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-Jin POV-
So we just got out of second period and even on the bus I swear, Jimin and Kookie have been stuck together the whole day, and I noticed that Tae don't like it either, but we can do anything I mean they are best friends after all. So I just went to my locker and they are both right beside me.

"So is it actually still gay if you call it a bro job."-JK
"Yeah it kinda is still gay."-JM
"But how can you be sure."-JK
"Trust me you'll find out."-JM
"But not any time soon."-JK
"Either way it's still gay bun."-JM
"Come on Chim is it really though."-JK
"Yes bun it is."-JM
"Oh I gotta go, see ya at lunch."-JK
"Okay bye."-JM
"Oh hey babe."-JM
"Are you okay."-JM
"One word treatment huh."-JM
"Oh come on, please."-JM
"Please daddy."-JM
"Yes, now more than one word please."-JM
"Okay fine."-J
"Bruh seriously."-JM
"Let's just get to class."-J
"Yeah okay, but are you okay."-JM
"Yeah I'm fine."-J
"Have any of y'all seen Tae."-JK
"Haven't sorry."-J
"I'll help ya look."-JM
"See ya in class."-J
"See ya."-JM

I swear it's like they're still dating, Tae is probably hiding so he doesn't get too jealous, or not, he's in class just not the right class, and he's with Jisoo. They better not be doing what I think they doing, and they kissed.
"So are you gonna break up with that one boy."-JS
"I can't, our dads arranged for us to get married."-TH
"Aw that's too bad, maybe it could've been us."-JS
"It still could be us."-TH
"So you'll talk to your dad."-JS
"Yes I will, come on let's get to class."-TH

So after they left I walked into class and sat down waiting for Jimin to get back to class. I can't believe he would do this. I'm surprised Kookie have him a second chance, he was right, he will never change, why can't he see that she's just playing him.
"Hey Lisa."-J
"Can I talk to you."-L
"Yeah what's up."-J

-Jimin POV-
I walked back to class after we found Tae, and saw Lisa confessing to my boyfriend.
"So I really like you and I was wondering if you'd go out with me."-L
"Ummm Lisa I'm sorry but I'm already with someone."-J
"It's fine you are out of my league anyways."-L
"But we could be friends."-J
"Okay, well I gotta get to my class, bye."-L

Phew, I knew he wouldn't cheat on me, that's a lie I thought he would, especially with someone as pretty as Lisa.
"Hey babe."-JM
"What's wrong."-JM
"I was about to walk into class earlier when I saw Tae kiss a girl."-J
"Wait really."-JM
"Yeah, Jisoo I believe."-J
"But isn't he engaged to Kookie."-JM
"Yeah but I heard him say he was gonna talk to his dad."-J
"Poor bun, I knew I shouldn't have let him go over to Tae's that one day."-JM
"What do you mean."-J
"The day they first kissed I didn't want him to go over there."-JM
"Then why did you let him go over there."-J
"Class attention please, we have a new student with us today, please welcome Mr. Park Chanyeol, you'll be sitting over by Park Jimin in the back."-Mrs.Lee
"Baby are you okay."-J
"That's my ex."-JM
"Oh, okay."-J
"Hey Jimin."-CY
"Hey Channy."-JM
"It's been a while."-CY
"Yeah it has."-JM
"So how've things been with you."-CY
"Good, I've got a boyfriend now."-JM
"Oh really who."-CY
"Jin, right there."-JM
"The kid that bullies you."-CY
"Bullied, he doesn't anymore."-JM
"Bullies never change."-CY
"Some do."-JM
"Yeah but not ones like him, Tae, and Yoongi."-CY
"We're all friends now, in fact Yoongi and Hoseok are dating and Kookie and Tae are dating."-JM
"Wow really."-CY
"Yeah but he caught Tae kissing a girl."-JM
"Don't date someone who used to bully you."-CY
"Why, I mean we're happy."-JM
"Do you not know all the things he's said about you behind your back."-CY
"What do you mean."-JM
"He ones said that not even a pedophile would choose you."-CY
"Yeah I once heard him say that he was surprised you even had friends since trash can't socialize."-CY
"You said all of that."-JM
"That's not even all he's said."-CY
"What else."-JM
"I heard him say that he was coming up with a plan to date you out of pity and then dump you and humiliate you."-CY
"Wait so this whole time we've been dating is fake, what about the others, is that all fake too."-JM
"No it's not fake, you know I love you."-J
"I have a recording."-CY
"So this whole thing has been fake."-JM
"No, baby believe me."-J
"You lost my trust long ago, why should I trust you now."-JM

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