Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Recap: A doctor comes into Divya's ICU room and talks to them. "Umm, ACP Vijay sir got his consciousness back."

Karthik's POV -

"Doctor, could you please repeat that I asked him," I wanted to make sure that heard that right in my ears.

"ACP Karthik, I just told you that ACP Vijay just got his consciousness back."

"Thank you so much Doctor,"
"You're welcome sir, it's my duty to. And sir, only one person can meet him at a time, so as not to give him too much stress. He just now woke up so please try to keep the meeting short. As his doctor, I would say to keep the interrogations for a bit later. Also I would suggest that Vijay be kept in observation for a week. If his vitals are good we can shift him to the normal ward. You can decide if you want to discharge him then." Saying this, Dr. Ramesh left the room. I looked towards Amrita and Divya, they both looked like they'd start crying any second. I smiled at both of them.

"I'll meet him and come first." I told them. I know that they both are very emotional, I don't want to stress Vijay as he just woke up. Seeing them cry might make it harder for Vijay after being unconscious for 2 days.

I left Divya's room and headed towards Vijay's. As I approached his room my steps slowed. I hesitated just for a second before pushing the door. I entered the room and sat next to the chair near Vijay's bed. His eyes were closed. One of his hands had a tube going through, giving him drips. Vijay's head was bandaged and he had a brace around his throat to support his neck.

When his parents died Shreya Akka took him in and from then on we have been inseparable. We were never really friends or colleagues, we always thought of each other like brothers.

I don't want to see him in this condition. The Vijay I knew was so strong and courageous. Like a lion ready to hunt.. He doesn't deserve this. Now, to see him here with god knows how many pipes and tubes running through his body, something inside me sinks. Vijay was always there for me like a backbone. Always supported me without question and has been there every part of my life, for the good and the bad.

I swear whoever made my brother and Divya to be in this condition will pay for this with his life. My hands fisted and jaw clenched, as I made a promise to myself to kill the person behind this.

"Karthik...." Vijay's eyes fluttered open as he called out. My gaze softened and I released my fists at the sound of his voice. I gently lifted the oxygen mask off his face and put it down.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I just died." He tried to lighten the mood, but I just glared at him. How can he make a joke at this moment.


"Sorry da, did I scare you all too much?"

"No, it just almost killed me when I got the news." I replied, keeping a straight face. Vijay cracked a smile, or tried to.

"Dai, you can't get rid of me that soon. What you thought? That I will die? This is not new for me da."

"Shut up, saying dialogue it seems?!" Though I tried to keep my face angry, I smiled at him. I went over and ruffled his hair.

"Ok, okay. I also love you." Vijay said, chuckling. I shook my head, some things never change.

"Dai, I'll leave now. You take rest." I said, and he nodded in reply. I waited until he closed his eyes. I opened the door and turned back once more to see his sleeping figure and smiled in relief to see that he's fine. Then I gently closed the door and headed back to Dr. Ravi's room.


I enquired about Divya's health to Dr. Ravi. He said that Divya can be discharged today since all of her charts turned out to be normal. Dr. Ravi prescribed some medicines for Divya that she should take every day after lunch. I have to go get medicines for both Divya and Amrita from the pharmacy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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