The Pond

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It's Saturday morning. Elsa heads downstairs. She sits by the TV. About an hour later,she sits down at the table and eats breakfast. Elsa has not talked to anyone that morning. She has not seen Darry anywhere either. "Hey Elsa" someone said breaking the silence. "Oh,hi Soda" said Elsa. "So,do you know what your doing today?" Soda asked. "No,not really" said Elsa. "Ok" said Soda. "Did you have something in mind or something?" Elsa asked. "Oh,I was wondering if you wanted to go to the DX with me later" said Soda. "I thought you didn't have work today" said Elsa. "I was just going to help out" said Soda. "Ok,sure" said Elsa. "Cool" said Soda. "Hey Elsa" said Johnny. "Hi Johnny" said Elsa. "You doing ok?" Johnny asked. "Yeah" said Elsa. "That's good" said Johnny. It was 10 already. Elsa thought about the pond that Dally showed her. "I think I am going to the pond" Elsa thought. She quickly puts on her shoes and leather jacket then heads out the door. "I have not been here in a long time" Elsa thought. She sees a red Mustang close by. "Oh no" Elsa thought. "That is Chris's car" Elsa thought. She walks a little faster. The Mustang stops in front of her. They get out. "Well,look her it is. Hi Elsa" said Chris. "Hi Chris" said Elsa. They start walking a little closer. Elsa turns the other way and starts walking that way. One of them grabs her. "Hey where are you going?" Chris asked. "Leave me alone" said Elsa. "Why were you walking  alone?" Mark asked. "Oh great,your here too" Elsa thought. "Mind your own business Mark" said Elsa. "Just wondering" said Mark. "Ya,what were you doing?" Chris asked. He got closer to her. "Don't worry about it" said Elsa. He grabs Elsa's wrist and tightens his grip on it. "Well if you must know,I was clearing my mind" said Elsa. Chris let's go for now. "That wasn't necessary a lie" Elsa thought. "I was also clearing my mind" Elsa thought. "Why were you walking alone then?" Chris asked. "I just answered you question said Elsa. "Well,why do it when you know that Socs could jump you?" Chris asked. "That would be a hard one to answer" Elsa thought. "I don't fear every Soc there is" said Elsa. "Ok then" said Chris. He then punched Elsa twice in the face. "I answered your question didn't I?" Elsa asked. "For the most part. Do you fear me?" Chris asked. "To be honest,I really don't. I don't fear Bob and Randy either" Elsa said. "Ok" said Chris. "You might fear me eventually" said Chris. "We well see about that" said Elsa. "Ok guys,let's go" said Chris. "See you later Elsa" said Chris. They then car head to the car and leave. Elsa makes it to the pond about 10 minutes later. She just gets some stones and throws them in there. "So,you are doing that again" someone said. When you turn around,Dally is there. "Oh,hey Dal" said Elsa. "Hi Elsa" said Dally. They hugged each other. "I missed you" said Elsa. "I missed you to. What were you doing here all alone?" Dally asked. "Just clearing mind" said Elsa. "Oh,ok" said Dally. You guys were at the pond for 4 hours. "Hey Dal,what time is it?" Elsa asked in a shaky voice. "2pm" said Dally. "Oh no,I need to get home" said Elsa. "They didn't know you left?" Dally asked. "No. And if I told Darry,he wouldn't have let me go" said Elsa. "Fair point,bye Elsa" said Dally. "Bye Dally,nice seeing you again" Elsa said. Before he could say anything,she was already running to the house. Dally only smiled. She still got back about 30 minutes later. That is how long it takes to get there. "Where have you been?" Darry asked. "Oh great,now I have to deal with this again" Elsa thought. "None of your business" said Elsa. "It is,now tell me" Darry said rising his voice. "Not telling" said Elsa. Darry grabbed her. "Tell me now!" Darry yelled. "I was just on a walk! And don't talk to me anymore!" Elsa yelled. "I can talk to you if I want" said Darry. "Hey,you ok?" Steve asked. "Ya,am fine" said Elsa. "You doing ok?' Two-Bit asked. "Ya,am doing fine" said Elsa. "You better not be leaving to go see Dallas" said Darry. "It doesn't matter if I do or not" said Elsa. Darry tightens his grip on her more. Darry brings her to her room. "You do as I say young lady got that" said Darry. "Just leave me alone" said Elsa. Darry leaves. "I don't know what do  anymore" Elsa thought. "Darry is driving me crazy" Elsa thought.

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