Going Alone

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It's 2:30pm. Elsa thought that she would go for a walk. She goes downstairs. "Elsa,where are you going?" Darry asked. "Out for a walk" said Elsa. Darry sighed"I guess you can go alone" said Darry. "Did I hear him right,he said I can go out alone" Elsa thought. "Wait really?" Elsa asked. "I don't feel like arguing today. If you get hurt,that's on you" said Darry. "Fine by me" said Elsa. "At least you are finally letting her go out alone" said Soda. "Yeah well,you heard what I said" said Darry. "You are still letting her though" said Soda. "Have fun" said Pony. "See you later" said Johnny. "Stay safe" said Steve. "I well" said Elsa. "See you guys later" said Elsa. Elsa leaves the house. "I hope the Socs will leave me alone" Elsa thought. "Am just happy I can go out alone" Elsa thought. "Darry probably won't let me go alone to often though" Elsa thought. It was not to long after that when  Elsa saw a white Lincoln coming her way. "Is that Mason Jerry's car?" Elsa thought. "It looks like it" Elsa thought. Elsa walks a little faster because of what was going on at the DX. The car parked next to her. Elsa stops because he may not hurt her. "Hi Elsa Curtis" said Mason. "Hi Mason Jerry" said Elsa. Mason just gave her a half smile. Elsa sees that there are 4 people in the car including Mason. Mason gets out. "Long time no see" said Mason. "I know right" said Elsa. "I have not seen you sense the night at the DX" said Mason. "I know right" said Elsa. "Are you still working there right now?" Mason asked. "I have not worked there sense that night. And I was just helping out" said Elsa. "You were still working there" said Mason. "Yeah,whatever. Ok,see you later Mason" said Elsa. "Wait,am not done talking to you" said Mason. "What do you want to talk about then?. If it's about me wanting to be your girlfriend I already have a boyfriend" said Elsa. "You have a boyfriend" Mason said. "Yeah,if I didn't already have one,I would still not want to be with you" said Elsa. "Hey come on,don't be like that" said Mason. "Like I said at the DX,I just want to be friends" said Elsa. "Fine" said Mason. Mason tries to grab her but she backs away. "Who is your boyfriend anyways?" Mason asked. "That is none of your concern" said Elsa. "Do I know him?" Mason asked. "You may or may not know him" said Elsa. "Why do I feel like it's Johnny Cade?" Mason asked. "I don't know" said Elsa. "I think it is" said Mason. "Well,believe what you want" said Elsa. "See you later" said Elsa. She seems a little frightened. Elsa walks faster. Mason gets in his car.  He speeds to the corner in front of her. Everyone gets out this time. "Shoot,he really takes it this far" Elsa thought. Elsa is about to cross the street when someone grabs her and pins her to the ground. Mason kneels down in front of her. "Leave me alone" Elsa said. "I don't think I want to" said Mason. "Leave her alone" someone says. Elsa turns around and sees Johnny. "Why dose Johnny have to be here" Elsa thought. Johnny takes out his blade. "Oh if it isn't Johnny Cade" said Mason. Johnny's eyes widen. "Mason Jerry,I thought you guys were friends" said Johnny. "We are still friends" said Mason. "Then why is she pinned to the ground?" Johnny asked. "Because we are uh,playing a game" said Mason. "Johnny,get out of here!" Elsa shouted. "Playing a game uh,then why dose she want me to leave? I am not leaving you Elsa" said Johnny. "Johnny,I don't want you to get hurt" said Elsa. "Will,I don't want you hurt either" said Johnny. Elsa smiled. Johnny also did. "Wait a sec,are you her boyfriend?" Mason asked. Elsa and Johnny both looked at each other. "Why dose it matter to you?" Johnny asked. "Just because" said Mason. Elsa nods at Johnny. "Yeah I am. You got a problem about that?" Johnny asked. "Not really" said Mason. "He actually dose have a problem with that" said Elsa. "Shut up Elsa" said Mason. "Don't talk to her like that" said Johnny. Mason snaps his fingers and the three others go after Johnny. Elsa gets up to go help Johnny. Mason grabs her wrist and holds her back. Elsa tried to get out of his grip but Mason tightened it more.  Before you knew it,they had Johnny pinned to the ground. He snaps his fingers again and one person grabs Elsa. "You better not hurt her" said Johnny. "Your the only one who well be hurt" said Mason. Mason lends in close to Johnny. "Stay way from Elsa and maybe I will leave you alone" said Mason. "She would never want to be with you anyways" said Johnny. Mason smirks. "Then I will make her" said Mason. "Your just jealous" said Elsa. Mason looks from Johnny to Elsa back to Johnny and back to Elsa. Mason walks towards her. "What makes you think that sweetheart?" Mason asked in a sweet voice. "Don't test me" Elsa said. Mason only frowned. "I guess I am testing you then" said Mason. He put is hand on her face. "Don't touch me" said Elsa. "I can if I want" said Mason. He was rubbing her check back and forth. "Don't touch her!" Johnny yelled. Someone put there hand over his mouth. Mason grinned at him then looked back at Elsa. Mason got out his blade and put his blade to the side of her face. "Now,you listen to me or your not going to like what is going to happen next" said Mason. "Why would I listen to you?" Elsa asked.
To be continued......   

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