Back To Black||YBF- peter

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This is a throw back to the goth edgy ybf/peter-
Just just bear with me okay....
High school AU—- also Leo is the only character that is mine in this story...
Peter is a bit OOC but just enjoy it plz 😔
You sat against the lockers of the semi busy hallway, Fidgeting with your phone, the small buttons making clicks as you typed away at the sms...
You where popular, you'd made friends amongst all social groups- but you preferred to be alone most of the times if not with a large flock of people.
Sighing you waited for the bell to ring so you could begin with the boring task of sitting in class, chewing a nail you sat until -
You jolted as a hand had struck the locker right above you, shaking you opened your eyes
It was peter, the goth dude, the mysterious chaotic force that wandered the halls daring anyone to go against him,
He peered down at you as if looking at the lowest of scum
"Move" was the only word he uttered, and it sent you hurdling away shakily holding your back pack to your chest as you watched him haul a book into the locker slamming it shut, a red cut caught your eye-
He swiveled to you, watching you as you dared to speak to him
" have a cut-"
Silence, he looked at you as if that was the dumbest thing anyone had ever said
You shakily handed him a band aid, your neck pricked with cold sweat
He glanced at the band aid, before snatching it away , his slim black fingernails slightly brushing against yours , slamming the locker door and bustling away.
You sighed, you'd felt close to being beat up,
"You okay? " a friend asked you as you where still shaking
"Y-yeah" you bustled a way as you glanced back at where he had up and disappeared...

lunch came around and your curiosity had been aroused. Ever since your run in with peter in the morning, you'd been ever curious where he had gone,
You followed the distant sounds of a guitar being strummed, it's metallic edge distant...
You peered in the older music room, the one only used for rehearsals and club hangouts,
Seeing peter and two other kids you'd never seen before
One was in all definition pink, pink skirt, pink nails, pink platforms, around her chest was a cute dark magenta bass guitar, she kicked her feet around aimlessly.
Another dude sat at the drums, fumbling with guitar sticks, spinning them around as he watched peter as if waiting for cue...
"Alright ,again" Peter mumbled as he finished tuning his own guitar , giving an experimental strum, the notes coming out clean and raspy under the electric tune...
"Sarah-" he motioned for the pink girl, who immediately sat up
"I need you to come in more in the chorus-"
"Yes!" Sarah stood up and wiggled her pink fingers over the strings,
"Leo....drums sounding good just calm down on the cymbal "
Leo gave two thumbs up before giving two starting thumps on the drums,
And then they began to play , filling the room with a song that shook your eardrums, it was catchy and your feet jumped a bit to the tune.
"Loving you was like loving the dead " came his deep voice and it made you wonder how can one person posses a voice so alluring...
Sarah jumped up and down before swinging her bass and opening up a case, "see you guys next week?" She hummed , jumping you took this as your cue to get outta there before your presence was noted...
The following week you sneaked by the music room again to no avail , the group was no where to be seen. You grumbled walking, you'd wanted to see peter again and neither he nor anyone in the band had been seen in school...
you bumped into someone sending you both flying
"Owowow! That hurt!" Came a very girly voice
You sat up quickly seeing Sarah!
"Ah s-sorry my bad ! " you launched forward gathering her things and quickly pivoting on one foot, leaning over to help her up
She was giggling slightly , checking her bass case for dents.
It was now or never...
"You in a band?" You asked timidly, your fingers shaking
"Hm?" She swung  her case around her back, gently taking her things from you
"Y-your uhm...the you play in a band?"
Her eyes opened slightly before fixing you with a grin
"Yea i am! We play at school, and sometimes larger venues.."
"How many members?" You swayed from foot to foot
Sarah motioned for you to follow her "we have three , it's me , my brother and our drummer Leo"
You nodded furiously "your brother...peter ?"
She giggled nodding "yep that's us the trio.."
"And Im surprised you guys don't have a keyboardist, like most bands have one.."
Sarah hummed yanking open a locker, which (unironically) was filled to the brim in pink.
"We need one and we've held auditions but some people's attitude makes them hard to work with"
"Ah i see" you hummed
"I get the feeling you play something" Sarah hums
"What makes you say that"
She yanks your hand , and sure enough your fingertips are slightly calloused, you fingers stretch slightly...
"You play piano" Sarah points her pink index finger at you, her growing smile stretches across her face .
"Your perfect !!" She grabs your wrist dragging you behind her as she descends the steps of the familiar old music room,
She busts through, your wrist in hand as she throws her backpack on the ground gently dragging you to the center of the room
Peter and Leo are sitting slumped against the wall looking quite unamused-
"Guys! Guys! this is! Is...uhm...whats your name ??"
You flush as you see Leo and peter stare at you
"Y-y/n" you manage to stutter
Sarah jumps a little more
"They play the keyboard! They're perfect! So sweet and funny !" She clasps her hands together and motions for the group to stand
"Let's see what you can do" Leo gives you and sly wink before settling at the drums
Peter plugs in his guitar giving a few strums while Sarah bustles you to sit at the keyboard that had been covered with a slight sheet, you pull it back revealing a glittering purple keyboard, it gives you a strong impression it's been plucked straight from the 80's -
Peter turns to you slightly, for the first time you see past the eyeliner and stare straight into the deep blue hues of his eyes...
" along " is all he says before turning and motioning to Leo
He gives two thwacks of his drumsticks before the groups flies off into a very catchy rock tune,
You close your eyes letting the music flow to you, entering your mind- you see the notes and quickly your fingers take control adding a certain funk to the music
Sarah gives you a glimmering look as she sways her head to your new melody , Leo gives a hoot and peter well....peter doesn't say a thing.
The song comes to an end, and you wait anxiously for Peters final decision, having only played a few minutes you already feel the tingle of playing again, you wring your hands nervously-
"Cmon peter say something the beauty here looks like they could faint any second" Leo chuckles at your distraught face
Peter taps his black nails against the base of the microphone
"....I's good...we've needed a keyboardist for awhile now"
Sarah growls
"Peter! Say something"
"Fine! ...uhm-"
He turns to you, despite how cold he is to everyone on campus he seems almost...flustered to talk to you.
"Your in"
You feel your jaw drop
"That is ...if you want to"
You grin before hopping up and down a little
"Ah thank you!" You jump in place as Sarah rushes over to hug you.
Leo sways over to peter as Lucy and y/n are talking about there gossip as well as exchanging phone numbers,
"Is that the kid that gave you the bandaid ?" Leo murmurs
Peter nods a little, glancing down at the bandaid that he'd shoved in a plastic baggy and was refusing to throw away...
"Yea that's them"
"Welp....that'll do it" Leo chuckles
"The fuck do you mean by that"
"You have a type, dude "
Peter looks around
"You like people that are nice to you" that earns a chuckle from them both...
You stood in front of the very large white, marble house
You felt very out of place here, considering this was the richer area....
Glancing down at your phone you read and re-read the address that Sarah had sent you...
"Nope, no mistaking...I'm at the right house"
'Hey Im here' you texted Sarah
Your phone beeped
'Kk give me a min, be there!'
Shuffling your feet you glanced at the pretty white stones and small fountain that stood outside near the porch-
The door opened revealing peter in the doorway, low cut baggy jeans and a mesh crop top hung off his lithe and sculpted body
Your eyes fixed on the very prominent v line that showed through-
Jesus he's fucking hot
"Hi peter !" Your voice was a little too high and squeaky,
He stood silent, his eye fixed on the floor as he refused to look at you
"Hey" and he moved away, walking away from the door
You stood, 'do I follow him?'
He looked back
He stared at you blinking slightly
Welp shit-
You giggled nervously stepping through closing the door behind you, looking around as the very large white walls that held expensive abstract pieces of art.
You fiddled with your thumbs, I don't belong here....
"The bands downstairs..." he mumbled motioning to the stairs leading to what you'd assumed to be the basement...
"O-oh okay" you turned, not before hearing clinking down the steps-
A pretty blonde girl appeared from the stop of the glass staircase, her pretty pink eyes landed on peter
"Hey ! Cmon!"
Peter looked back at you, "I'll be down shortly" and he shuffled away, following the girl up.
A sour taste arose in your mouth, seeing the blonde away her petite hips up the stairs, peter following her.
You shuffled down, blinking away the odd feeling, after all, peter and you where band mates, not even friends.
The band room, or wreck room as sarah called it, was huge, dark themed, with neon lights to give it a funky vibe.
Sarah giggles waving you over
"Hey ! Hope the house exterior didn't scare you away"
You giggled
"And peter ?" Leo looked at you through shaggy orange hair
"He was with his girlfriend" you replied curtly
Sarah and Leo looked at you strange, before bursting out laughing like hyenas.
"What?" You asked curiously, you hoped and begged the gods above and below that you'd planted this hidden question right-
"Peter doesn't have a girlfriend !" Sarah bawled laughing
"You mean the blonde chick?" Leo sniffed , giggling
More laughter-
"That's his science project partner " Sarah wiped away mascara tears from her laughing face,
"I-I assumed, sorry" you felt flustered
The duo laughed a little, before getting ready, tuning their instruments and such.
You tampered a little with your keyboard, playing a dark tune
Leo looked at you smirking as he started with a beat
Sarah squealed as she followed, strumming a overlaying minor key,
"Did you write this ?" Sarah shuffled over to you
"Yea...I heard it in my dream" you handed her a wrinkled piece of paper that had some notes and scratched out lyrics
Sarah's eyes shone-
"Can you finish the song?"
You all looked up at peter who was leaning against the entrance wall studying your face with his blue eyes,
"Who else?" Leo chuckled
"I like it. Finish it and we'll include the song in our next live performance " peter gave you a very small smile,
"Okay, yes" you smiled as Sarah gave peter a knowing look you didn't quite understand.
"Is your girlfriend gone?" Leo gave you a sideways glance
Peter choked as he adjusted his guitar strap,
"Fuck you mean , 'girlfriend ' ?" Leo motioned over to you as peter fixed you with a teasing look,
You felt yourself blush intensely under his crystal blue eyes.
"I-I assumed i said I was sorry" you ran a hand nervously down your face,
Peter gave you a rare smile before turning and strumming the beginning notes of a song-
You all practiced for about an hour, before you had nervously started twitching and shuffling around
"You gonna tell us what's the issue little fish?" Leo mumbled
"F-fish?" You gawked at him, hoping his humor could somehow turn the tidal wave you where about to face...
"Yea your squirming" Sarah chimed in, imitating the wiggling motions you'd been doing, peter glanced at you from the side of his view.
Why does this always happen when I'm having fun-
You glanced nervously at your phone and then outside the small window,
"I uhm...I should get home" you nervously started gathering your things as you noted how dark it was getting.
Sarah shuffled over to you,
"You okay?" She asked you softly
"Yea...just hate walking home in the dark" you gave her a small smile,
Sarah grabbed your arm suddenly
"We where gonna drive you !"
"We where-?" Leo is cut off with a thwack from peter,
" hey no it's okay I just-"
Peter jiggled his keys in front of you as he motioned for everyone to come,
Sarah giggles as she shoots a glance at peter, to which he grumbles
Once outside the garage door opens revealing a very sleek and vintage looking motorcycle, it's big wheels and lights stare you down, the metals sparkles in the night, and next to it a white car with pink fluffy dice hanging from the rear view mirror-
You laugh a little
"Lemme guess, the white cars yours, peter ?"
He chuckles at you , walking past you settling on the bike, as Sarah pushes you towards him
"Your riding with peter~" she winks at you
"But-!" Leo is shut up quickly as Sarah throws her jacket at his face, he catches it grumbling
"Cmon , get in the car I'm taking you home" Sarah chirps, as Leo gives you a little smile and wink, before ducking into Sarah's white car.
The car pulls out, turning as the headlights are revealed to be(unironically) fluorescent pink.
You turn to peter as he throws a black helmet at you,
"So uhm, I live-"
"I know where you live" he gives you a little smirk running a large hand through his dark hair,
You give him a little suspicious look, he laughs slightly
"I assumed...if you don't live in this area you must like on the far side of town to still come to our high school" you blush , of course.
"Fasten it and cmon" he pats the surprisingly spacious back seat of the bike, he slips on his own helmet , brushing his hair away from his face.
You nervously fasten the clips, and settle in behind him, your thighs brushing his and you both stiffen, he glances back at you , his own helmet obscuring most of his face only leaving his piercing blue eyes to scorch you in your seat-
"I hope your not planning on leaning back like that"
You flush under the helmet
"What am I supposed to do then?"
He reaches back, his large hands grabbing your arms and wrapping them around his lithe torso, you can feel his skin jolt under your fingers,
"And lean towards me" he says, and you could've sworn you heard his voice shake
You lean against him, your chest pressed to his back,  your head against him, settling quite comfortably.
"Ready!" You wiggle a little, excited, you'd never ridden a motorcycle before.
He clicks in the key, kicking up the brake, and giving the handle a firm twist, the motorcycle roars to life-
You are thankful for the helmet as it muffles the harsh sound.
He gives your hand a small pat, before he accelerates, your body and his jerk back as the bike is propelled forward, you turn back seeing the street become small as he turns and in a matter of seconds, he's hit the freeway,
Your eyes catch the lights from buildings and the sky, you'd never known how the stars seem to follow you, peter is deft and swings between cars with incredible grace.
You shyly snuggle up to him, his abdomen jolts, and closing your eyes you smile as his hair brushes past your helmet.
Oh no....I'm falling hard.....



Hey guys! I've been super inactive but y'all ain't gonna complain cuz I'm feeding u good with this one it's 2,876 words, be happy 😈
The inspiration for this story is actually from a mobile game call
Is it love ?
Specifically for a character named Colin,  you should def check that out it's good afffff
Anyways here's some goth peter and I will be making a pt.2
Oh yea

Anyways stay safe Eat cake BYE BYE BE BACK FOR PT2 -OPALLLLLLL👌🏻👌🏻💓💓✨✨

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Anyways stay safe
Eat cake

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