Resentful much?|ALL

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Me and my bf had a fight so I got to thinking how would the characters be during a fight with you and how long would they be resentful little bitches- (jk jk I love them all okayyyy)

🇾 🇧 🇫 /🇵 🇪 🇹 🇪 🇷 (?):
- probs is jelly all the time
- one day he can't handle it and he lashes out at you
-I highly doubt he'd ever hurt you intentionally
-(unless you try and run from him then yea he attac)
-he wouldn't prolong it and probs would have hardcore makeup sex
- like I give it 4 hours, maybe a full day(not even 6 hrs )
"Your saying it's MY fault the dude was hitting on me?! I WAS MINDING MY OWN FUCKING BUSINESS"
"I know that! But I can't help it!!"
"Your so over dramatic !"
"Well at least I give a shit, y/n!!"
"You know what?! FINE! fuck off!!"
You'd both stormed off , you slammed the door of his apartment and you walked off pissed beyond imagination at how ridiculous he was being.
God you hoped to never see him again.

Yb stayed silent, his rage making him see red and then as quickly as it came it faded...
Regret, his beloved y/n was now angry. What if they decided to never see him again? Panic shot through him...
Angrily untying your apron you'd smashed it on the rack, fury still present from your previous chat with yb
"...everything okay?" TK asked slightly scared
"Just yb...being his fucking self"
TK laughed and then shut up, seeing your rage
"S-Sorry sorry I hope things get better " TK pats your shoulder softly before retreating to the back.
Walking out you approach the next booth
"Hello what can I get you-"
Yb sits there, a nervous smile spreads across his face
"H-Hello darling...I was wondering-"
You glare at him and he swallows audibly
"Look Im sorry so sorry. I-I just lashed out and you weren't deserving of that...please forgive me. I love-" you cut him off, pressing your fingers to his mouth, shushing him
"Your sorry? Nod"
He nods ,his eyes rimmed with tears
"You'll make it up to me when we get home"
a shiver goes up his spine, like a shot of ecstasy through his blood ,he give a gooey smile
"Yes darling"
That night he finds himself beneath you, a gasping, moaning mess
You bounce on him relentless
With a determined look you count his orgasms
"You gonna calm the jealousy from now on?" you pant
Yb opens his eyes, his shaking hands grasp your thighs as he nods
"Y-yes yes I will w-watch my jealousy... ahh please!-" he tries in vain to stop your bouncing, tears stream down his pleasure painted face
"Please I can't anymore "
You roll over on your back and he eagerly sits up on shaky limbs
"You came 5 times. I haven't came at all. Fix that"
YB eagerly climbs over you ,his mouth leaving wet kisses on your abdomen as he goes lower
"Yes of course darling" he says, his arms still quiver here and there and you can't help but feel glad your not fighting anymore.

T̆̈K̆̈ /̆̈ -̆̈
- on god you guys start fighting about something at work and it bleeds out into things they've slowly started to get frustrated about
(Assuming you guys now live together in a new apartment )
- they get mad when you don't clean up after yourself and you've told them that you will get to it NOT IMMEDIATELY THO
- doesn't get that, they honestly want it done right then and there
- other things too like coming home late sometimes
- you get upset because TK shuts you out really easily
-You love them want to help them through personal issues and them shutting  you out makes you feel useless and annoying
-TK knows that and sometimes does it to be resentful (they feel awful about it later tho)
-judging by how they can be sardonic a lot, I HC that a fight with them could span a week maybe more or less depending on how grave the fight was
- TK would probs not be the one to apologize first UNLESS they see they're loosing you for real
- the makeup sex? Astounding just- not rough or gentle just enough perfection
"Hi, anything else you need?" You got close to the corner booth,
"Yes uhm I got the wrong order "
You groaned internally
"Sorry. I'll get this fixed up right away"
You rushed back into the kitchen
Only a few things where wrong with the order, grimacing you glanced back at TK who was blasting rock music through their headphones, a very clear sign that they where pissed off, and not in the mood for mistakes.
You wrung your hands approaching the grill, waving to get their attention
They glanced up, whisking the order on the grill onto a plate before yanking out an earbud
"What. Is. It"
You gulped
"Uhm this order right here...I just need the meat redone. That's it"
A groan escaped them
"Another fucking mistake ? Jesus y/n, you've screwed up all today! "
Tears welled in your eyes, their words always had a way of tearing deep within you.
"...I'm sorry"
"Your fucking sorry's don't fix shit"
A sob escaped you "l-look I can do it myself, I've cooked on the grill before"
"So you can miraculously break the grill? No thanks"
"I'll fix the order. Get out of my fucking sight"
You nodded walking away as you stood near the front, hot tears cascading down your face
You fumbled with your phone
Dialing one person

Your shift ended in 1 minute and the Restraunt was already closed, with only the noise of TK scrapping the grill clean you turned. Punched in your time card and walked out
You hoped they'd come after you, follow you
But no one came
Just as you where about to walk across the street, their voice floated through, making your heart leap
"Where are you going" TK's voice was flat and yet they stood looking at you
"I'm staying with Lucy..."
"For how long?"
You looked at them incredulously
"Indefinitely " you spat turning and walking down, each step sent bone-crushing dread through you.
What if you never reconciled?
That night you spent drafting and deleting messages to TK
Over and over again
"Oh my god,put the phone down" Lucy groaned from her room
You smiled a bit sheepishly
She stood and sauntered over
"Have you guys ever fought this way before ?"
You thought
"Well yea, but it was different today it had uhm like-"
"An edge ?" Lucy chimed
"Yea, a very sharp edge " 
Lucy rubbed my back softly but nothing could really console me, my body churned with nausea and anxious thoughts.
TK spent the night tossing and turning, without your body next to them it felt very lonely
Frustrated tears streamed down their face
"Fuck" they groaned
It had been a full week, and not a word had been uttered between you two
Until today, One of TK's exes had sauntered through
"Ohhh your y/n right?"
"That's me " you replied, a sugary sweet smile laced your face
"Ah you and TK are a couple right?"
TK went quiet in the kitchen , all the noise and they're rock music came to a stop
A feeling akin to a sharp sting rose within you
You smiled and gulped forcing the most hysterical laughter out
"Ahah me and TK? No nothing of the sort, you must've made an honest mistake. They're just a friend"
TK's ex smiled "ah okay, I wanted to ya know see if they would go out again with me "
You gave them a pat on the shoulder
"By all means go ahead"
You walked back to the kitchen,Grabbing the next order when TK came behind and wrapped their arms around you
"What are you doing-?" TK pressed their face to your neck, you could feel wet kisses being pressed to the back of your neck
They let out a shaky breath
"Please what? Please forgive you? You always shut me out, always make me feel like all I do is screw up-"
TK presses a very soft kiss to your lips, the tenderness made you hush
"I-Im going to work on myself...I'll let you in, I- I- please don't leave me "
TK held your hand desperately, as much as they had hurt you, you could never stay mad
"I...I could never leave you...I love you TK"
TK let's out a breath of relief as they pull you in, hugging you close you can feel their hammering heart through their chest.
"Uhm excuse me?" You both turn to see TK's ex
"I thought..."
TK kissed the top of your hand
"We had an argument...but we are together "
The ex rolled their eyes, walking away muttering vile words.
That night you found yourself very lost in pleasure
TK was making sure to make you finish over and over again
"Fuck!~" your body tightened with ecstasy
TK licked their fingers clean studying your worn out face
" fuck.. I love you" TK said before entering you again, thrusting, messy green hair fell over your face
Pleasure and more pleasure
"Well never fall apart again. Right?" TK said through grunts
"Y-yes never again, ah!" your toes curled as delicious pleasure spilled up your spine
TK froze, their body shaking, as they collapsed over you, their breath ragged
They pressed warm kisses to your love bites, inhaling your scent
"Never again..."

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