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  • Dedicated to Jody

Cameron's POV

"Okay babe. Ready?" I asked grabbing her hand. "Ready for what?" She asked adorably confused as usual. "House hunting my beautiful little Soph!" I said with a dumbfounded look, but I couldn't help but laughed at her confusion. "Oh yeah! Yeah!" She smiled. Last night we talked and decided to go into the savings account and rent a house. Since she's soon to go in labor, we decided to get a head start in our lives together and go house hunting.

Sophie's POV

This morning when I woke up, I fell out of bed. I opened my eyes to see Cameron sleeping peacefully with his hand on bean. I tried getting up to use the bathroom and instead I got caught up in the cloud of white fluff he likes to call a 'blanket', and fell. Thankfully I fell on my back with layers of pillows under me but still, my back is killing me. Due to the fall, I threw on a purple sweater dress that was extremely comfortable with some Coco Chanel nude flats. I threw my hair up into a ponytail and teased it a bit to make it look cute, then got ready for the rest of the day. Later on Cameron came in with khakis and a blue jean shirt on, ready to leave and expecting me to come with him. Turns out, I totally forgot about house hunting this morning. All I remembered was he said don't forget to wake up and get ready in the morning, then I just agreed and fell asleep.

Kylie's POV

"A little to the left." The photographer said. "Now make it..sexy." The gay one beside him added with jazz hands. They had me propped up on a sand mound beside a palm tree. Not in a bikini this time though, just a cover up dress with my hair let loose with beach waves. I couldn't stop thinking about Ariana.. what if Nathan really does have her? If he does, then where would he have her at? I don't think she's dead quite honestly. Nathan wants her too bad to just kill her. I guess I'll find out later when I go searching.

"Kylie! Why why why why! You're acting like Sophie, c'mon now!" They gay one yelled throwing his hands in the air. "What's that suppose to mean?" I asked confused and quiet insulted, stopping the photo shoot in place. "She daydreams every single time and gets distracted TOO easily. But somehow that little flower can pull it off." He said shaking his head, putting his hand on his hip. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Shut up & get clickin." I said motioning my hand like the Queen to carry on. That's the thing that I love about these photographers. I've been doing this so long now, that anything we say that might sound rude to you, is just like another joke to us.

Ariana'a POV

"Nathan.. where are we?" I asked pushing myself to hide behind him, wishing it was Justin. God how I miss him. "Shut up." He snapped as if he was a little nervous as well. I looked around, it was nothing but abandoned houses and buildings. Like this part of land had been deserted for years and years. Cracked walls with vines running along the sides, cracks on the ground as if a massive earthquake came through just like back home in Cali, stones as roads and walls like it was Italy in the 1950s. Doors busted down and dry blood stains on the side of the sidewalk. The further we walked, the more I got scared. Except this time it was weird because we didn't stop in town, to the end which ended with a huge hill. I looked up before we started to make our way down to the entrance of the maze of trees but all I could see was treetops and a few branches sticking out here and there. It was like the ocean, how it looks never ending except green. We paced our walking a little bit faster naturally because of the steep hill and all of a sudden, before I even noticed it, we were entering the puzzle of plants and wilderness.

"Where are we going?" I asked nervously.

"Home." He said. ..Home?

"What are you talking about my home is-"

"Here." He interrupted. 

Oh my God...

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