Something Different

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It was Sunday morning. Elsa couldn't stop thinking about what happened yesterday. Yesterday was kinda crazy. At least crazy with Mason. "Why would he act like that to me?" Elsa thought. She dose the normal stuff she usually does in the morning. "Hey Elsa" said Johnny. "Hi Johnny" said Elsa. "So,have any plans for today?" Johnny asked. "No" said Elsa. "Now she has plans" said Darry. "What plans?" Elsa thought "You have plans with me" said Darry. "Why do I have to do something with him" Elsa thought. "Am still super mad at him" Elsa thought. "I think I will pass" said Elsa. "I never said you could" said Darry. "Darry, what are you planning?" Soda asked. "None of your business" said Darry. "I don't think she wants to do anything with you for awhile" said Pony. "I don't care. We are leaving now so put on your leather jacket and shoes" said Darry. Elsa sighed but she did what she was told to. About 5 minutes later,they left the house. "Elsa, look,I know I messed up but I did it for your own good" said Darry. "No,you only did it because he is one of the toughest people there is in this part of town and because he has been to jail. If you want to make it up to me,let me date him" said Elsa. "I am not going let that happen. Out of the whole gang,why did you choose him?" Darry asked. "Cause I wanted to" said Elsa. "Well,I would be fine with anyone else in the gang except Two-Bit" said Darry. "Oh,maybe I will choose him them" said Elsa. "Well I forbid it from happing" said Darry. "Why? Because he gets drunk a lot?" Elsa asked. "Something like that" said Darry. "Of course. It's not like I was ever planning to be with him anyways" said Elsa. "Well good then" said Darry. "You know,I never thought you liked going on walks Darry" said Elsa. "Yeah well,I would sometimes" said Darry. "Yeah,I can tell" said Elsa. "Elsa,you can be mad at me all you want but you are not going to change my mind about Dallas" said Darry. "Of course" said Elsa. "Well maybe Dallas will come Thursday" said Darry. "I sure hope so" said Elsa. "Well,next time you go on a date or get a boyfriend,I hope you would tell me right away" said Darry. "If I told you right away that I was dating Dallas am assuming that you still wouldn't like us to date" said Elsa. "You got that right" said Darry. "There is only two members of the gang that I could date. Unless I date someone outside of the gang" said Elsa. "If you date someone outside of the gang,you need to tell me the name of the person right away" said Darry. "Ya sure" said Elsa. "Am serious You know there are people outside of the gang that I don't want you to date" said Darry. "Ya,I know that" said Elsa. "Hey,why don't we start heading home" said Darry. "That's fine" said Elsa. When they get back,it's already 2pm. They were gone for about 2 hours. "Oh,you guys are back" said Soda. "Well glad you guys are" said Steve. "Ya,me too" said Two-Bit. "Well,see you guys later" said Elsa. "Where are you going?" Darry asked. "Upstairs" said Elsa. She gets to her room. Then there was a knock at her door. "Come in" said Elsa. It was Pony and Johnny. "Do you want to watch a sunset with us later tonight?" Pony asked. "Sure,I like sunsets" said Elsa. "Cool" said Pony. "Ya,it will be fun" said  Johnny. "Ok see you then" said Pony. "See ya" said Elsa. "It will start after dinner so be ready" said Pony. "Okay" said Elsa. Pony leaves the room. "Elsa,you have been acting different ever since Darry said you guys could not date him anymore" said Johnny. "Acting different" said Elsa. "Ya,I feel like you have" said Johnny. "Ya maybe to Darry" said Elsa. "Look,you know you can tell me anything" said Johnny. Elsa sighed. "If I tell you can you please not tell anyone else?" Elsa asked. "I promise" said Johnny. "Ok,here goes nothing" said Elsa. "Ever since I had to break up with Dallas,I feel like I lost my mind. I have been very upset with Darry and I have just been think about Dallas lately. I just worry that whenever I see him next,it will be different. I wish we were still together" said Elsa. "Ya,I guess it's a lot to take in. I was not expecting Darry to act like that that fast. Am sorry you felt that way" said Johnny. "It's fine,you are a good friend Johnny" said Elsa. "You are too" said Johnny. They smiled at each other then Johnny left. "I am glad I said that to him" Elsa thought. "He is someone I can trust" Elsa thought. "He is a good friend" Elsa thought.

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