Against the odds|| FINALE

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Yb wasn't lying when he said wildlife-
Sarah lived quite literally in the dead of a forest
Apart from her looming threat, the group faced dangers of wildlife -
"This forest goes on forever" TK mumbled, scratching their arm from the dozen of mosquito bites they'd al received in the past hour.
"Cmon, just a bit further" Lucy groaned, stepping over some fallen branches
Yb was caught up in a cold sweat, ringing his thumbs over his knuckles-
"Yo keep up" TK called out, snapping Yb out of his trance as he sped up to catch up to Lucy and a very annoyed TK
Lucy gave a small huff as she rested against a tree
"Uhm Yb did you all always live in this secluded forest ?"
He shakes his head
"This house uhm....belonged to my mom..."
the group stayed silent as they waited for him to continue
"It' mom had issues..talked about going to talk with someone to get more money and she would bring me and Sarah here as kids...leave us alone for days...." he said numbly
"You said used to...did your mom..?" TK mumbled softly
"No no, not to my knowledge at least, I ran away as soon as I could "
TK and Lucy shot each other worried glances in the dark
"Well she was batshit crazy and on drugs so, that's a combo huh?" He chuckled, it was forced
"Im sorry, we didn't mean to pry but-"
Yb shrugged it off
"Its okay...I get it.." he mumbled
"Do you guys think...uhm...y/n is..."
Lucy shuddered, and Yb stilled
No one wanted to think about what might be happening to you.
Light filled the upcoming path leading to a rather large house...
"Is that?" Lucy pointed
"Yea thats...that's the house..."
they all peered down at the stark white wood house with its dim pinkish hue...
You peered out from under the bed, slight anxious sweat beads gathered on your upper brow
"Gotcha~" Sarah hummed as she yanked you by the ankle causing you to scream and explode in a fit of giggles
"Ah omg omg okay your turn" you quickly turned counting to 10
"10...9...8...7....huh..?" You peered out the window seeing...Lucy?
"Lucy?" You whispered walking out the door, Sarah had long since removed any additional locks that would've restrained use of the door
You tip toed out seeing Lucy glance everywhere like crazy, then TK walking behind her like a scared cat and then, your heart leaps out of your chest-
"Yb!" You run through tall grass, straight into the open and waiting arms of Yb who holds you like the most precious thing in the world, his own heaving is hard to miss, his heart which you can feel thrumming as you press your cheek to his chest.
"Oh god...your okay" he breathes it into your hair
TK and Lucy quickly rush to you, breathless hugs are exchanged as well as some tears
you all turn to see a very distraught Sarah standing by the door
She's teary eyed and shaking
"Sarah.." you try and ease her
"Again..." she mumbles, her arms shaking
Yb tenses as her furious gaze lands on him.
"Again? Your stealing someone I love again?!"
She shakes wildly, you failed to notice she had grabbed her gun , her fingers jolt against the handle
"Sarah please-" you whimper
"Why him?! Why is it always him?! Why not..." her facade breaks she lets out a whimper
"Why not me..?" You move to hold her but Yb yanks you behind him.
"Sarah....look, I came ready to kill you, but seeing that y/n is fine...I'm gonna forgive you." He hissed through grit teeth, his demeanor softening just a tad.
Sarah shook some, war flashed across her face , she glanced at you
"Sarah, please Just stop..." you cried softly, this was all too much, too many things where happening at once.
She smiled a very watery smile,
"I understand will never be me-"
"I love you y/n" she said softly, hands shaking-

"NO!" You lunged forward, arms extended, screams tearing from your throat, all in vain.
Sarah slumped down, her body caressed by the grass that grew there. She was so still now...The panic and shock sent you numb, your expression was blank now, except the occasional sniffle to accompany the tears that ran freely down your cheeks.
Yb grasped your body firmly, throwing you over his shoulder.
"We need to get out of here now" he said, his voice shaky
TK and Lucy stood dumbstruck, what the actual fuck had just happened.
Police sirens blazed softly in the distance, the low hum of the forest and its creatures disturbed by the gunshot resounded in a million directions around them.
"Fuck fuck...oh gosh imma pass out-" Lucy paled a little looking at Sarah's body.
"You better fucking not, pull it together" TK grasped her arm, gently leading her away in the direction Yb  scurried, a catatonic y/n over his shoulder staring blankly at the ground.
It's almost like Sarah's ghost screams, the group heard one final scream of agony as they hustled away into the dark trees....
It's been almost a year,
No one completely remembers that night, just flashes here and there
The police never suspected you or your group, everyone moved on with life like normal.
When you where taken to the hospital, it was found that the medication that Sarah had given you had messed with your memory.
Upon awakening, you had no recollection of Sarah or any of what had happened in the month you'd been gone.
Yb viewed it as a secret blessing.....
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"Hey wanna check out the flowers?" You turn to Yb who gives you a small sweet smile,
You nod and smile , walking hand in hand to the back of the small gardening store, leading outside to a plant nursery.
A certain section catches your eye as you wander, letting go of Yb' s hand and shuffling away
Pretty pink and red blossoms appear in small pot all separated to even out the sunlight they get-
Brushing your fingertips over the soft petals you back up too quickly bumping into someone
"Ah ! Sorry sorry-"
"No worries" you turn to face -

 A certain section catches your eye as you wander, letting go of Yb' s hand and shuffling away Pretty pink and red blossoms appear in small pot all separated to even out the sunlight they get- Brushing your fingertips over the soft petals you back...

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You realize it's a young girl with pink nails and a pink headband,
Looking down at her plant you gasp
"Oh god did I do that?" You reach out to try and smooth out the plant
The girl smiled a little
"Ah no, this plant was already dying I just thought, maybe I could resurrect it..." the girl looks at me a tad too long for comfort
I shuffle a bit under her gaze
"It's good to see you again y/n" she blurts
"Huh?" This is a stranger? How does she know my name?
Deft fingers grasp my wrist, I can feel her pulse is fast, scared
"Y/'s me Sarah.." she speaks softly, constantly looking over my shoulder
I blink, the way she speaks, this should mean something to me... I cannot remember anything.
I blink, trying, really trying to search my mind for anything, but no, nothing comes to mind.
I smile slightly confused, "uhm...Sarah, you said? I don't know you. Your mistaken" I pry her cold hand from my wrist watching tears gather in her eyes.
"Yea Im leaving now.." you shuffle, she hops in front of you quickly,
"Look" she holds a single Polaroid photo, you blink and then look closely-
It's you, and Sarah , both painting each others nail a neon pink.
You blink rapidly, a rush of smell, like burning fills your nostrils and suddenly you feel it appear in your mind, like scene from a movie you watch from third person-
You and Sarah caught in a warm embrace, laughter and giggles..
"Yo-" a hand clamps down on your shoulder, snapping you out of the trance your in.
Yb has emerged behind you, yanking you back into his back swiftly, turning you around
"You okay?" He whispers
"I-the girl" you mumble
Yb blinks a few times
"There's no one there" he points to where you had been facing, you blink a little and realize -you are holding the dying plant, and true as he said, there is no one in front of you.
"Oh" you breathe out, laughing a little
"Sorry I feel like I remembered something from the accident " you giggle,
Yb stiffened a tad bit, no one referred to anything about that day, calling it the accident and dancing around it.
Everyone was fairly traumatized, but you where fine because -you didn't remember.
And Yb and everyone else was determined to keep it that way-
As you moved to walk towards the check out line, something slipped from your pocket
Yb bent down to catch it, "hey you dropped some-" he became quiet
The Polaroid of you and Sarah laid in his hands,
He glanced about , not seeing a sign of any life here.
"What?" You turned
He swiftly shoved it within his pocket giving you a smile
"Nothing nothing sorry"
You chuckled and made your way back to the line
Yb flipped his phone out quickly shooting a text to TK and Lucy making sure you didn't see him-
3 words was all he needed to type:
She's not dead.
Hey guys !
Sorry I'm so sorry I've been legit gone, things have been very stressful, I quit my job and am starting a new job very soon.
Lots of stuff went down and I hope you guys still wanna read the finale.
Stay safe !!
Opal :)))

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