Game On Baby

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  • Dedicated to eb

Ariana's POV

I followed Ryan out of the room. Like a gentleman, he opened the doors for me and escorted me to the elevators. On our way Justin and Kylie followed and begged for forgiveness but we ignored them every time. I was walking with my arm in Ryan's like at a wedding and let him lead me.

My phone began to ring, it was Scooter (my manager).

"How's Sophie?" He asked.

"Like she was before, still unsure. Me and Justin are probably about to be done." I said. I felt Ryan reach down and squeeze my hand.

"What?! No, no I called because I have a small gig for you in around 2 hours downtown. You both need to make an appearance to show you're leaning on each other for strength right now." 

"Must I, or can I show with somebody.. else?" I asked looking at Ryan.


"Doesn't matter. All that matters is I'm about to ruin Justin." I hung up.

Nobody breaks my heart.

"Take me home." I said, looking up at Ryan and meeting his eyes with mine.

"Okay." He said.

"One more favor. Wanna get back at them?" I asked, knowing it was wrong, but also knowing my mamma taught me to beat the boys at their own game.

"No. I want to be completely done with her, not give her a reason to come back in." He said

"Well here's a way, when we step out of the building, pick me up and carry me to my car. Kiss me on the forehead before you do though."

"Ari, I can't," he said upset.

"Fine." I said as the elevator door opened. I stormed out with a boat load of confidence knowing that he was behind me and it was my own job to still do me for the cameras.

As I walked out of the doors, the paps and fans started surrounding me and I couldn't get out. Then Ryan grabbed my arm, a little too forcefully, but pulled me out into a small opening where some of them had cleared but then he just..

He put his arms around my waist, hands sprawled all over my torso, tucked my hair behind my ear and gently titled my head up with his hand. At this point the fans were screaming, and the paps were going crazy.

"Alright that's good for now, get me out of here." I whispered in his ear.

"Not yet." He said making eye contact with me.

In that moment, his hands went from my waist, and slid up to my face. Brushed his hand against my boob and all. I started getting butterflies which just like.. what the hell? I should not be getting those  with him right now.

His hand landed on my face and next thing I knew his lips planted on mine. Now I understand Kylie, this guys lips are just.. damn.

Slowly he opened up my mouth with his tongue and slipped his way in.

My best friend just lost her baby and is about to die, my boyfriend just cheated on me with my other best friend, I was just kidnapped and returned home, and now I'm making out with my best friend's boyfriend in front of hundreds of paps and fans.

 With his tongue in my mouth and our lips locking, he slid his hand around my stomach, down my back, then slowed down and ran it down my ass, squeezing the inside, my favorite part to be touched. He slid his hand down my inner thigh opening up my legs to pick me up and the key for me to straddle him.

His lips released the lock they had on mine and gave me one last, sweetheart, wet kiss as if we had been dating for years. Picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and my arms around hir neck, hiding my face in the crease of his neck and behind my arms. Him, hitting any paps who got in his way to my car.

Justin's POV

"What now.." I trailed off. I just screwed myself over big time.

"We have sex." Kylie said.

"The fu-" I stopped my self. Kylie help up her phone and showed me pictures of Ryan's tongue down Ariana's throat and his hands in the middle of her ass, exactly where her favorite spot is to be grabbed, my spot.

My reaction? I stripped, picked up Kylie, and roamed her body with every part of my own.

Ariana thinks she wants to play that game? We can play it then. Game on baby girl, game on.

Cameron's POV

"How is she?" I asked the doctor, sweaty palms and about to faint.



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