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-A few months later-

-Jin POV-
Today's the day we all graduate high school, I'm so nervous since this means I'm actually an adult now, I'm gonna be out of high school, Jimin was already awake and went to go pick up Jungkook. I got up and got dressed and drove over to the school. I got there and saw Yoongi talking with Jimin and Hoseok and Jungkook walking towards the entrance. I went over to Jimin and hugged him.
"Hey baby."-J
"Babe you just saw me this morning don't tell me you missed me that much"-JM
"I miss you every time I'm not around you."-J
"Does anyone know where Tae is?"-Y
"Haven't seen him for weeks."-J
"Ever since him and Jungkook got divorced he's not been around."-JM
"I'm gonna go see if he's here."-Y
Yoongi walked away leaving me and Jimin alone. I picked him up and hugged him happily.
"I don't like when you're alone with him."-J
"Babe he's not trying to break us up, just because he's in love with me doesn't mean he's gonna try to kiss me every time we talk."-JM
"I know but I hate seeing you with him."-J
"How do you think he feels every time he sees us together?"-JM
"Good point but still he's with your best friend and he's in love with you."-J
"And the worst part is that Hobi doesn't know."-JM
"He doesn't?"-J
"No and I've told Yoongi he should tell him but he keeps refusing."-JM
"He should tell him."-J
"Hey guys."-TH
"Hey Tae, where've you been?"-J
"For weeks?"-J
"Yeah, I did just get divorced, I'm a bit sad about it. But he seems happier so that's good."-TH
"You'll end up married again one day."-JM
"I doubt it."-TH
"It'll happen one day."-J
"He'd never wanna marry me again."-TH
"I wouldn't be so sure about that."-JK
"Oh hey Kookie."-TH
"Hey hyung."-JK
"You look good."-TH
"Thanks, so do you."-JK
They're so awkward with each other now, I mean I get why but it's weird. You can tell they still love each other but they just never talk like normal people and the conversation never lasts long because it gets awkward fast. I feel bad for them.
"Babe we gotta get inside and head to our seat, come on."-JM
I took his hand and walked inside with him, within the past few months he got a scholarship to a university in Seoul which is great, I'm planning on telling him some news he's gonna love later.
"So I've been thinking and maybe I should stay in a dorm on campus."-JM
"It'll be easier."-JM
"Not for me, I'll be alone without my husband."-J
"I'll come back on weekends and on holidays so we won't be apart too much, although I'll be in school during our anniversary."-JM
"Wait didn't Yoongi get into that school as well."-J
"Yeah, him and Hobi are moving to Seoul since Hobi got a job at bighit and Yoongis going to college there."-JM
"So you're gonna be at the same school as Yoongi without me being there with you, hell no."-J
"Babe don't you trust me?"-JM
"It's not you I don't trust, it's him."-J
"It'll be okay."-JM
"Better be."-J
"Itll be okay babe, I'll call you every night."-JM
"Okay, sounds good."-J
"And you'll call me every night too right."-JK
"Of course Kookie."-JM
"Hey Jimin"-CY
"Hey Channie"-JM
"It's been a while."-CY
"Yeah for once it has been a while."-JM
They talked and I went and sat beside Hobi and Kookie. When Jimin joined us he sat beside Yoongi.

-Yoongi POV-
I can tell Jin doesn't like me being near Jimin but at least Jimin isn't uncomfortable around me.
"So are you excited?"-Y
"About what?"-JM
"Yeah I guess, Jin wouldn't be happy you're alone with me."-JM
"Oh well, he doesn't know what we do when we're alone."-Y
"We talk, that's it."-JM
"What about last night?"-Y
"Okay yeah so we fucked last night, I feel terrible about it."-JM
"Yeah but it felt great."-Y
"Yeah and that's what's terrible, it was better than any time I've ever had with my husband."-JM
"So then maybe you should be with me?"-Y
"You're engaged to my best friend."-JM
"And yet I'm still so drawn to you~"-Y
"You shouldn't be."-JM
"Can't help it, I'm a guy with needs and you just happen to satisfy them."-Y
"Quit flirting with me."-JM
"You know you like it."-Y
"Yeah but still, I'm married."-JM

After a while the graduation was over, I was happy when my fiancé kissed me after but I couldn't help but I couldn't help but wish I could be kissing Jimin. I hated seeing him kiss Jin.

-Jimin POV-
I'm so happy we all finally graduated, now me and Jin can think about adopting and I can go to college. It's gonna be fun but being and adult won't be fun.
"Wanna go on a date later baby?"-J
"Of course."-JM
"Okay how does seven sound?"-J
"Seven sounds great honey."-JM
"It's gonna be so fun."-J
"I know babe."-JM
"I'm gonna go talk to someone for a second."-J
"Okay, have fun."-JM
He walked away, I know he's still cheating on me and I know he's going to go meet up with her but I've just gotten used to it.
"Where's jin going?"-JK
"To see his girlfriend."-JM
"Aren't you two married?"-JK
"Yeah but he'd still rather sleep with her, he hasn't wanted to have sex with me for a few weeks."-JM
"That's how me and Tae started falling out."-JK
"You don't think he'll want a divorce so he can be with her do you?"-JM
"I hope not."-JM
"Hey baby I'm gonna have to cancel our date, Zoe wants to hang out tonight."-J
"Oh, okay. Well we can always do it another night."-JM
He went back to her again. Maybe Jungkook is right, he's gonna want a divorce before long. Oh well, I've gotten used to coming second to most people.
"You okay Jimin?"-Y
"Yeah I'm fine, just leave me alone."-JM
I walked away from him, he was the last person I wanted to see at the moment, I just went to the parking lot to head home. Maybe I shouldn't go and stay at a dorm in college. He'd just be sleeping with her in our bed so maybe it'd be best if I stayed at home. Or I could just move into an apartment near campus and accept that he'd rather be with her.
"Hey Jimin wanna hang out?"-H
"I don't know."-JM
"Me and Yoongi are going to a café, you're welcome to join."-H
"I don't wanna feel like a third wheel."-JM
"Maybe Jin can come too."-H
"I'd rather be a third wheel than be around him right now."-JM
"What'd he do?"-H
"Nothing, I just need to be alone."-JM
I got in my car and drove home. When I got there I saw his car in the driveway and I went inside. When I went inside I went up to our room and saw him fucking her.
"What the hell?!"-JM
"Baby what're you doing here?"-J
"I live here dumbass."-JM
"Can you come back later I'm kinda busy."-J
"Fuck you."-JM
I ran downstairs and got in my car, I went over to see Jungkook since he was pretty much the only person I could trust. When I got there I went inside.
"Hey hyung, what's wrong."-JK
"I saw him fucking her, in our bed!"-JM
"You knew he was cheating."-JK
"Yeah but in our bed. I can't fucking believe him."-JM
"Maybe it's best if you leave him."-JK
"I'm in love with him how am I supposed to leave him."-JM
"I was in love with Tae but look at where we are now"-JK
"Just this morning he was saying he loved me and kissing me, hell he was being loving and then now he just fucking asked if I could go back later because he was busy fucking her."-JM
"We warned you that he wasn't good enough for you."-JK
"I know and I should've listened to you."-JM
"If you want you can stay here tonight so that you don't have to be around him tonight."-JK
"Thanks kookie."-JM

~two weeks later~

Me and Jin had made up and were doing just fine, I loved being with him and yeah he may be a bit of a toxic person but I can't help wanting to be with him all the time.
"Baby can I tell you something?"-J
"Yeah what's up?"-JM
"I got Zoe pregnant."-J
"Are you fucking kidding me?"-JM
"I'm sorry but it just happened ."-J
"So you haven't slept with me in a month and yet you'll do it with her and you got her pregnant."-JM
"I'm sorry okay."-J
"If you'd rather be with her than just fucking go."-JM
"Well hell at least she knows how to keep someone happy and she actually gives me what I want."-J
"I hate you."-JM
Next thing I knew he had slapped me, I can't believe he actually hit me. I looked up at him after he did it and didn't even look sorry.
"You actually fucking hit me?"-JM
"You're lucky I didn't do it sooner you fucking bitch."-J
"I want a divorce."-JM
"Hallelujah I'm gonna be free of you and your whining all the time."-J
He got up and walked out of the house, I broke down crying. I can't believe him, he cheated, he's been a jerk, he finally fucking hit me. And he's actually happy about the divorce. I shouldn't have married him, or at least not at the time.

To be continued...

-Authors Note-
Thank you for reading and don't worry they'll make up eventually.

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