Morning Alone

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It was Sunday morning. It was 9am. Elsa couldn't go back to sleep. Elsa decided to go downstairs. You saw that nobody was there. Elsa decided to make breakfast. After breakfast,Elsa turns on the TV. She watched it for about an hour. Still no sign of the gang. She tries to think of something to do. She decides to draw in her Sketchbook. She likes to draw. She could draw whatever. She decides to draw a vampire. She is a really good drawer. Nobody knows she can draw though. After she is done drawing that,she think of the poem-"Nothing Gold can Stay". She also thinks of sunsets. She draws a sunset on the front and writes the poem on the back. By then,it is already 11am. They still weren't here. She then decided to sing for a little bit. When she was done singing,it was now 11:30am. Sense no one was there,she decides to go on a walk. She knows Darry would probably be mad at her for going alone but she doesn't care. She starts walking. "I feel like I should be home by 12" Elsa thought. So far,she doesn't see any Socs. She doesn't always see any Socs anyways. Today just seemed different. Usually the gang would be there at this time on the weekend. Elsa decided to go to a store. When Elsa gets inside,there were Socs there. "They must be in a store or at home or something" Elsa thought. So far,none of the Socs have noticed her. Elsa decides to just walk around for now. She doesn't feel like buying anything so she leaves the store. Else just walks around town. Elsa goes in stores still but just to walk around. After doing that for a bit,Elsa starts to walk home. Elsa then stops by one store to get Soda something for his birthday coming up. Elsa looks around.  Elsa thinks for a minute. Elsa sees a leather jacket and a wallet that he might like. Elsa seems to have enough money for both. Elsa then buys them. Elsa then continues to walk home. When she gets inside,she goes to her room and quickly wraps the present. Elsa puts them in together. It isn't his birthday today but she doesn't want him to see it. Then Elsa hears the door open. Elsa looks at her watch and it says 12:00. Elsa then goes downstairs. "Where were you guys?" Elsa asked. "Working on something" said Soda. "I was helping Soda" said Steve. "Me and Johnny went to the lot" said Pony. "For 3 hours?" Elsa asked. "Actually for 4 hours. We left at 8" said Johnny. "Did all of you guys leave at 8?" Elsa asked. "Yeah" said Darry. "Ok" said Elsa. Elsa looks at the other three to find out why they weren't there. "I was at my house for a bit" said Dallas. "I was hanging out at the bar" said Two-Bit. "Hears a thought,maybe you should work there" said Elsa. "Maybe I will" said Two-Bit. Elsa then looks over at Darry. "I was out with a friend" said Darry. "With a girlfriend?" Two-Bit asked. "I don't have a girlfriend" said Darry. "Sure you do" said Two-Bit. Darry then hits Two-Bit with a pillow. Two-Bit just laughs. Elsa goes to her room. Just when she got to her bed,there was a knock. "Come in" said Elsa. It was Dallas. "Hi sweetie,how was your day?' asked Dallas. "Good" said Elsa. "And what did you do?" Dallas asked. "I don't have to tell you" said Elsa. "I told you" said Dallas. "Well,you weren't here" said Elsa. "Why is it so hard to tell me?" Dallas asked. He sat next to Elsa. "I just relaxed" said Elsa. "Ok then. Don't forget about our date tomorrow" said Dallas. "I won't" said Elsa. He then kissed her and she kissed back. When Dallas opened the door,Johnny was standing there. Johnny then came into the room. "Hey Johnny, what's up?" said Elsa. "Hey Elsa. Do you want to do something later?" Johnny asked. "Like what?" Elsa asked. "How about the lot?" Johnny asked. "Weren't you just there?" Elsa asked. "Yeah but I want to go there with you" said Johnny. "Ok yeah sure said Elsa. "How about in 5 minutes" said Johnny. "Ok" said Elsa. Johnny then leaves the room. "Johnny is also my best friend" Elsa thought. "I think me and Johnny will have fun together" Elsa thought. "I have also not been to the lot in awhile" Elsa thought.

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