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-Yoongi POV-
I woke ready to go to school and see my boyfriend and be happy but then my parents tell me we're moving to America in a week. I just started dating my crush, hell I'd move in with him if I could, currently I'm on the bus waiting for him to get on. He's always fourth on out of the six of us.
"Hey baby, why are you crying."-H

I pulled him into a tight hug and cried my eyes out on his shoulder, in a week I won't be seeing him for a while. He might move on from me in the time we're apart.
"You know you can tell me anything."-H
"I-I don't w-wanna hurt y-you."-Y
"Please tell me you didn't cheat."-H
"N-no I-I would n-never do t-that."-Y
"Then what is it."-H
"My p-parents told m-me t-that we are m-moving to A-America in a w-week."-Y
"I-I don't w-wanna go."-Y
"Aren't you eighteen."-H
"You could stay here without them."-H
"T-they won't l-let m-me."-Y
"I'll talk to them."-H
"What's up with him."-TH
"His parents are making him move to America and he won't talk them into letting him stay."-H
"You're eighteen, just stay with Hoseok."-JK
"M-my parents won't l-let me."-Y
"Do you not care about our relationship."-H
"W-what do y-you m-mean."-Y
"You won't even try to convince your parents that you should stay."-H
"I-I tried t-they won't let m-me."-Y
"If you loved me you'd try again."-H
"Hey, he does love you, don't you know what it feels like to have someone questioning if you actually love them or not."-J
"Calm down daddy."-JM
"He's r-right, it h-hurts when t-the person you l-love questions if y-you love t-them or n-not."-Y
"I'm sorry I just don't wanna lose you, I love you."-H
"I l-love you too b-baby."-Y
"Please stop crying."-H
"I-I can't I'm g-gonna m-miss you."-Y
"I'm not gonna miss you cause you ain't going nowhere, I've loved you for too long to let you get away from me this soon."-H
"I'm gonna talk to your parents and mine."-H
"Yes, you aren't going anywhere."-H
""B-but what if t-they say n-no."-Y
"Don't worry, I can be convincing."-H
"It's worth the shot."-JM
"I l-love you."-Y
"I love you too, please stop crying baby."-H
"I'll t-try."-Y
"It'll be okay."-H
"But w-what if they s-still say n-no and w-we end up h-having to b-break up."-Y
"Don't think like that, we'll be okay."-H
"B-but what if-."-Y

He cut off what I was gonna say by pulling me into a kiss, it was our first kiss together, I never want it to end. And yeah we ended up making out so we had to pull away for lack of air.
"That's gotta be the best way to get someone to stop talking."-Y
"It really is."-H
"Awww your first kiss."-JK
"Awww you're blushing."-Y
"Baby you aren't suppose to be the one teasing me."-H
"What about in bed."-Y
"You two are the only ones that haven't came close to doing it."-TH
"As far as you know."-Y
"Speaking of which, are we still hanging at my house after school today."-H
"Yeah, I wouldn't miss it."-Y
"I love you."-H
"I love you too."-Y
"Come on let's get to class."-J

*in math class*
"You okay babe."-H
"No not really."-Y
"Don't worry, we'll get through this, together."-H
"I hope you're right."-Y
"So are you two okay after yesterday."-H
"Yeah we're okay."-TH
"I'm still sorry."-JK
"I said it's okay baby."-TH
"I know but still."-JK
"Still nothing, I love you, it's okay."-TH
"I love you too daddy."-JK
"Hey my parents are gonna be gone for a few weeks, wanna stay over with me for a few weeks."-TH
"Sure, wait I know what you're thinking about."-JK
"So what do ya think."-TH
"Really, we can."-TH
"Yeah, we can."-JK
"I love you."-TH
"I love you too."-JK
"My parents are gone for the evening, you wanna-."-H
"Of course, I've wanted that for years."-Y
"But we still have to talk to our parents about this."-H
"I know, I'm just scared they'll say no."-Y
"Don't worry."-H

*after school*
We just got to his house and once we got in his and my parents were sitting on the couch talking.
"Oh good y'all are back."-Mrs.Jung
"What's going on."-Y
"Well we talked to your friends and found out that y'all were dating, and it's obvious that you two love each other by the way your friends said, long story short we don't wanna separate you two with the move."-Mrs.Min
"And do we talked and they don't mind if Yoongi says here with us."-Mr.Jung
"Yes, and even though we are gonna miss you, we can't bare to take you away from the person you love."-Mr.Min

*after goodbyes were said*
"So you'll be staying here."-H
"Yeah looks like it."-Y
"And we'll be roommates."-H
"I'm happy we don't have to be separated."-Y
"Me too, let's go get a shower."-H
"What's with the smirk."-H
"Nothing, nothing at all."-Y
"Okay then let's go."-H

*after shower*
"How am I suppose to cover this up."-H
"It's just one hickey."-Y
"Still, you know how our friends are, they'll think we did it."-H
"Well soon hopefully."-Y
"Yes soon but they'll think we did it now."-H
"Well aren't your parents gonna be gone tomorrow."-Y
"Yeah, and I suppose we can."-H
"Are you sure."-Y
"Yes, I've wanted to do it for a while."-H
"Let's get to bed, I love you."-Y
"I love you too."-H

-Authors note-
JK there is not gonna be a break up anytime soon, well maybe 😏, jk there isn't gonna be a breakup.
Yet anyways...

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