Touchin', Lovin', Bleeding.

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Sophie's POV

Getting off the plane was a pain. I could barely fit and I just want this baby out of me now.

"Soph," Cameron said.

"Yeah?" I asked turning around.

He was so cute. All my bags, all his bags, he was carring them all. "How do you feel?" He asked.

"Why? Didn't you just ask me that earlier.. are you okay?" I asked confused.

"Yeah babe, just worried. I mean its our first baby.. and I want to make sure your feeling okay at all times." He said, catching up to me amd kissing me on the cheek.

"My back hurts, a freaking lot. But aside from that.. I just want her out." I said trying to pull off a smile.

"Well. C'mere." He walked over to a counter motioning me over.

"Here." He said, pulling out a wheel chair from behind the counter.

"How did you get this?"

"I called earlier for reservation. We've got a walk ahead of us in this airport." He smiled.

Grabbing his hand, I smiled and thanked him. He grabbed our stuff, and got ready to push me.

"You guys ready?" Justin asked.

"Yep." Cameron smiled, looking down at me "Babe, you good?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Let's go save the love of my life." Justin said, leading us forward.

"You sure you know where you're going?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah, I hacked into the FBI's tracking system, finding his exact location. Or at least the last place he left whatever I'm tracking, if aything it will lead us close to clues or something." He was determined.

Kylie's POV

I gave him five minutes. He explained. I don't believe him, not for a second. Ryan's not the romantic type, at least not that kind of romantic.

"I'm sorry, but I can't believe you." I said, walking away.

I love him, but he loves somebody else.

"I was going to propose. I thought buying you something sexy that came from me and not a free gift from a company you modeled for would be special. That making that "feel" of romance would make it all seem right. I wanted it to be perfect for you. I swear baby." He said. I turned to face him and he satrted crying.. a grown man, crying. He was telling the turth. He barely even shed a tear at his parents funeral. He bawled like a baby at his brother's because he could've spent the rest of his life with his brother and be just fine. I'm all he has. Knowing this, I reached out and wrapped my arms around his neck. "I'm so sorry Ryan." I cried.

"Just marry me you beautiful idiot." He laughed.

Tearing up I shook my head and let go of him. He wiped my tears off my face and got down on one knee. There, at our spot where we met, where we had our first kiss, our first time we had sex, in the middle of a field, was the first time we were going to start our lives together.

"Kylie, I love you. I love you AND ONLY YOU with all of my shitty shitty baseball heart. Will you please marry me?" He asked, pulling out a ring with one hell of a rock sitting on it.

"OH MY GOD YES" I cried jumping on him. He slid it on my finger and kissed me, deeply and passionately.

"May I take you home?" He asked, escorting me to his car.

"Take me home to my bed.. or take me to bed?" I smirked.

"To get you in that outfit and fuck you." He said pushing me up against the car and started showering my neck with kisses.

"Be- bed." I stuttered, god he was so good. But when he started grinding into me, I had to give a response.

And for the rest.. well you can tell we didn't make it home.. for the first round.

Sophie's POV

"Are we almost there?" I asked.

"Just about 4 more hours pretty face." Justin said, pushing my face into the seat and going back to sleep.

"You ready for this?" Cameron asked.

"For what?" I asked.

"The baby." He said.

"I mean there's no going back now so I kind of have to be, I'm excited but ready to have her out of me."

"You realize we still haven't picked the name."

"Violet. I want it to be Violet."

"Can I pick the middle name?" Cameron smiled.

"Have at it."


"Emmerie? I like that but where did you get that from?" I asked.

"It was my grandmother's maiden name. My grandfather changed it then left her but she never changed it back."

"Violet Emmerie Dallas. I love that."

"I love that. I love her. I love you." He smiled, putting his hand on my bump and resting his head on my boob, his all time favorite place. Aside from my butt being his pillow. But I love it.

Ariana's POV

I'm just sitting here now. In a puddle of blood. Nathan's over there in a corner beating himself up for stabbing me. For me, I'm bathing in blood. I heard in a movie the bleeding eventually stops. But I heard in another one stitches and all that stuff is required. I mean the bleeding stops.. when you die.

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