Chapter 11: Roxanne

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"Niall, damn it!" I bellowed, kicking his shoes out of my way. I stood up and looked around my apartment. I understood that I told him that he could stay for a few days, but I didn't expect it to be almost two weeks. Within three days of living with me, he was leaving his shoes everywhere instead of putting them next to the door. I always had to tell him to wash his dishes, stop leaving his dirty dishes on the coffee table or side table.

Niall walked downstairs, towel wrapped around his hips, and he was still drenched. I could see the water droplets falling down on the stairs. "What's going on?" he asked innocently.

"First of all, I tripped over your shoes again, your dishes from last night are still in the sink, and you're dripping water on the stairs!" 

"Damn, since when were you such a neat freak?" he scoffed.

I glared at him, "Neat freak?" I grabbed his shoe. "Excuse me for not enjoying the fact that I'm tripping over your damn shoes in my damn home every damn day!" I shouted as I threw the shoe at him. Niall dodged the shoe, but he slipped down the stairs in the process due to the water droplets. 

Niall stood up, being equally as mad now. "Alright, you're being a drama queen!"

"Drama queen?! Oh, excuse me for wanting to come home and not trip because of my ex husband's shoes all over my apartment! Which, by the way, I'm being so nice to let you stay in." I rolled my eyes, "And put that towel back around your waist!"

"Hey, we aren't divorced just yet! And you know what? No," Niall said proudly. His smug smile appeared and he walked towards the couch and sat down. He crossed his arms and kicked his feet up on the coffee table. "I'm not going to do anything you tell me to do until you become nicer to me."

"Become nicer to you?!" I grabbed his towel and threw it at his face. "You know what?! Get out of my house! You pack up what little shit you have, find your own damn place, and continue with your stupid investigation! I should never have let you into my home! You know what? I'll even help you pack!" 

I stormed over to the front door and the one shoe that was there, causing him to stand up, raise his hands, and block the shoe from hitting him. "Roxanne, stop it," Niall snapped. I threw another shoe at him. As I walked over to the other side of the apartment to grab another pair of his shoes, Niall began, "Listen to me, Rox, if you throw another shoe at me, I'm going to...Ow! Fuck!" Niall crouched down from his shoe hitting his crotch. 

"The next one is going to be your head!" I threatened him. "Get dressed, get packing, and get out!" I shouted at him. 

"Um...what's going on?"

I looked behind me to see Harry and Mercedes. My jaw dropped as I looked back to see that Niall was still naked and that Harry and Mercedes were in my home. I looked back Harry and Mercedes, "Guys, I can explain," I began.

"Hey Harry! Wow, Mercedes, I don't know if that's pregnancy glow or sweat," Niall said, with his hands on his hips. Niall came up next to me as I folded my arms and scowled at him. He laughed at my attitude and made me look at him as he spoke, "I'll be upstairs, Babe, so you can get your little surprise after they leave." Niall smacked my ass, making me gape at him as he walked up the stairs. 

"What is Niall doing here?" Harry questioned. 

"If you two are back together, then you're going to have to teach that guy some lessons about pregnancy-" Mercedes started. 

"No!" I held up my hands. "Guys, we aren't together. There's just a huge misunderstanding."

"So, why is he prancing around naked in your flat?" Harry questioned. "And why didn't you tell us about it? This is a bit of a big deal."

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