled, brushing a few hairs out from your eyes
"Your eyes are so scared, and yet your face is emotionless....your so precious"
Tears streamed down your cheeks, the inevitable fate was now clear to you.
Her pretty features frowned in an upset look-
"Oh oh no y/n...don't cry! I'm not gonna hurt you!" She pressed small kisses on your cheek
In an odd way it calmed your racing heart
"I just need to borrow you for a minute"
Confusion raced through you-
"I know you want to know why...but it's as simple as this- your important to someone I wanna hurt"
who the hell do I know that she wants to hurt?
She laughs at your confusion
"Ah silly. Don't worry...I promise nothing I do is gonna hurt you~"
Your face scrunched with pain as she injected you,

How could you worry when your vision had now faded to black?
YB knew something was up when he took his strolling  through the park and you just weren't there...
Granted his stalking tendencies  had already been done- you weren't at your apartment either.
He chewed on his lip as he stood outside your window frame, feeling cold dread sneak up his back
The window rattled making him jump-
"I knew you where behind this-"
Lucy had smacked him with a frying pan sending him flailing to his back
Yb landed with a huff, scrambling back hands in front as he blinked in pain and confusion
"W-wait! I-!"
Lucy stood standing over him, holding the frying pan like a sword-
"You pedo! You fucking nasty, vile-"
" let me explain-oof!-"
She smacked him up the face again, rage in every swing
"Y/n is missing and I know you took them-!" He grabbed her wrist before she could smack again
"I-I didn't take them! I'm worried too! I came because I want to help!"
Lucy glared
"How do I know your not lying"
Yb slowly let go of Lucy, eyeing her carefully-
"why would I come here if I was guilty? wouldn't I be hiding?"
Lucy stood back slightly, pursing her lips and placing her hands on her waist as she nodded slowly,
"okayyy...yeah alright fine its pointless for you to be here if you got them for yourself.." she mumbled more but trailed off fidgeting , "I just wanna find my friend, my so worried about them I-" she stopped, biting her nail, her hands shaking slightly
"sorry, rambling"
Yb rubbed his face sitting up,
"I called TK, they work with y/n...and said that All was fine yesterday at work"
Yb peeked inside to see TK sitting, a calm storm brewing within them,legs jiggling, their lip chewed
"Lucy" TK called eyeing YB
" hm?" She walked past YB to the living room
"Isn't he the reason y/n is gone" TK sneered
YB places his hands up defensively
"I-I ,no?"
"TK all is good, he's here to help"  Lucy called before dipping into y/n's room
TK releases some tension in their shoulders before a crease forms between their brows
"I just hope they're safe...Jesus"he groans pinching the bridge of their nose
"Oh !" Lucy calls from their room
Both Yb and TK shoot up
Lucy rushes out, a small smile on her face
"Look, y/n's phone!!"
They all rush to see the phone
Lucy swiftly puts in the passcode
But to everyone's dismay
It's been wiped
Messages, social media's, photos, and locations-
Everything except your back screen, and you're passcode, almost as if who did this wanted someone to open it and find that it had been cleared. It was a calculated move, YB noted.
All but one thing remained on the screen, a single app, blank, no name just a plain white icon, just then TK snapped-
"Fuck!" TK hollers
"TK TK please, calm down! Look!" Lucy says breathless
TK turns again, and so does YB,
They all peer at the screen
All shaky breath and fingers crossed
Lucy presses the icon
As soon as she does YB readies himself for something gory or a video of y/n hurt - instead what everyone sees is a video, the thumbnail- a pink cat with pink nails
Lucy turns to the others- who nod in agreement.
She presses play -
And there you appear, drugged, your face motionless, your eyes afraid
And then a voice soft and high pitched coos-
"Don't be scared y/n~"
Yb visibly tenses
No this can't be-
The camer turns to show-

"Hi peter!~" YB's face rips apart in pure rage Yb?" Lucy calls, seeing him visibly shake "Yo-" TK tries grabbing him, but it's too late-Turning he grabs the closest sharp thing, swiftly stabbing his thigh , fear cascades through his fury This damn...

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"Hi peter!~"
YB's face rips apart in pure rage
Yb?" Lucy calls, seeing him visibly shake
"Yo-" TK tries grabbing him, but it's too late-
Turning he grabs the closest sharp thing, swiftly stabbing his thigh , fear cascades through his fury
This damn bitch has the love of my life-
The pain rushing up his body
His rage causing him to pass out.
He hears it faintly before he falls into the abyss of darkness-
"You know where to find me~"
Hey guys so work has been super emotionally taxing
But I wanted to honor the amazing request
I wilL do a part 2 cuz it's good ngl
But yea
Oh yea here

He hears it faintly before he falls into the abyss of darkness- "You know where to find me~" ——————————————————————————————————————————-———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————...

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"I hate it when you cry"
Yea so bye guys-
- Opal 😞

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