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It was 5:30pm. We were supposed to be ready to go to the drive-ins by 6. Elsa was just getting ready. She just had to do a few more things. She then heard a knock at her door. "Come in" said Elsa. It was Dallas. "Hi,you almost ready?" asked Dally. "I have 30 more minutes" said Elsa. "I was just wondering" said Dally. "Will if you must know,I have to do a few more things" said Elsa. "Ok gosh" said Dally. He then shuts the door. He then kissed Elsa. She kissed him back. Then he left the room. Before you knew it,it was already 6. "Is everyone ready to go?" Darry asked. "Yeah I am" said Soda. "Yeah" said Pony. "I guess" said Dally. "Sure" said Steve. "Yeah" said Two-Bit. "I am ready,just need to put my jacket on" said Elsa. Dally then hands it to her. "Thanks Dal" said Elsa. "Whatever" said Dally. Then they all started walking over there. They basically just talked the whole way there. By the time they got there,it was 6:30. Everyone then found a seat. "I will be right back" said Elsa. Before anyone could say anything,she already got up. She went to go get some popcorn. You would not believe who she saw there. She saw Bob and Randy. Cherry was also there. She was with a friend. Elsa has seen her around school though. She doesn't know her name. Cherry spotted Elsa and started making her way to her. "Hey Elsa" said Cherry. "Hi Cherry" Elsa said. "This is my friend Marcia" said Cherry. "Hi,nice to meet you Elsa" said Marcy. "Nice to meet you too Marcy" said Elsa. Bob and Randy then spotted Elsa. They started making there was towards her. "Who do we got here?" Bob asked. "See you later Elsa,sorry we have to leave in a hurry" said Cherry. "Later Cherry and it's fine,I get it" said Elsa. Cherry and Marcy both smiled. Elsa smiled back. "Hey Elsa" said Randy. Elsa sighed. "Leave me alone guys" said Elsa. "Why would we?" Randy asked. "Just shut up" said Elsa. "How about you" said Bob. "Please,leave me alone" said Elsa. "I don't think so said Bob. Bob then grabs her by the wrist. "Leave her alone" someone says. It was Dallas. Bob then let's go and him and Randy leave. "You ok Elsa?" Dallas asked when they were not in sight anymore."Yeah,am fine" said Elsa. "Well that's good" said Dallas. They kissed again. They then headed back to the gang. The movie started at 7. It was about two hours long. After the movie,they start making there way back home. They got back at 9:30. They talked for about 30 minutes. Elsa decides to lay down for a bit. A few minutes later,she hears a knock at her door. "Come in" said Elsa. It was Soda. "Can we talk?" Soda asked. "Yeah sure" said Elsa. Soda sits on the bed next to her. "What going on between you and Dallas?" Soda asked. "What do you mean?" Elsa asked. "You guys have been spending a lot of them together" said Soda. "We are just getting along better" said Elsa. "I didn't know you guys would be spending that much time together" said Soda. "Look,we are just good friends" said Elsa. "Ok,whatever you say" said Soda. Then he leaves the room. "Soda is on to me" Elsa thought. "Things have been just fine though" Elsa thought.

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