Chapter Twenty Two

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Recap: Karthik's POV - "Sir, it's the Assistant Commissioner of Chennai. The other patient's name I think is Divya. I'm sorry sir, I have to go now." I barely noticed the nurse leaving the room. The words kept ringing in my ears, Assistant Commissioner and Divya. 6

Again and Again I kept hearing their names.

I felt like I couldn't breathe, like life was getting sucked out of me. The thought of them gone was 6heart wrenching to even think about. What if they didn't make it? Tears filled my eyes and my vision got blurry.

My head pounded, and I could hear only my heartbeat. The rest of the noises tuned out, fading into the background. I slumped into the nearest chair, leaning forward and buried my head in both my hands. I sighed heavily, trying to control my breathing levels.

My throat closed and a lump formed. I felt cold tears rush down my cheeks. I cried, my entire body shook with each sob, rocking me back and forth, in waves. I have seen many deaths in my police years, but thinking of my best friend dying made my heart clench.

I gasped harshly, my breaths coming out in short gasps. I sniffled quietly and wiped my tears. Suddenly, a thought came up, making me freeze.

Did Amrita know that it was Divya and Vijay? If she did, then she did handle the situation better than me. They simply don't say that women are stronger than men emotionally. I managed a chuckle, though it sounded as if I was strangled.

After a few minutes, I heard a squeaking sound. I turned my head and saw that it was Amrita in her wheelchair, she was talking with a 5 year old boy. I quickly turned around, and wiped my tears. Better, that she not see me this way, otherwise she will feel bad.

"Karthik!" I spinned around at her voice and managed a smile.

"What Armita?"

"I'm going to get this kid an ice-cream from the canteen. Ok?" Her smile quickly turned into a frown.

"Are you ok Karthik? Why is your face so red?" She asked, concerned.

"It's nothing. I think it's too warm here that's why."

"Are you sure?" She hesitated before going with the kid. I nodded my head in assurance. She waited for a few seconds before finally strolling out the room. I sighed in relief, relaxing in the chair. 


*Hey Guys, 

I am sorry that this chapter is very short, I will try to make the next one larger if I can. I hoped you enjoyed an liked this chapter. Continue to support me! 

Thank You 

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