Chapter 6: Niall

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I needed to spread a rumor about what happened to me. I decided that it would a good idea to lie about why I was really in jail. Saying that I got in a fight sounded reasonable since I was known for having a little temper. I decided to choose Louis to tell my story first because I knew that he would spread the word about what happened to me to all the people we knew in London.

"It's not as bad as it seems," I said to Louis. He was in the area and decided to visit me. "I mean, you should see the other prisoner."

Louis shook his head. "Niall, you have a black eye and a busted lip. Three weeks ago, you told me that you got into another fight because someone spilled dirty water near you."

"Hey, he wanted to spill it on me."

"Niall, what happened to you? I remember you having a temper, but it seems like your anger got worse."

I shrugged, "Things changed, Louis. That's all I can say."

He shook his head. "There's someone else who's here to visit you." Louis looked ahead, making me turn around.

I got up and hugged Harry. I haven't seen him or talked to him for three years. "Harry, how are you?"

"I'm doing pretty well, Mate. How are you doing in here?"

"Good," I said as I sat down. "Got a black eye, but I'm good. What's new with you, aside from that hair?"

Harry shook his head, smirking. "I think my hair looks good."

"It's a good thing you're not in here or else you're going to be a nice little target for lonely nights. Your hair reminds me of a four year old little girl," I admitted to him.

"Your outfit reminds me of a convict...oh wait..."

I rolled my eyes. "So, what made the two of you decide to visit me?" I asked them. "Did you have plans to lecture me about my poor choices?"

"No, we just wanted to see how you're doing," Harry answered.

"I'm doing great," I answered. "Three months of being in this dump I managed to make a name of myself. Most of these prisoners want to stay away from me. There's that few that want to try something, but I've managed to hold off my own."

"You know, if you didn't get in a fight with anyone and minded your own business, you could've been out of here by now," Louis informed me. "You said that man you beat up was out of his coma and if you behaved you could get released for good behavior. I don't think you getting into fights is going to make that possible."

I shrugged, knowing that I was going to get out in four months regardless of what I do. "So, what's new with the two of you? Are you still with Mercedes?"

"I am," Harry answered. "I'm happily married to Mercedes still."

"Really? You finally tied the knot with her! Congratulations, how was the wedding?"

"It was good. All her wedding planning paid off and it was a beautiful ceremony. We spent our honeymoon in Italy."

"What about you, Louis? Do you have a little love life?"

"Nope," Louis responded. "I'm still single. I'm also known as the 'hot theatre teacher' by all my students."

I laughed, "Teenage girls are drooling over you. You're crushing their dreams of being with you, Louis."

"Some things aren't just meant to be," Louis shrugged.

I scoffed, "I know how that feels."

Harry looked at me. "You know, my sister is doing pretty well. She owns an amazing club."

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