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-Jimin POV-
I woke in bed alone which usually wasn't normal but after yesterday I'm happy I woke up alone. I got ready for school and went downstairs, when I got downstairs to get my bag Jin hugged me gently. I looked at him confused.
"I wanna make you see how much I love you, if I can make you feel loved all week then can we get back together."-J
"Fine but we're not getting married anytime soon."-JM
"That's fine with me."-J
"You're lucky I actually love you."-JM
"I love you too my sweet baby."-J
"You know you love it."-J
"We'll see."-JM
I walked out of the house and went to catch the bus, of course Jin pulled up in his car.
"Hey sweetheart want a ride."-J
"I'm fine taking the bus."-JM
"I have heated seats, I'll let you pick the music."-J
"I'm fine."-JM
"I have food."-J
"Fine unlock the door."-JM
I got into the car and he soon started driving. I looked out the window for a bit.

"Hey where's the food?"-JM
"You'll have to work for it."-J
"Are you talking about a blowjob?"-JM
"You're disgusting."-JM
"Hey you've done it before."-J
"Yeah when we were together."-JM
"Still it's been a while and I want a blowjob."-J
"Just let me out and I'll walk to school."-JM
"No I'll drive you."-J
"Fine but you're not getting a blowjob."-JM

We soon got to school and I quickly got out of the car and went inside, I quickly noticed everyone staring at me so I just went over to Jungkook.
"Why's everyone looking at me?"-JM
"Someone took a video of you leaving Jin at the alter and it went viral."-JK
"Oh god they all think I'm a jerk don't they."-JM
"Yeah little bit."-JK
"Yoongi won't talk to me now."-H
"Tae won't talk to me either."-JK
"Hey Minnie."-J
"Fuck off Jin."-JM
Jin hugged me from behind and I tried to get away from him but it was no use. I didn't like him being loving after I was such a jerk to him.

"Can you just leave me alone?"-JM
"No, I want you to know I still love you, no matter why people are saying about you."-J
"Well stop loving me, just leave me alone and quit loving me."-JM
"Baby I'll never stop loving you."-J
"Well you need to."-JM
I walked away from him and went to the bathroom and locked myself in one of the stalls.

"I can't believe that asshole actually left him."
"He's stupid" "he's a complete asshole."
"Honestly he doesn't deserve someone like that anyways."

I can't believe I actually thought I'd be able to come to school without someone finding out about it, I just walked out of the stall and left school. I walked home and when I got there Jin was already out front only he wasn't alone, he got out of his car with some girl and they started making out. I mean I did tell him to quit loving me but I didn't think he'd do it this soon. I knew they were gonna fuck so I just left and walked to the park. I sat on a bench when I got there. I shouldn't have left him, I should've just married him. I hate knowing that everyone thinks I'm an asshole just because I left someone who I know was cheating on me but he doesn't get called an asshole for that.
"Hey hyung."-JK
"Oh hey Kookie, what's up."-JM
"Came here to sit for a while, mind if I join you."-JK
"Feel free, why'd you come here."-JM
"Tae broke up with me, I needed some quiet space."-JK
"Why'd he break up with you?"-JM
"He's in love with someone else."-JK
"I think Jin is too, I was going home and I saw him making out with some girl so I came here."-JM
"When did it get so complicated."-JK
"When we started falling in love with them."-JM
"I wish it wasn't so hard to be in love with someone, yours was cheating, mine fell in love with someone, and Yoongi won't spare a second glance to Hobi right now."-JK
"I think I'm done with guys for a while."-JM
"Aww but why."-J
"You know why."-JM
"Babe please come home so we can talk this out."-J
"I'd rather not."-JM
"Babe please."-J
"Jimin go with him."-JK

I walked home with Jin. Once we got home we sat on the couch. I waited for him to start talking before i did.
"Why did you leave me?"-J
"You cheated."-JM
"Baby I would never cheat on you, you can check my phone if you want."-J
"Why were you making out with a girl earlier."-JM
"I was bored and the person I love wouldn't give me kisses."-J
"That's not an excuse to go kissing some whore when this morning you said you do everything you could to get me back."-JM
"Well maybe I don't want you back."-J
"Then why're we having this conversation."-JM
"I don't know, it's not like you want to get back together anyways."-J
"Then why don't we just end this conversation here."-JM
"You two need to made up already, everyone knows you still love each other."-SY
"He doesn't wanna get back together so why should I even try."-J
"Who said I didn't wanna be with you, you just make me feel like I'm completely worthless."-JM
"All I've tried to do is make you know that I love you and I'd do anything to make you happy but you constantly try to get away from me."-J
"Because I'm tired of feeling like you should be with someone better."-JM
"Baby there is Nobody better."-J
"Yeah sure there isn't."-JM
"Baby please just give us another chance, we can start our relationship over."-J
"Fine, but this is your only chance, mess this up and we're done for good."-JM
"I promise I won't do anything wrong."-J
"You better not."-JM
"So cuddles?"-J
"No, you're sleeping on the couch."-JM
"But why."-J
"Because I said so."-JM

I went up to my room and did my homework before watching tv.
"Can we cuddle?"-J
"Please, I just wanna cuddle you."-J
"Go away, we're not cuddling anytime soon."-JM
"Baby please I just wanna cuddle."-J
"I don't want cuddles, go back to the couch."-JM
"Fine, I'll just go back to the living room."-J

I took a quick shower before laying in bed to try to sleep. After a little while I finally got comfortable enough to fall asleep.

To be continued...

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