Johnny's Secret

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It was 11pm. Johnny was sleeping over. Elsa had school the next day. Elsa couldn't go to sleep. Elsa decides to go downstairs. To her surprise,Johnny was still awake. Johnny then sees Elsa. "Oh,hi Elsa,can't sleep?" asked Johnny. "No,you?" asked Elsa. "Not at all" said Johnny. "Well,we have to sleep at some point for school" Elsa said. "Well for now,we can just talk" said Johnny. "Ok" said Elsa. Elsa sits down next to Johnny. "Ok,so what do you want to talk about?" Elsa asks. "I don't know" said Johnny. "Me either" said Elsa. "Oh I know. We can talk about what's going on at my house" said Johnny. "But you said that maybe someone else will tell me" Elsa said. "Yeah will,I want to tell you now" said Johnny. "Ok,fine" said Elsa."Ok,you sure you want to hear about it now?" asked Johnny. "Yeah,you wanted to tell me so I think you should" said Elsa. "Ok,you asked for it. Ok,so for about 6 years,I have been getting abused by my parents. They have been giving me trouble. So, it has only been happening for that long" said Johnny. "So they haven't cared about you for that long" said Elsa. "Pretty much,I don't like to talk about that much. Everyone else in the gang knows about it" said Johnny. "Even Pony?" asked Elsa. "That's what Soda said" said Johnny. "Well,Soda has never talked about it around me" said Elsa. "Will,maybe he wanted me to tell you" said Johnny. "Maybe. Sorry it happened" Elsa said. "It's fine" said Johnny. "And it is still happening now?" asked Elsa. "Yeah. That is why Darry is letting me stay the night" said Johnny. "Oh well,am glad you are staying" said Elsa. "Then we wouldn't had this conversation" said Johnny. "Yeah,and I would l not be able to talk to anyone at this time" said Elsa. "Oh yeah,that to" said Johnny. "Would Darry kill you if he knew you were awake?" asked Johnny. "Most likely "Oh,and sorry to hear about your parents. Darry told the gang what happened to them" said Johnny. "Oh,thank you" said Elsa. "Now,you better get to bed before Darry finds out your awake" said Johnny. "We can talk more about something other than this topic tomorrow" said Johnny. "Ok,talk to you in the morning. You are walking to school with us tomorrow right?" asked Elsa. "Yeah,l of course,I don't want to miss school" said Johnny. "Ok, goodnight Johnny" said Elsa. "Goodnight Elsa" said Johnny. Elsa then went upstairs and back into her room. "Well I hope am not up all night thinking about what I just heard" Elsa thought. "Well,I better try and go to sleep so am not as tried at school tomorrow" Elsa said to herself. "Tomorrow is another day" Elsa said to herself.

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