Epilogue: Niall

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A/N: So, I'm not sure what happened, but I went to delete the "Where I've Been" post, but my laptop glitched. I don't know how it happened, but somehow that post became the Epilogue and I had no clue that happened until I woke up this morning. Sorry about the confusion! Here's the real Epilogue Chapter!

I flipped the pancake over so that it would cook on the other side. Then, I moved to the next skillet to remove the bacon and transfer it to a plate. Roxanne walked down the steps and smiled at me. I smiled back and handed her coffee mug. She took it and inhaled the aroma.

"Smells so good," she said as she grabbed a piece of bacon. "What time did you get up?"

"Around six," I answered. "I couldn't go back to sleep. So, I decided to make breakfast."

"Is Shayne awake already?"

"He was in the living room coloring and watching a Disney movie."

"I'll go check on him," Roxanne smiled, walking away.

I continued to cook breakfast. After Roxanne and I got back together, we agreed to see a therapist. Our therapist helped us let go of the past, stop being afraid, and taught us how to heal. Roxanne was able to open up more and no longer closed herself if something bad happened. I learned how to be more patient and understanding with her feelings.

We got married again, but had a service that was more intimate. We only invited our family and close friends. We had the service on the cliff side, but had the reception at the house Roxanne had built. I quit my job and decided to learn how to be a restauranteur like Roxanne. Whenever she needed to go to travel, I would be in charge of Noir and Sapphire. For awhile, we traveled and I learned a lot from her. I wasn't even that bad at bartending or helping out in the kitchen.

Once our anniversary came up, Roxanne did something I never thought she would do. She scheduled an appointment with an OBGYN. She told me that she wanted to go through more tests to see if it was possible for us to have kids. Our doctor told her that it wasn't possible to carry full term, but she said there was a possibility that there would be eggs that could be fertilized all we needed was a surrogate. So, Roxanne went to appointments and series of medications to prepare for the procedure. Sure enough, she was able to get three healthy eggs.

And so, we got Shayne. He was everything Roxanne and I could ask for. He had Roxanne's black hair, pink lips, rosy cheeks, and a beautiful olive complexion. What he got from me was my blue eyes, my face structure, and my sense of humor. He was an absolute angel. Roxanne was the perfect mother to Shayne. Every time I saw her rock him to sleep, made him giggle, or dance with him my heart melted. I couldn't be any happier.

After I finished setting the table, I walked to the living room to tell them breakfast was ready but stopped for a moment to see how Roxanne was coloring with Shayne. His big blue eyes looked up and down at the coloring book and then at the TV. Roxanne would occasionally have eye contact with him and they'd smile at each other and go back to coloring.

"Mommy, why do you still have that?"

"Have what, baby?"

Shayne pointed at Little Horan's container. "That."

"Well, you see, before you were born, you were supposed to have a big brother. Sadly, he needed to go back to Heaven before Daddy and I could meet him. All we have of him is that container."

"But Mommy I came back to you and Daddy."

Roxanne and I stiffened at what Shayne said. I came up to them. "What do you mean by that, Shayne?"

Roxanne looked at me and then back at Shayne. Shayne shrugged, "When I came back to Heaven, Grandpa Allan and Grandma Olivia said that I would go back again. So, I waited. Then, I came back to be your son again."

"Allan and Olivia..." I looked at Roxanne who had tears in her eyes. Roxanne never told Shayne about her parents. All Shayne knew was Anne as his grandmother for Roxanne's family. She wasn't planning on telling Shayne until he was a little older.

"They said not to be sad anymore, Mommy. They said they're proud of their little girl. I don't know why they called you little though. You're not that little."

Roxanne stifled a laugh and hugged Shayne tightly. I walked over and hugged them too. I kissed Roxanne on the cheek and then Shayne on the forehead. "Come on, let's go have breakfast. Then, we need to get dressed. We have a big day today. We have to meet with Caroline at the doctor's office for the ultrasound."

"Do we get to find out if it's a brother or a sister today?" Shayne asked excitedly.

"That's right, Shayne. Today is the day."

Shayne jumped up happily and ran to the kitchen. I looked at Roxanne, who was looking at Shayne. "Do you really believe what he said was true?" She asked me quietly. "I can't believe I heard that. I'm still in shock. Can that be real?"

"We never mentioned your parents before. Honestly. I think anything is possible, Rox."

"You got that right," Roxanne smiled at me. "Can you believe this is our life now?"

"Is this what you always dreamed of?"

"No," she shook her head. I frowned at her. "This is more than what I ever dreamed of."

I laughed and kissed her on the lips. When we pulled away, I kissed her again on the forehead and jogged into the kitchen. "Shayne, you better not be eating all the bacon!"

"I didn't!"

"That's almost half of it! At least eat some pancakes!"

Roxanne walked into the kitchen and grabbed orange juices for all of us. She sat down next to Shayne, who kept trying to grab more bacon even though he had some on his plate already. I smiled and laughed as Roxanne grabbed the syrup from Shayne's hands who basically poured almost half of the syrup on his pancakes. As I watched the two of them, my smile grew more and more.I took in the beautiful sight I was seeing.

Through all the insanity of our love, this is where Roxanne and I ended up. Our love was definitely unique and full of action I never thought was possible. It wasn't a perfect love, but its a real love. A love that would only happen to use once in a lifetime.

The end. 

A/N: Hello, everyone! Thank you so much for your love and support throughout Roxanne and Niall's love story! You all have been amazing, supporting me and checking on me. I truly had a hard time during this story, but everything is slowly but surely turning around now. I am thankful and blessed.

It's sad to see their story come to an end, but I think they deserve a happily ever after. They have been through a lot. 

I hope the ending wasn't cheesy for you either. It was definitely a challenge trying to figure out how I wanted to end this story. A part of me actually wanted to write where they weren't together! Some of the ideas of how I wanted it to end were in the last few chapters. If you guys want to see those ideas come to life, I will be happy to write the alternate endings for you guys! Let me know and I'll try to get those done for you when I have the time. 

I hope that when I post on here again, you all will read the stories, even if they're not about our beloved boys. Again, thank you so much for the love and support. 

Stay safe out there and enjoy life and don't be afraid to live it how you want to live it. 



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