Ordinary Day

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It was Wednesday morning. All Elsa was thinking about was that she was with Johnny. She was glad that they were together. School was something she has to pay attention to. She had school in a little bit. More like an hour.  Everyone went off to there lockers. Elsa went to hers and no one was there at that point. Then when she closed it,someone came out of nowhere. It was Randy. "Hey Elsa" said Randy. "What do you want. Can't I just have another morning where I don't see you?" Elsa asked. "I don't think that's going to happen" said Randy. Elsa saw a shadow behind her. "Hi guys" someone said. It was Bob. Elsa tried to get away but someone grabbed her. "Come on,we didn't see you yesterday" said Bob. "And I am glad" said Elsa. Then the bell rang. They then walked to there classes. Before you knew it,it was already time for lunch. Elsa was just sitting with Pony,Johnny,and Two-Bit when someone spilled water on her. "How is it going grease" someone said. It was a Soc girl. Elsa stood up. She then glared at her. "That will teach you for  what you did to Chris. He's my boyfriend. Am Kate. And I know your name" said Kate. "Well,he tired to jump me and my friend. It was self defense" said Elsa. "I don't care what it was,you should not have done that" said Kate. Pony stood up. "How about you leave my sister alone" said Pony. Kate turned his attention to him. "Oh yeah,what are you going to do about it?" Kate asked. "I don't think you want to find out" said Pony. Then Bob and Randy came out of nowhere. "What is going on here?" Randy asked. "Ask Elsa" said Kate. Then Chris came by. "Hi Kate, hi Elsa" said Chris. Elsa left the lunch room. Then someone grabs her. "Where do you think your going?" Someone asked. It was Kate. I few seconds later,a few other people were there. "I think I know who the others are" Elsa thought. "If you don't leave me alone,you well regret this" said Elsa. "Oh really,you sure about that?" Kate asked. Elsa got out her water and spilled it on Kate. "Don't mess with me" said Elsa. Chris walks over to Kate's side. "You well pay for that" said Chris. Elsa punched Chris. Randy then pinned Elsa to the ground. "We aren't done with you yet" said Randy. "Why can't everyone just leave me alone" said Elsa. Kate punched Elsa in the face. Elsa broke we free from Randy's grip and punched Kate in the face. "What the heck is going on here? You too,my office now!" the principal yelled. He was referring to Kate and Elsa. "Who is going to tell me who started the fight?" the principal asked. "It was Kate,she spilled water on me in the lunch room" said Elsa. "Elsa started it,she did that to me" said Kate. "She's lying" Elsa thought. "Ok so both of you are in trouble for sure" said the principal. "I am calling your brother Elsa. Kate,I am calling your mother" the principal said. "Elsa,why is he calling your brother? Is it because you don't have parents anymore" Kate whispered again. She then laughed. That was mean. Elsa started to cry. The principal heard what she said the second time. "Kate,you now have detention" the principal said. "What for?" Kate asked. "For what you said to her" the principal said. "I will get you for this Elsa" said Kate. She then headed to detention. "Call my brother if you want. I don't care anymore" said Elsa. "I will see you tomorrow Elsa,bye" the principal said. The rest of the school day was fine. "Are you ok Elsa?" Pony asked. "Yeah,am fine" said Elsa. "Am sorry that happened at lunch" said Johnny. "It's fine. Thanks for trying to stand up for me Pony" said Elsa. "No problem" said Pony. "Darry is probably going to be mad at me now" said Elsa. "Why?" Pony asked. "The principal caught me and Kate fighting outside of the lunch room" said Elsa. "Did you get detention?" Johnny asked. "No,I guess I was Lucky" said Elsa. After they got back to the house,they went upstairs to work on homework. A few hours later,Darry came home. Elsa heard the door slam shut. She could tell by the way he did it,he was mad. Pony and Johnny went downstairs. "Elsa,get down here right now!" Darry yelled. "I know he's mad at me" Elsa thought. Elsa slowly walked downstairs. She walked next to where Soda was standing. "What's up?" Elsa asked. "Why did you get in a fight today?!" Darry yelled. "That's a long story" said Elsa. "Why don't you tell me!" Darry yelled. The front door slammed shut again. It was Dallas. "She doesn't have to tell you!", Pony yelled. Darry turned to Pony. "Shut up Pony!" Darry yelled. "Hey Darry,how about you lower your voice" said Soda. "Shut up Soda!" Darry yelled. He turned his attention back to Elsa. "What happened?!" Darry yelled. "Someone just spilled water on me!" Elsa yelled. Elsa started to go upstairs when Darry grabbed her wrist. He turned her around to face him. "So that started the fight then?" Darry asked. "Yeah" said Elsa. "What was that person's name" Darry asked. "Her name was Kate" said Elsa. Darry looked over at Dally. "I know someone named Kate. Why did she go after you?" Dally asked. "I hurt her boyfriend" said Elsa. "No wonder she went after you" said Dally. Darry let's go of her. "Pony,can I talk to you?" Elsa asked. "Sure" said Pony. They went up to Elsa's room. "What did you want to talk about?" Pony asked while shutting the door. "Can you keep a secret?" Elsa asked. "Yeah sure" said Pony. "When I went to the principal's office,the principal said that he was going to call my brother,then Kate asked when he said that,then said is it because you don't have parents anymore then she laughed. The principal heard what she said then sent her to detention. I kinda cried before she went sense she said that" said Elsa. "Man,I hate her already. Don't you think Soda and Darry should hear that?" Pony asked. "I don't want to have another talk" said Elsa. "Ok,fair enough. Why can't Soda know?" Pony asked. "Cause,I don't want him telling Darry" said Elsa. "Ok. I will talk to you later" said Pony. "Ok,later Pony" said Elsa. Pony left the room. "I wish today was better" Elsa thought. "I guess it just got worse though" Elsa thought.

Hey guys! I know that was a long chapter. I just wanted it all in one. I hoped you liked it. Let me know what you though about it. Stay Gold

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