Back To Black||YBF- peter 2

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As the weeks go by, you grow increasingly close with all the band members

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As the weeks go by, you grow increasingly close with all the band members. Leo has grown fond of showing you memes, Sarah has gotten you to start wearing pretty lipglosses, and shes given you cute stud earring/clip ons. Peter...has inspired you to start wearing darker nail polish and you both sometimes sit in the wreck room, doing each other's nails earning small little glances from Sarah and Leo who make kissy faces when you both have moments.
You wouldn't trade anything in the world for this, the simplicity that comes with being with them- its all great.
Until it's not....
It all goes to shit when one day you have to face the cruel reality-
It's a venue party, the bands been paid to perform, and the place is packed to the brim.
You hadn't realized how well known the band was and, and your growing fan club who held postures up in the crowd for you, you felt your cheeks erupt in a furious blush as many people threw paper hearts at you,
We love you y/n!
"Aw ! That's so cute!!" Sarah leaned over as you all waited in the back, waiting for your cue, peter was lounging about, here and there he'd glance at you as you dozed off
Sarah looked at you seriously, grabbing your hand slowly, the cue would sound any minute now-
"Hey...I just wanna warn you.."
you looked confused, "hm?"
"Peter....has a lot of fans.."
you nodded, dubiously
"I mean come backstage sometimes..." Sarah was pink trying desperately for you to get the hint,
"So he fucks them?"
A grimace passes her face, before nodding a little
"Yea...sometimes...I just didn't want you to get ambushed"
You cant even be mad at her, you know if anything, Sarah is your biggest ally, your best friend really.
In her eyes, there's real concern and slight anxiety as she runs her thumb over your knuckles, you give her hand a reassuring squeeze, before getting up and walking over to your keyboard.
Your mouth is dry, your stomach is in knots- why should this matter or bother you so much? After all, peter hadn't promised you anything, there was no relationship- hell, you weren't even sure if he liked your mere presence much less liked you more than a friend.
Your lower lip trembled, oh god don't cry don't cry-
A warm voice makes your skin burst out in goosebumps,
It's peter, and he's leaning against the door frame as he watches you through his black liner eyes, thick lashes blink slowly,
"You okay, y/n?"  You study him, if you'd been stupid enough you'd say he looks worried, his foot thrumming against the floor.
Fake it til you make it
"Yea...I'm fine" you curse yourself out, that might've been the saddest, driest 'I'm okay' you've ever heard, rom com acting was more convincing than this.
Peter thrums his thumbs against the belt of his pants , before sauntering over to you, his movements feline and light.
"Your lying" is all he says as he is now much closer to you, your heartbeat picks up, so loud, your positive he can hear it.
You look down, averting your eyes, shielding yourself because looking at him is a little too painful right now.
He finally takes one step closer, he's crossed the line into your bubble of space, you feel your senses kick into overdrive.
"What did Sarah tell you?" His voice is soft, low, the tone of voice you'd use to talk to a scared animal.
His large hand comes to lightly touch your wrist, stroking your palm with his fingers, this action alone leaves you breathless-
"Sarah...what did she tell you?"
You blink rapidly, what?
"You where fine before she talked to you, I can only assume that she said something about me.."
Pull your wrist away, step away from him, run away-
Your brain screams at you, and yet you stay glued to your spot, enjoying how close peter is to you, his slightly musky scent along with the slight cologne he has on , intoxicating you, the best aphrodisiac...
Fingers curls under your chin pulling your gaze to lock on his, your screwed you know it.
"She...Ahm..she told me that well your pretty popular with the fans..." peter is silent as he waits for you to continue,
"And" you can't even say it, a foul taste rises in your mouth, and you feel horribly stupid because why does it fucking matter to you?
Slowly, a small smirk pulls at his mouth, and the world collapsed under you.
"You mean, I fuck fans ? "
Shit, the way he says it so casually, makes your eyes sting.
You nod, why deny it? with his clear eyes it's like he sees right through you.
He grunts slightly,
"And that bothers you?"
Oh fuck!
There's no getting out of this one, is there? You look away slightly, if anyone could come in and save you that would be great-
You motion to the door as you see Sarah trying to approach,
Peter turns and mutters "give us a minute"
And bam he closes the door with a thud, your trapped.
"Answer me" he says as he cups your face,
" know I like you" it slips out of your mouth, and you cringe so bad you cover your face panicking, why would you say that?!?!
He chuckles a little prying your hands from your face before he grabs you, and what you've dreamed of for weeks happens in a split second.
In one swift motion, peter is kissing you with such intensity you feel you might faint, he holds the back of your neck  firmly as he kisses you with such ardor, his tongue slipping past your timid lips.
The kiss quickly becomes out of control, as peter has you trapped beneath him on the floor of this cramped storage closet, his pelvis brushing against your sensitive parts, you can feel how hard he is and the way his hand is groping your chest doesn't help.
He stops his movements and sits straight up to look at you firmly,
"Yes, I've slept with many fans, yes I've been with quite a few people after shows, all of its true....but-"
There is regret in his eyes as he looks down at you, his blue eyes look sad,
"But I didn't like any of them y/n. They helped pass the time, I tried finding a cure to this emptiness I felt inside...but I met you, and suddenly I.."
he looks overwhelmed, with emotions , with himself,
"I can't go back, I can't undo any of that. I wish I could"
What does one say to that?
Is there a logical way to reproach him? Sure you'd been with some people but not even close to his long list of hook ups. You glance at the door, the cue should be sounding, peter watches you, pensive-
"I-....I need some that okay?"
Peter nods, slowly crawling off you, grabbing your hand to haul you up, as you feel your slightly sweaty from your heavy make out session.
Leo busts through, his hands covering his eyes as he shuffles nervously,
"I can't see a thing- we've gotta go on stage now" and with that he bumps out of the room almost falling on various items.
You glance one last time at peter before shuffling off, better just get this damned thing over with...
—-   ——   ——    ——   ———   ——   ——-   ——-   ——
What should've been a fun time was torture, the concert was a hit, fans jumping up and down, but you saw it all through a gray lens. Song after song you felt your energy depleting.
Once the show was over you rushed quickly off stage to try and pack up and get the fuck out of there. Sarah hot on your heels, she'd seen your distressed look during the show and kept giving you small smiles to cheer you through.
Leo was being a bitch, constantly giving peter little glares because in his words, 'y/n is amazing I don't see what they  find in peter so enthralling'
Yea....things had quickly grown tense, it was suffocating.
Once backstage you quickly packed your keyboard, securing all its wires in place before shutting the case, grabbing your personal bag and slinging it across your shoulder, Sarah rushes over to you
" leaving so soon? " she fumbles a bit as she sees your worn out expression.
It's not long before you see the fans slipping through the backstage, making a beeline towards peter, and you feel your throat tighten at how peter is ambushed before he can even step down-
He locks eyes with you, through the flurry of fans you see him hold your gaze as he squeezes through, trying to get to you. With a lot of effort he makes it to you, grasping you to his abdomen due to the height difference-
"You okay?" It's a ridiculous question, he knows it too, his eyes speak volumes, he wants to be alone with you. The fans are too many and too strong because they start to grab at peter, trying to drag him into the mob.
Security quickly breaks through, prying him out, as your group shuffles out quickly diving into Sarah's car as she quickly yanks at the hello kitty stick shift to back up and zoom into the highway.
—- —— —- —- —-
The ride back to peters house is silent and tense, the only sounds are the cars engine and the soft lo-fi music has Sarah has playing.
Leo decides to break the silence,
" fans caught your eye this time peter ?"
Oh no
Sarah looks pleadingly in the rearview mirror, silently begging Leo not to provoke him, not while the car is moving at least...
"Shut. up" is all peter says,
You and Sarah squirm in your seats, you turn to Leo who is in the seat next to you in the back
"Please....please stop"
Leo decides to take pity on you, and leaves peter alone, turning to you, you both start talking animatedly about a new anime you'd both discovered.
Finally able to get your mind off peter, who keeps throwing murderous glances at Leo in the rearview mirror, as you chat away.
"...ya know you never told me if you had boyfriend/girlfriend"
You can't help but feel like peter has suddenly frozen in the passenger seat,
You gulp nervously
"Haha no i uhm...I'm not dating anyone-"
"Yet, once you realize I'm the perfect match for you, You'll never be lonely again " Leo winks at you, blowing you an air kiss.
To you, it's obvious that he's joking around, but to peter it's a war cry. Nervously you glance at his gaze, which has become so enraged his hands shake on the sides of the seat, he stares at Leo through the rearview mirror, almost daring him with his look.
Leo gives him a sly wink, and places a swift kiss on your cheek.
You can hear the tension snap-
In a split second peter has turned around and started punching Leo, Sarah screams as she quickly tries to regain control of the car as Leo starts punching back. You glance nervously as the car swerves and other cars honk at you...
The car is thrown into chaos,
You huddle down yelling at them to stop.
Sarah parks the car and yells at the two to fuck off as she walks inside the house trembling and crying, you behind her as the two are still hell bent on kicking each other and throwing flying punches.
That was not funny, and you feel your body still shaking at how you all almost crashed , all thanks to those two idiots and there silent but deadly battle they'd had that quickly turned into an episode of the royal rumble.
Once inside you and Sarah exchanged a few annoyed looks before heading to her room and crashing, the stress and anxiety of almost crunching her car, making you both tired.
One look at her big pink bed and you both had passed out, the hello kitty plushies giving you silent comfort.
—- — —- — —- —- —— —— —— —-
You woke up with massive cotton mouth, a headache and bloody palms from digging your nails into the skin there.
Glancing at the clock near Sarah's bed you read
1:40 am
Oh shit, you'd crashed longer than you'd have expected.
Mumbling you waltzed into the kitchen downstairs, searching desperately for some water or anything to help with the dryness of your throat .
"Oh my god I need water" you mumbled sleepily,
A cold surface pressed itself into your arm making you jump into the fridge, hurting your forehead.
Glancing back cautiously, you made eye contact with peter.
"'s some cold water" he mumbled sheepishly looking down, you blinked once, twice before realizing he was actually there.
"Thanks..."you mumble, taking the bottle and downing it in one go.
Peter shuffled, glancing at you here and there, "What? " you where confused, what was up with him?
"I...I-uhm...wanted to say...sorry...for the car fight ..."
he rubs the back of his neck, apologizing must be a foreign thing to him....
You cross your arms, you gotta squeeze answers out of him-
"Tell me the truth...what happened ? Why did you snap like that? Your usually so detached...."
peter scoffs before motioning for you to follow him,
"Let's talk in my room" he says quietly, and shuffles away, his lanky figure casting long shadows amongst the pristine furniture.
— —- — —- —- — —- — —- —- —-
"Is this the part where you murder me ?" You joke, looking around his huge room which you'd just stepped into.
Peters room was surprisingly light in color, with rock band and scary movie posters hanging from the walls, black sheets covered the large bed in the middle of the room, adjacent to a nice little window, a rather large bookshelf caught your attention-
"Yes I do, in fact, read" he gave you a Sly smirk seeing you eye up his literature selection.
"Nice, nice Stephen king-" your fingers stopped at a small little book with silver loopy letters, but the title was clear, so clear
"Romeo and Juliet..." you said softly, this was somewhat ironic, a story of star crossed lovers, inside this emo boys room.
He fiddled with his long fingers in his gaming chair, "what can I say....I'm a sucker for happy endings" and then the room fell into silence, the same silence that so often made you loose rationality, and the same one he used against you.
I need to get out of here-
"Yea...hah well uhm, I should go back to Sarah's room ya know sleep the last 4 hours of the night-" so close, your hand on the doorknob, twisted, the door opened, get out get out-
The door is gently pushed back closed, and your aware of peter who is now behind you as you are now trapped inside his room between the door and his lanky torso-
"You and I both know you won't sleep"
"What'd you mean? "
"We both know you'll think of me and our interactions-" he whispers "and I'll burn up in the dark of my room thinking about how I kissed you in the supply closet earlier today"
Aw fuck no
What can you say now?
"I-I need to know...why you and Leo fought, why..."
peter turns you around, kneeling so he's eye level with you,
"Leo pissed me off because like everyone that's seen me recently, they all know that I-I...."
the words die out,
No no no, don't back out now...
you grasp his smooth face in your small hands
"Say it" you demand, it's now or never-
"I like you a lot.'s more than like, but I'll wait to drop that fucking bombshell on you..."
silence and then-
"Fuck this-" Peter lunges at you, carrying you with his surprisingly strong arms to his bed where you land on your back, and then instantly he's on you, pressing his warm large body on you, as you writhe with delicious pleasure,
You kiss, softly first and then the kiss is downright battle for control,
He pulls your hair, you pull his earning groans from eachother, he makes a slight movement with his hips and you feel his full hardness press against your thigh-
You both freeze,
Peter looks at you, and you must look terrified because he kisses your forehead,
"I-I understand if you'd rather wait on...ya know..." his eyes flicker from your face to your exposed skin,
"I....I want to gentle..." you'd rather not talk about how you lack experience compared to him,
He gives you a small smile before he kisses you again, softly, like an invitation to relax,
His fingers slip past your pants, dragging them down, and you kick them off. Impatiently you grab his shirt and tug, but because he's a fucking giant, you can't really yank it over his head, this makes him laugh as he slips it off, and finally your fingers caress his smooth skin, you try to go lower but he stops you, grasping your hand in his larger one-
"No no....first Im taking care of you..." he says softly, and these words make you blush.
He gives you a look, his hands resting on your underwear hem, he's asking permission. (Consent king:)))
You nod, and that's when he pulls your clothing down, and he grabs your thighs, pushing them apart,
"Oh god just stop teasing-" you cover your face as he's staring at your nether regions with so much love and adoration it makes you so shy-
His warm mouth on you makes you jolt, he licks and teases, pressing a hand to your tummy as your thighs shake around his head
It's hard to relax, each lick and caress sends you keening, and squirming, you try to move away, but his hands grip your thighs around his shoulders, your stuck.
But you want him, him and only him, you whine
"P-please, I just want you....please"
He gives you a small kiss, before he sheds the remaining clothing on his lower hips, he settles between your shaking thighs,
He squeezes your hands softly
"Tell me if it hurts....I don't want to make you feel pain.....well not too much at least" a wry smirk rests on his face making you blush,
He leans forward, his chest pressed to you, his eyes locking with yours, as he watches every movement your face makes,
He pushes forward, and his tip presses into your entrance, he pushes a little more and he's made it past, your eyes squeeze shut with slight discomfort,
He stops, petting your hair, he's biting his lip, his arms are slightly shaking, he's restraining himself.
"You okay?"
You nod, "keep going.." you whisper
His hips push forward, as he is now fully within you, the stretch causes a slight sting, and you feel so full of only him.
His jerky breathing is near your ear, you squeeze his arm, letting him know...
The room fills with gasps, low moans and here and there giggles, as you can't help but feel happy that here right now, you both are one.
His movements become erratic, the lewd sound of skin slapping skin fills the room, as you claw his back feeling a new rush of emotions fill your lower belly.
"P-Peter please I'm-im-"
In one swift motion, he presses your thighs against your stomach, thrusting now with precision and force,
This simple change in position makes you explode in pleasure, your back arches and you reach the most mind blowing orgasm you'd ever come to know.
He gives a few more sharp thrust before he buries his face into your shoulder, groaning and giving a few whimpers as he stills, clutching your forearms for support, he lies there, his back shaking with such intensity. For a moment you think he's crying, as he pants and shudders, your bodies wrapped around eachother as nothing could possible break this moment. You both fall asleep, peters heavy body on top of yours, naked still.....
—- — — — —- —- —- —-


Hey guys here's pt2 ! I did put an 18+ warning cuz like there is heavier smut in this

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Hey guys here's pt2 ! I did put an 18+ warning cuz like there is heavier smut in this.
Imma be back with pt 3 the finale
Bye !

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