Decoration Party

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It was Monday morning. It was 8am. Elsa remembered that she has to decorate the cafeteria this morning. She isn't happy with the partner she was assigned to decorate with. Well technically he isn't a partner but he will be working with her. The principal thought it was a good idea to have them work together but she doesn't think it is. It's a three day weekend though. After this decorating party,she has a date with Johnny. Darry might make her go to the dance this evening though. If she goes then Johnny will go. That's what he said anyways. Elsa and Johnny have never been on a date yet. You don't know why the principal wouldn't want the staff to do the decorating but whatever. Elsa wanted to be at the school in an hour. Elsa gets ready pretty fast. She is thinking about leaving at about 8:50. It takes about 5 minutes to get to the school when driving. When you walk,it takes about 10 minutes. She would rather drive today though. She well maybe walk home. About 50 minutes later,it is 8:50. "Bye Elsa,have fun" said Soda. "Bye Soda" said Elsa. "Bye Elsa,can't wait when you come back so we can go" said Johnny. "Bye Johnny. Yeah, can't wait" said Elsa. Pony comes over to Elsa. "Bye Elsa,stay safe,I know who your working with. Am I the only one who knows about it?" Pony whispered. "Yes,you are the only one who knows about it." Elsa whispered. "See you later" said Steve. "Bye" said Two-Bit. "Have fun" said Dallas. "Bye guys" said Elsa. Darry was driving her. "Ready to go?" Darry asked. "Yeah" said Elsa. "Ok" said Darry. They arrive at the school a few minutes later. "Ok we are here,bye Elsa" said Darry. "Bye Darry" said Elsa. "You sure you don't want to be picked up?" Darry asked. "Yeah,am sure" said Elsa. "Ok,be safe walking back then" said Darry. "Ok" said Elsa. Darry then drives off. When Elsa gets to the cafeteria,Bob is already there. When he sees her,he gives her a half smile. "Ok,sense you guys are both here,I can explain everything. Make sure all of the decorations get hanged up. I don't care where you guys hung them. For the first 10 minutes,maybe you guys should be away from each other considering that you guys have been in many fights. I know I said I want you guys to work together but I think you guys should be separated some of the time" the principal said. "Ok"" said Elsa. "Ok" said Bob. "Ok,I hope my instructions were very clear,see you guys later" the principal said. "They were definitely clear and see you later" said Bob. "Clear enough,see you l-later" said Elsa. With that,he left. When he was out of sight,they got to work. They listened and didn't go near each other for 10 minutes at least. It was quiet during that time too. It was more like 15 minutes that they weren't near each other. "Nice to see you here Elsa" said Bob breaking the silence. "I would rather not see you though" said Elsa. "I think I know that by now" said Bob. "I think you know to" said Elsa. "You are probably happy that Randy isn't here" said Bob. "You are probably right. How about it goes back to being silent" said Elsa. "I don't know of I want it silent" said Bob. "You are one person I don't like talking to" said Elsa. "Well,I like talking to you" said Bob. "Well,the sooner we get this done,the sooner we can leave" said Elsa. "If you want to leave sooner,then we should work together" said Bob. "I would rather work alone. I like decorating but I don't feel like decorating right now though. And I certainly don't like doing it with you" said Elsa. Bob smirks. "So you like decorating but you don't want to do it right now. I understand that you wouldn't want to do it with me cause you don't like me" said Bob. "Well,maybe if you wouldn't have jumped me or been mean to me at school, maybe I would like you. Also if you haven't jumped me outside of school" said Elsa. "Whatever" said Bob. It was 12 when they were done decorating. "I guess we wait till the principal gets here" said Bob. "I guess so" said Elsa. "So,what do you want to do until then?" Bob asked. "Something alone" said Elsa. "You know,am not really a bad guy" said Bob. "You have clearly showed that so far" Elsa said sarcastically. "That's because you don't know me as will" said Bob. "Whatever" said Elsa. 30 minutes have passed. "Elsa,come on,don't be like that" said Bob. "Leave me alone Bob" said Elsa. "I don't think so" said Bob. Bob pinned her against the wall. "Let me go!" Elsa shouted. "I don't think so" said Bob. "Your going to get us in trouble if you get caught" said Elsa. "I don't really care right now" said Bob. He got out his blade putting it to the side of her face. "You know,this is getting kinda boring" said Bob. "I would rather not do anything then be suck here with you" said Elsa. Bob grabs her wrist and tightens his grip on her. "You listen to me,I am in charge of you,and when we go to school tomorrow,things well be different,got it" said Bob. Before Elsa could say anything,the principal comes in. Bob let's go of her. "Ok,I see that you guys have finished,you guys can go now" the principal said. "Ok,bye" said Elsa. "See you later" said Bob. When Bob caught up with her,he stopped her. "I hope you understood what I said" said Bob. He then left It was 1:10pm when Elsa got home. "How was it?" Soda asked. "It was alright" said Elsa. "I thought you liked decorating" said Pony. "I didn't want to do it at that time" said Elsa. "Well,glad your back" said Darry. "Am sure you guys did a good job at it" said Dallas. "Yeah,I think so to" said Steve. "I hope you had fun still though" said Two-Bit. Elsa nodded and went off to her room. Then there was a knock at her door. "Come in" said Elsa. It was Pony and Johnny. "Hi guys" said Elsa. "Can I tell him?" Pony asked. "Sure" said Elsa. "The person she was working with was Bob" said Pony. Johnny's eyes went wide. "Well shoot,I hope it went well then" said Johnny. "I hope so too" said Pony. "Don't worry,am fine" said Elsa. "Ok then" said Pony. He left the room. "Well,hurry and get ready so we can leave said Johnny. Elsa smiled. "Ok,I will" said Elsa. Johnny smiles and left. "Today was an interesting day" Elsa thought "I wish I didn't have to work with Bob though" Elsa thought. "I hope this day will get better though" Elsa thought "At least am going on a date with Johnny to make up for it" Elsa thought.

Hey guys! I was definitely not expecting it to be this long. Maybe I should have made a part 2. I still like the ending though. Sorry if it was a little too long. I hoped you liked it. Stay Gold

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