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-Jin POV-
I woke up with my baby in my arms, I couldn't be luckier. And later today I have a special surprise for our three week anniversary, I got us the cutest couple rings. Mine is gold and his black. I love him so much, I'm surprised he loves me back.
"Did you just moan in your sleep."-J
"And you woke up with a boner, it's a school day."-J
"It's Saturday."-JM
"No it's Monday."-J
"Wake up and get ready boys."-SY
"Wet dream."-J
"Is my baby needy."-J
"It's been forever since we've had sex."-JM
"Not really."-J
"Come on we can be a little late for school, right."-JM
"Wait till later baby."-J
"What's later."-JM
"I have a little surprise for you."-J
"What is it."-JM
"I'm not gonna tell you."-J
"I want you."-JM
"Ugh fine, I'll wait."-JM
"Let's go take a shower."-J
*in the shower *
"Damn you're hot."-J
"Daddy, please."-JM
"I love you baby."-J
"I love you too."-JM
"You're adorable."-J
"Thanks daddy."-JM
"I love you so much."-J
"You're never this cute, what's wrong."-JM
"Nothing's wrong, I just love you."-J
"I love you too."-JM
*at school*
"Hey guys why weren't y'all on the bus."-TH
"We got a ride since mom has to work."-J
"Never mind that, what's going on with you two."-JM
"What about them."-Y
"We saw them at the mall on a date."-J
"I knew it!"-H
"Calm down baby."-Y
"What did you call me."-H
"I'm sorry, it was an accident."-Y
"It's fine."-H
"Ok you two have to like each other."-J
"As friends but that's about it."-Y
"Yeah as friends."-H
"So anyway are you two together."-J
"Yeah we are, finally."-TH
"I love you."-JK
"I love you too baby."-TH
"Awww, so cute."-H
"Not as cute as you."-Y
"Hyung stop it."-H
"Just date already."-JM
""We should get to class."-Y
"See y'all later."-JK
"At least we have math together first."-TH
"We have every class together."-JK
"See you in third."-J
"I hate that our first and second are switched, but at least we have every other class together."-JM
"Yeah, see ya."-J
-Third person POV-
They parted ways without saying those three words as it would be tough to leave each other even if it's just for two and a half hours.
-Jimin POV-
I miss my boyfriend, god I'm in love with him. I wanna kiss and cuddle him all day long, just the two of us, not having to worry about anybody else.
-Jungkook POV-
As we are all sitting in groups of four, to help with the math project. I just felt like laying my head on Tae's shoulder, don't ask it just felt right.
"Are you tired baby."-TH
"No, just felt like being closer to you."-JK
"If that's even possible."-Y
"What do you mean."-TH
"Y'all are basically on top of each other at this point."-H
"And didn't I hear that you once said you didn't love him."-Y
"That was years ago."-TH
"And a lie."-JK
"And I said 'I don't like him, I love him'."-TH
"Awwwwww. I love you too babe."-JK
"Shouldn't we all get to work."-Y
"Yeah, but I'm gonna keep my head on his shoulder."-JK
"I feel like a third wheel."-Y
"Me too."-H
*third class*
-Jin POV-
"Hey baby, I missed you."-J
"I missed you too."-JM
"I was miserable without you."-J
"So was I, I love you so much."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J
*after school*
"Ok, mom and dad your job is to help set up, I've asked the guys to take him out for about an hour or so."-J
"Sir yes sir."-NJ
"Hey babe are you coming with all of us."-JM
"Nah not tonight, but I'll see ya later."-J
"Ok, love ya, bye."-JM
"Bye honey."-SY
"Have fun."-NJ
"Ok now back to work."-J
-Jimin POV-
He didn't say it back, I said love ya and he didn't say it back. They're all being secretive about something. But I don't know what.
"Come on dude you're taking forever."-Y
"Ok jeez."-JM
"So what are we gonna do."-JK
"I could do you."-TH
"Babe, later, but not right now."-JK
"You ok."-H
"What does it mean if you tell someone you love them but they don't say it back in that moment."-JM
"Was this person busy with something."-Y
"Yeah it looked like it."-JM
"That's why, you interrupted something."-H
"So I'm worried for nothing."-JM
"Yes you are. You can't read too much into it."-JK
"You got all whiny and pouty when I forgot to say it back."-TH
"That's different."-JK
"How exactly is that different."-H
"It just is, ok."-JK
They're right, I was reading too much into it, I know he loves me and that sometimes people just forget things.
-Third person POV-
Jimin arrived home and noticed that the lights were off, he thought it was weird since it was only nine o'clock. He unlocked the door and went inside to find that there was rose petals and candles aligned on the floor, with signs that pointed him to his bedroom. When he opened the door to his room he was faced by a fancily dressed Jin.
"Hey baby."-J
"You did all this."-JM
"I had some help."-J
"What's all this for?"-JM
"While we were at the mall, me and dad thought of a gift. So I got you something."-J
"What is it."-JM
"I'm bad at putting words together when it comes to stuff like this, but here goes nothing."-J
Jin took the little ring box from his pocket and got down one knee, they both began tearing up.
"You are, the love of my life, and I couldn't imagine what my life would be like if we'd never met, or fell in love, and I know I've put you through hell and back throughout the years, so it's really amazing that you love me, but now I know you do love me, and I love you so so so fucking much. Will you accept and promise that we'll always be together, as this signifies our love, despite all the things that have happened. Will you accept me."-J
"Yes."Jimin managed to choke out through tears.
"I love you so much baby."-J
"I love you too."-JM
"I love you, and everything about you, thank you so much for being mine, always remember that I love you."-J
"I love you too, I wouldn't have things any other way then how they are right now, I'm so lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend as you."-JM
-Author POV-
Omg I almost cried writing that speech, that's how I wanna be proposed to someday, but I have panther plans too, this will only get cuter from here on out.

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