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It's Friday morning. Elsa remembers what happened at school yesterday. I think Kate is Elsa's new enemy. The day before yesterday was not the best either. She meant Kate two days ago. "I still think Kate deserves detention" Elsa thought. "Hey Elsa" said Soda. "Hey Soda" said Elsa. "Hey Pony" said Soda. "Hi Soda" said Pony. "Hey Elsa are you ready to go?" Pony asked. "Yeah" said Elsa. "Hey Johnny,ready to go?" Pony asked. "Yeah. Where's Dally?" Johnny asked. "He hasn't gotten here yet" said Darry. Just right after Darry said that,Dallas comes though the door and closes it with a slam. "Hey guys" said Dally. "Hi,ok am going to work now,bye" said Darry. "Later Darry" said Soda. "See you later" said Dallas. "Bye" said Steve. "See you later" said Johnny. "Bye" said Pony. "See ya" said Elsa. "See you guys later,me and Steve are going to work" said Soda. Before anyone could say anything,they are already out the door. "Hey Dal,can I talk to you?" Johnny asked. "Ya,sure. Maybe I will gives all of you a ride so your not late" said Dallas. "I am going to walk" said Elsa. "I don't think that is going to happen Elsa" said Dally. "You are not in charge of me" said Elsa. Dally just rolled his eyes. "Elsa,I think we should just go with him" said Pony. "See you guys later" said Elsa. Pony grabs her arm. "Stay put" said Pony. "Ok Johnny,we can talk now" said Dally. They go in a different room. About 10 minutes later,they are done talking. "Ok guys,let's go" said Dally. They all get in the car. They get to the school and everyone gets out. They then head inside the school. "Elsa,can I talk to you?" Johnny asked. "Sure Johnny" said Elsa. "Elsa,do you think I could take you out on a date soon?" Johnny asked. "Sure,that would be good sense we haven't had one yet" said Elsa. "Ok cool. How about Monday?" Johnny asked. "Monday would work" said Elsa. "Cool" said Johnny. Everything is fine until announcements come on in 4th period. "Good afternoon. Remember that there is a three day weekend this weekend. There is no school Monday. Also don't forget about the dance Monday night. If I call your name please come to my office. Bob Sheldon and Elsa Curtis please come toy office. Have a good day" the principal said. And that was the end of the announcements. "Oh no, what's going to happen" Elsa thought. "I have to go to the office and Bob is going to be there" Elsa thought. "I wonder what it is" Elsa thought. When Elsa gets there,Bob is already there. Elsa heads on in. "Hey guys,please take a seat" the principal said. Bob gives Elsa a half smile in sits down. "I have to sit next to him" Elsa thought. Elsa sits down. "I know that you guys were in a fight before and it will probably keep on happening. You guys are going to have to work together on a project" the principal said. "I have to work together we him" Elsa thought. "You guys are going to decorate the cafeteria for the dance Monday night. You guys have to come by Monday morning to work on it" the principal. They both looked at each other. "I have plans Monday" Elsa said. "I do to" said Bob. "Look,I know that your a Soc and your a greaser but I still want you guys to work together on something. Also if you guys do this,you guys won't get detention the rest of the school year" the principal said. "Fine" said Elsa. "Ok" said Bob. "Cool,I expect to see you both Monday morning,the task should only take the morning to work depending on when you get here" said the principal said.
"Ok,see you later" said Elsa. "Bye" said Bob. "Bye guys" the principal said. "See you Monday I guess" said Bob. "Same to you" said Elsa. The rest of the school day went fine. "Elsa,what was that all about?" Johnny asked. "What do you mean?" Elsa asked. "Why did you and Bob get called down to the principal's office?" Pony asked. "I have to go to the school Monday morning to decorate the cafeteria" said Elsa. "How about  we go on are date  Monday afternoon then" said Johnny. "That will work. Am going to have to tell Darry what is going on Monday though" said Elsa. "I wonder what Darry is going to think" said Pony. "Me to" said Johnny. They get back home about 10 minutes after that conversation. Darry came back a few hours later. "Hey guys" said Darry. "Hey Darry. Darry,I have to go to my school Monday morning to work on something" said Elsa. "What are you working on?" Darry asked. "To help decorate the cafeteria for the dance Monday" said Elsa. "Why you going?" Darry asked. "The principal said" said Elsa. "Ok" said Darry. "Me and Elsa have plans when she gets back here so it will be a while" said Johnny. "Ok" said Darry. Elsa and Pony go upstairs to her room. "Dose Bob have to decorate with you or just you,?" Pony asked. "He has to as well" said Elsa. "Of course he dose" said Pony. "Don't tell anyone but the principal said if we work together on this,we won't get detention the rest of the school year" said Elsa. "Oh that's cool. I won't tell anyone" said Pony. "Ok thanks" said Elsa. "No problem" said Pony. Pony leaves the room. "I have to work we Bob Monday morning" Elsa thought. "I hope things work well for us that day" Elsa thought. "At least me and Johnny have a date after I get back" Elsa thought. "It would be my first date with Johnny" Elsa thought.

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