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  • Dedicated to Jody

Ryan's POV

"Wakey Wakey babe." I sang to Kylie over the phone, hearing her chuckle and grunt to try and lift herself up. "Have you done the photo shoot yet?" I asked while fixing me and Justin a pot of coffee, somehow managing to press the phone up to my ear with my shoulder.

"No, sometime today around 12:00 I think." She said in her morning voice that she hates, but I love.

"How did you sleep?" I asked.

"Great. I slept on an airplane between a guy who scarfed down about 6 cheeseburgers in 5 mintues and took up his seat and half of mine, and a woman who was crying uncontrollably. It was weird, she kept looking at her phone at a picture of her and her boyfriend I would think, then cry, then eat a little, the cry some more." She said sighing deeply.

"Why did they have you on coach this time?" I asked.

"I don't know, I think I saw some of the other models in coach there too." She said.

"Okay, well have fun and I love you." I said ending the conversation. "Love you too."

Since Kylie left yesterday and helping Cameron and Soph move in to the house, I've been thinking a lot about Kylie and I lately. Not the normal way either. I got to thinking about a few months back with Kylie's old neighbor, Mr. Jones. I was planning on going to see him this afternoon and get some advice because a thought popped up in my head of Cameron and Sophie's baby. In Cameron's eyes, he'd wake up next to Sophie and smile hearing little footsteps hit the hardwood floor coming down the hall. As my though process continued, I drifted off into what it would be like to be in Cameron's shoes, expect for having Kylie pregnant. What if I got Kylie pregnant? Would we start a little family? What would it be like? Well one thing, I'd be with Kylie so it would outcome to be amazing. So, why not set up a proposal?

Justin's POV

Ryan left yesterday to help unpack somewhere, so I left too. Expect I left to find Ariana. I won't give up on her, a promise is a promise. I'll search every inch of this earth until the day I die to find her. I love her, I love her with everything. I want her forever. I know she's still alive. I can feel it. I just feel sick to my stomach because I don't know what she's going through.

Ariana's POV

Oh my God. I have no clue what I'm thinking right now, but I'm not jumping out of this plane without a parachute so I did what I could to.. stay alive basically. "Nathan!" I screamed. He's pulling me closer to the edge. I can already feel the wind slap against my bare body as the plane soars through the ozone layer of the stratosphere, above the clouds. He gave me a smirking before what looked like he was about to throw me out. But all in one motion to save my life, I grabbed the back of his neck to come up on my toes and kiss him. "Please." I calmly said with our faces just centimeters apart. He stared at me until he came up with his solution. Looking at me, then the clouds just outside the door, the repeating the process again. "Hmh." He said, giving me one last smirk. He roughly grabbed my shoulder and put his hand on my waist line, swinging me towards the door that lead to death without a parachute.

Nathan's POV

The moment Ariana kissed me, I knew I couldn't let her go. So to scare her, I grabbed her shoulder and back and push her towards the door while I closed it. "Nice lips, I missed them." I said, grabbing her hand to pull her towards me. "Thank you." She mumbled. "For not throwing me out."

"Well I can't throw away something that's a precious possession of mine now can I?" I laughed, taking my jacket and t-shirt off, leaving me in just my basketball shorts. As my first reaction, I grabbed her waist and pulled her closer to me. "Please no, Nathan." She said. I smiled and bent down to kiss her and she pulled away for rejection, very humbly though. She started to lift up on her toes to what looked like she was going to lean in, but instead whispered in my ear, "Nathan, I um.. I'm in front of your friends." 

"Well are you blind?" I said looking at her like she was stupid.

"No, I mean can I wear your shirt to.. cover up some." I wish I could say no so I can see her in her tight little tank top and spandex, but she had a point. "Here." I said, helping her put on the shirt. I could tell it was hard for her, maybe we hit her a little too hard and forceful because she had bruises and scrapes to where it hurt her to move, but she'll be fine. "Thank you." She smiled a little. "After you say thank you, kiss me on my cheek." I demanded, "Always."


"Do it." I said roughly. She automatically jumped up and kissed me on the cheek, but me tricking her I turned and kissed her, grabbing her body so she could move away.

Ariana's POV

I feel like Nathan's slave, his girlfriend slave. I'm in his t-shirt and he's commanding me to kiss him while giving me no choice but to kiss back and feed in. I miss Justin, I love him and always will. But I'm 30,000 feet above ground and don't know where I'm going, while kissing my ex-boyfriend who I vowed to never love again. In my heart, I know he's looking. I know Justin is looking for me.

"LANDING, EVERYBODY BUCKLE." The pilot said over the intercom.

"Come here babe." Nathan said sitting down and grabbing my hips to pull me down on his lap. "Justin used to call me that." I whispered. "DON'T YOU EVER SAY HIS NAME." Nathan demanded, punching me in the stomach and slapping me down to the floor. "I'm sorry!" I cried multiple times, but no matter how loud I would scream, the hits would become harder. As my final reaction before Nathan threw the last punch of what would look like would knock me out, I ducked and with all my strength jumped on Nathan's lap and hugged him to stop the pain... how I wish this was Justin. 

Before we landed, Nathan handcuffed me to him so I couldn't run away. I don't know where we are but I know when we landed, I felt like I was in total danger and I needed to get out of there. So since I didn't have Justin physically there for strength, I found his strength in my heart. "Whatchya thinkin so hard about?" Nathan asked, unbuckling us. "I don't feel safe." I said. "I won't let them harm you." He said, which.. actually made me feel kind of good. I grabbed his hand and smiled, trying to set things right for what lies ahead and get on his good side before the living demon comes out again. I need someone there to protect me and I only have one person, which is Nathan. Honestly, in my heart I know what I'm doing. Playing Nathan for my safety until Justin rescues me, but physically.. I'm lost.

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