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-Taehyung POV-
I woke up to my fiancé's alarm going off at like five in the morning, I groaned and rolled over and was close enough to where I could kiss him, so I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed back and we just laid there.
"You excited?"-JK
"Yes I am, are you?"-TH
"I've never been more excited."-JK
"I can't wait till you're officially my husband."-TH
"I love you."-JK
"I love you too."-TH
"You're the best person that's ever came into my life."-JK
I scooted over and hugged him tightly, he hugged back and we laid there hugging until his mom came in.
"Come on boys, it's time to wake up, your friends will be here soon."-Mrs.Jeon
"We'll be down in a bit mom."-JK
We both got out of bed and took a quick shower, once we got out of the shower we made our way over to the closet and picked something out to wear on our way over to the venue, I put on a black sweater and a pair of skinny jeans, he put on skinny jeans and one of my hoodies.
"You look so cute when you wear my hoodies."-TH
"Thanks daddy."-JK
"I love you."-TH
"I love you too."-JK
He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed me, I pulled him closer by his waist and kissed back, we ended up in a pretty heated kiss, while we were kissing my hands found their way down to his ass.
"Ah daddy."-JK
"Heyo, oh sorry to interrupt."-H
"It's okay."-TH
"Well come on, we gotta get going."-J
"Hey how was the honeymoon."-JK
"It was amazing, waking up to my one true love in Paris, and then of course the sex every night."-JM
"You two actually did it every night."-Y
"Yeah, he's a man of his word, he said he'd do me every night and he did."-JM
"Damn and I still haven't done it with my boyfriend yet."-Y
"Probably because you talk about it a lot, he said he'd make you wait even longer if you kept talking about it."-JK
"Maybe I should make him wait until our honeymoon."-H
"Hey so hypothetically if I was to propose soon, what would you say."-Y
"I would say yes, I love you."-H
"I love you too baby."-Y
"Okay are we gonna stay here or get going."-J
"We better get going."-TH
"So are y'all looking forward to being stuck together forever."-JM
"Yes, I wouldn't wanna be stuck with anyone else."-JK
We all started walking downstairs and made our arrangements to who would go with who.
"Can I go with Kookie."-TH
"Hey we weren't allowed to go together then y'all aren't either."-J
"Aww but why, I wanna go with my baby."-TH
"It'll only be for a little bit."-H
"But I want my daddy to go with me."-JK
"Well if we didn't already know who tops."-Y
"Well I wanna go with my beautiful husband."-J
"Okay how about Jungkook goes with Jin and Jimin and Taehyung goes with me and Yoongi."-H
"Okay, sounds like a plan."-JM
I pulled him in my arms and didn't wanna let go, he hugged his arms around my waist and nestled into my neck.
"I love you baby."-TH
"I love you too."-JK
They tried to pull us apart but we clinged to each other.
"Hey if you'll go in separate cars then we'll let y'all ride together on the way back."-J
"We would Anyways."-TH
We let go of each other and we all made our way outside and everyone else got in the cars, we hugged and kissed for a second before separating and going into different cars, the ride to the venue was miserable without my fiancé there with me but once we got there everything was better, we all got out of the cars, he ran to me and we stayed attached to each other while we walked in a room a look at the venue.

"-THWe let go of each other and we all made our way outside and everyone else got in the cars, we hugged and kissed for a second before separating and going into different cars, the ride to the venue was miserable without my fiancé there with me b...

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