Salvatore|| YBF- Don

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Don makes me feel like I'm in a Lana del Rey video and you cannot change my mind-

It was the first of the month and that special day when you got to go see your dilf of a landlord.
Of course Lucy being Lucy, she'd staunchly refused to accompany you to his office to pay the monthly fee,(also because once again, she'd slacked this month),
"You sure Lucy?" You asked, internally dancing around with happiness,
Lucy shot you an icy look through her thick lashes, before shaking her head and shooting you a tight smile
"No thanks, I can't let the lasagna burn" she said motioning to the oven that released delicious aroma.
" back then" and with that you went skipping down to to dons office-
You'd both been slightly playfully from the first day you'd moved in. You'd be blind to ignore the burning tension that had grown between you both...
You gave three knocks and then you heard that familiar, "come in"
You opened the door slowly, peeking your head in,
He instantly looked up at you, tearing his eyes from the paper he had been studying.
"Oh heya kid" he replied, a smirk curling his lip slightly as he saw your little blush light up your face.
"Just came to give you the rent "
Don gave you a very long look, you stared back slightly confused before your eyes fell on the open bottle of beer on his desk.
He was slightly drunk...
"Uhm...sir?" He quickly shook his head, almost like shaking his thoughts away, rubbing a hand over his eyes
"I've told ya kid, call me don" he said, his voice was deeper, huskier than normal, a vicious smirk came across your lips-
"Then call me by my name"
Amusement danced in his eyes as he gave you a playful smile,
"Hm...why should I do that?"
You sauntered over to him, making your movements deliberate, so as to show him exactly what you where planning on doing.
Carefully, you removed all papers from his desk before sitting on the wooden slab, your eyes locked on his astonished gaze-
"What are yo-"
You rolled your eyes, fixing him an fake annoyed look, setting yourself bare feet on either side of his spread thighs as his body contracted under the slightest of touch.
"Oh please...aren't you tired of prancing around? Don't act all coy, we both know your at your limit..."
oh shit this is getting good-
He leaned back in his chair, rubbing his chin with his palm, studying you,
"Is this your way of surrendering?"
His remark made you choke on salive, wait what?!
He gave you an amused look, tapping his index finger on his lower lip,
"Honestly...I thought you'd hold out a little longer.."
your confidence had begun to topple as his look only grew more and more mischievous, what a fool you'd been thinking the ball was in your court, so to speak.
'Now you've done it y/n, you've provoked him thinking you had the reigns when in reality he's been pulling the strings from the start!!'
Too lost in thought, you'd not seen don standing, and how now he had you trapped, his large arms on either sides of your thighs on his desk.
"Are you regretting things now...y/n?"
Oh shit shit shit-
You glanced up at him, you should be scared shitless, or at the very least nervous, but frankly you feel far too aroused to give a damn about logical thought-
" talk so much...shut up and kiss me"
His gaze makes you drunk off his affection, and lust- one you clearly read in his eyes.
Don suddenly pulls away, and you feel your stomach knot up in sudden sadness
He locks the door with a click and then it sets in,
Your about to get the most intense fucking session of the century.
In one swift movement, he has you over his shoulder as he kicks open a door, leading to a large king bed, the sheets messy, he throws you on there, and you briefly get to sniff his cologne and smell in the sheets before he is on you, his large body presses against you.
Who would've known that your hot landlord was able to lift you like a rag doll?
His body is warm against you and your fingers, as he presses kisses to your neck,
His large hands grab the plush of your thighs, pinching and pulling making you squirm as he watches you through lidded eyes,
"Oh fuck, are you gonna do something or are we just gonna make out?" The irritation and arousal ever so prominent in your whiny voice.
Don laughs and it's this deep throaty chuckle-
That alone makes you whine, and it only serves to further his amusement.
" mean like this-" in a swift motion his hand is past your underwear and his fingers have found your clit, making your mouth clamp shut,
He stays there, his fingers not moving an inch, like a finger on the trigger, a third finger teases your entrance,
"Now I have a serious question y/n~"
"Mmh" you can't even speak, his large frame is pressed to you so you can feel his prominent dick pressed against your abdomen,
"Would you like these fingers to make you cum? Or this dick?"
In the daze of your arousal, you smirk
"Why not both?"
Don laughs again, nipping at your neck and you can only imagine the wicked hickey he's giving you, obviously this man has experience.
His fingers move in ways that make your toes curl and your thighs cramp ,
"Mhm I feel your clit throbbing, you gonna cum?"
You press your eyes closed, tears form because this feels like the most beautiful orgasm you could ever feel,
Don watches your face tighten, as he speeds up adding more pressure to your clit,
Your orgasm takes you suddenly, as you flinch against the mattress, you squirt a little which makes don hum,
You grasp the chain on his neck and run your fingers through his hair as he studies you,
"Please....I need you to fuck me" it's desperate and whiny and slightly degrading but it's true, your skin sings for him,
Don wastes no time in slipping off his jeans, settling between your thighs rubbing some of your juices over his manhood, before teasing the tip at your entrance,
He jerks his hips forward and you feel the sting of the stretch,
"Sorry-" he mumbles, seeing your face pinch, he reaches forward using his thumb to rub your clit softly which makes it easier for him to slip in fully,
Once he's fully inside you it's all over, he starts off with slow tentative strokes, before he's slamming into you harshly, you gasp at the speed and at the angle he currently has you in- consist of your thighs being pressed together and upright as if you where sitting, but still lying on your back- he's definitely bruising your cervix.
Is all you can muster, as he continues to brutally fuck you, so hard you feel as though he's going to imprint your figure into his mattress.
He continues, fast and direct, it's amazing how agile he is despite his laid back demeanor,
The thought makes you chuckle despite the rough fucking your experiencing.
Don laughs a bit, making his chest shudder,
"Why the giggling"
"F-fuck...who'd have thought my landlord could fuck like this-mM!"
He leans forward, making your thighs part in two,
"I'm a man of many surprises~"
He reaches his orgasm with a jolt and his spine shudders as you see him come undone, the sight makes you hot.
As you lay there, don on your chest as he kisses your chest softly, your fingers rubbing circles on his scalp,
He mumbles
"So...Lucy didn't pay the rent this month"
"Please don, we just fucked...let's not talk about rent right now" you sigh, as he chuckles into your skin, you can feel his stubble,
Slowly, you realize that your phone has been ringing, you wiggle free from dons grasp, as he groans as you leave the warmth of his bed,
You saunter over to the counter of his office, seeing your phone light up with texts from Lucy
All raging about if you where okay,
"Y/n is everything okay?" Don calls out,
Before you can respond a huge slam in heard at the door,
"Ah!" You scream, flying towards dons room, where don is quickly scrambling to put his clothes on,
The door is met again with a huge slam and don finally runs towards the door, yanking it open
"What the-"
Lucy storms through, pushing him out of the way,
"Where is my roommate, you sicko bitch-"
"I-" don is shoved some more
"Did you do something to y/n, they are not answering me!! I-"
Her eyes fall on you clutching your underwear hiding behind his doorway,
And a smirk curls on her face
"Ah, sorry guys, overreacted, I see you guys have been doing the tango~"
And with that she walks away, closing the door behind her.
Don takes a breath, before he bursts out laughing, and you can't help but wheeze as you both fumble on the bed again,
He pressed a kiss to your shoulder before mumbling-
"Hm?" You couldn't really hear him,
"I said....i would like to treat you to a proper date...sometime...whenever you can"
"That sounds nice..." sleep tugged at your conscious, as you and don started to become engulfed in sleep.

- —-
A few weeks passed and you and Lucy decided to not bring that up, she would flash you a teasing grin here and there whenever don would pass the halls.
Today as you and Lucy cleaned a little, a knock was heard at the door,
"I'll get it" Lucy sauntered over to the door, flinging it open,
"Hey y/nnnn, "
"What?" You where washing some dishes,
"Come hereeee"
You sighed, wiping your hands and walking over,
Don stood there, a very beautiful bouquet of red roses in hand, he looked surprisingly bashful,
"Hi...uhm...these are for you...."
You shyly took the bouquet, and smiled at him,
You both cut each other off, and you both laughed.
"I wanted to ask you...if you'd like to go out and eat something tonight ?"
Don laughed,
"Okay, where ?"
"We could go to the diner-"
"Absolutely not, no no" you shook your head
"Oh? Why's that? You got a work bf/gf you don't want me to know about?" Don teasingly asked you as you laughed thinking about TK.
"Ah no. It's just, I would rather not spend my free time at a place I don't really like"
Don nodded
"Got it. What about Italian"
"Italian is good"
"Just fucking kiss already and close the door!" Lucy called out making you bury your face in your hands as you groaned,
Don chuckled before placing a small kiss on your forehead (starts playing daddy issues)
"I'll text you soon...okay?"
Your face heated up, as you nodded, he tapped your chin once before walking down the hall, his large Frame making everything seem small.
Lucy peeked out from the door,
"Oh geez you've got it badddd"
You groaned
"Shut. Up"


I absolutely love don and he needs more recognition, man's is the daddy issues to older bf pipeline dream.
Hi guys I've been away, and sick, but here I am serving don smut to all the other depressed people who also read this book 😘🔪✨😨
Send request!!!
As always-
Stay safe
Lock your doors
Always watch your surroundings
And finally-

You do not recognize the bodies in the water.....

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