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-Jin POV-
I woke up from a nightmare around five and it's six, I haven't gone back to sleep, I've just been laying here in bed with my fiancé laying on top of me. On the bright side he's always my source of comfort. I saw him begin to wake up and was glad I wouldn't be the only one awake. He woke up and looked at me and kissed me softly before putting his head back on my chest.
"What time did you wake up ."-JM
"Around five."-J
"Why'd you wake up so early, you must be tired."-JM
"I had a nightmare but I'm not tired anymore."-J
"Are you okay, you seem to be having a lot of nightmares here lately."-JM
"Yeah I'm fine, it's nothing to worry about."-J
"Are you sure, you know you could tell me if there is something wrong."-JM
"A lot of my nightmares are of me losing you."-J
"You won't lose me, I love you, and I'll always stay by your side."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J
"So should we tell our parents today."-JM
"Yeah, I think we should tell them."-J
"How are we gonna tell them, they're our parents it's not like we can just go up to them and say, oh hey by the way we're engaged."-JM
"We'll just sit them down and tell them what we need to tell them, it'll be okay."-J
"I know it'll be okay, I'm just nervous, I mean I know they'll be okay with it but what if they get upset."-JM
"They won't be upset, trust me."-J
"I trust you."-JM
"Good, I need you to trust me more."-J
"I do trust you, don't worry daddy."-JM
"I'm not worried, as long as I have you I'll never be worried."-J
"I want your dick inside me."-JM
"Baby, our parents are home, we can't do that right now, but I promise we'll do that again soon."-J
"Good, cause I don't think I can wait for long."-JM
"You won't have to, once our parents leave for their honeymoon we can do it whenever we want for two weeks."-J
"That sounds amazing."-JM
"You moaning sounds better."-J
"Well our parents have to work today and it's Sunday so we don't have school, how about we do that after they leave, and once they get back we'll tell them."-J
"Sounds like a plan."-JM
"But what about telling our friends."-J
"They'll be expecting it at this point."-JM
"Yeah that probably true."-J
"Hey bro."-H
"Why'd I have to give you a key."-JM
"I don't know you just gave it to me one day."-H
"Anywho what's up."-JM
"We're all going to hang out, wanna come."-Y
"Sure just let us get ready."-J
"Okay we'll be waiting."-H

-Third person POV-
They got ready to go with their friends, Jin put on a pair of black jeans and a blue hoodie, Jimin put on a pair of jeans and one of Jin's hoodies.
"You're always gonna wear my hoodies aren't you."-J
"Yes I am, they're comfy."-JM
"You ready to go."-J
"Yeah, oh wait."-JM

Jimin pulled Jin into a kiss before they had to leave, just so they wouldn't have to do it in front of everyone.
"Okay now we can go."-JM
"Okay then."-J
They went downstairs to see Jungkook and Taehyung cuddling on the couch and Yoongi and Hoseok making out.
"So are you guys ready or do you need a few minutes."-J
"Oh, sorry, yeah let's go."-Y
"Hey bun."-JM
"He's hyper."-H
"He always is."-TH
"So where are we going today."-J
"Who knows, let's just hang out and think about where on the way."-Y
"Sounds fun."-TH
"Let's go!"-JK
"Shhh you'll wake up everyone in the neighborhood."-JM
"Let's get going."-H
"Who's driving."-TH
"I drive."-Y
"Sounds good."-J
"Let's goooooo."-JK
"Hey Tae I just wanted to say I'm sorry about before."-J
"It's okay, you were just angry, told ya you truly love him."-TH
"Yeah I really do, and don't tell the others yet but we're engaged."-J
"Really, congrats bro, take care of him."-TH
"So are you and Kookie engaged again."-J
"Yeah we are."-TH
"That's great."-J
"Yeah it is."-TH
"Babe come on you're sitting with me."-JK
"I know I am."-TH
"I love you."-JK
"I love you too baby."-TH

They all got into the car and began to drive to wherever they wanted to go. Jin and Jimin stayed cuddling in the back of the car, occasionally kissing.
"I wuv you."-JM
"I wuv you too."-J
"You two seem closer than before."-H
"Well we do actually have something we need to tell you guys."-J
"What is it."-Y
"We're engaged."-JM
"Congrats guys."-JK
"Are we the only ones that aren't engaged."-Y
"Seems like it."-H
"Oh just wait it'll happen for y'all too."-J
"Where do y'all wanna go."-Y
"I'll go anywhere as long as my daddy is there."-JK
"Have you two done it yet."-H
"Well, no but he's got hickeys that could tell otherwise."-TH
"Have you two done it yet."-JK
"Ummm well not exactly."-H
"What does not exactly mean."-JM
"We came close to doing it."-Y
"We came close to doing this morning."-TH
"Let me guess he still saying it's too soon."-JM
"How'd you know."-TH
"We're best friends, he tells me everything, sometimes too much."-JM
"But really though, it is too soon."-JK
"I know, but you're just too tempting."-TH
"What'd I do."-TH
"He gets embarrassed easily."-H
"Is it embarrassing to say that my fiancé is tempting."-TH
"It's embarrassing for me."-JK
"You're too cute."-TH
"Can we get onto a different topic besides our sex lives."-Y
"Yeah that's a good idea, so is everyone looking forward to school."-H
"As long as my baby is there I'll be okay."-TH
"As long as I'm not alone."-JK
"I just hope I don't fall asleep."-JM
"I'll make sure you don't fall asleep."-J
"You're welcome."-J
"Anyone hungry."-Y
"I could eat."-TH
"How about we go to a café."-H
"Okay we'll go to the café around the corner."-Y

*after they ate*
"So where to now babe."-H
"I don't know, where do y'all wanna go now."-Y
"Let's go to the mall."-JK

And so they made their way to the mall and parked the car once they got there. They made their way into the mall, and everyone went to different places.
"Hyung let's go to the plushie shop."-JK
"Okay, we'll be back."-JM
"Take care of him for me okay."-TH
"Okay I will."-JM
"Hey babe let's go to the shoe store, I need a new pair of dance shoes."-H
"Hyung let's go to the Gucci shop."-TH

*after they left the mall*
"Well it's getting late, wanna head to one of our houses and just hang and watch movies."-Y
"Let's do it."-TH
"Who's house."-J
"Let's go to my house, my mom is the best."-JK

They started driving to Jungkooks house, the occasional sound of a couple kissing was the only thing heard besides the music. Once they got there they went inside and took places in the living room. Hoseok and Yoongi were sitting in the chair cuddling, Jin and Jimin were at one end of the couch cuddling, Jungkook and Taehyung were at the other end of the couch cuddling. After hours of movies Jungkook fell asleep but everyone else was still awake.
"Well we probably should all start heading home."-Y
"Yeah probably."-JM
"I'm gonna stay here with him since we're engaged."-TH
"Okay well we shall see y'all tomorrow."-H

Yoongi drove Jin and Jimin home and then they went home.
-Jin POV-
We got and went upstairs and got a shower and put on some pajamas and then we went downstairs to tell our parents about us being engaged.
"Are you ready."-J
"Yeah let's go."-JM
"I can tell you're nervous, don't worry baby, it'll be okay."-J
"I know, okay let's do this."-JM
We went downstairs and our parents were thankfully already sitting on the couch.
"Hey guys can we talk to you."-J
"Sure what's up."-SY
"So you know how we weren't talking a little bit ago because we got into an argument."-J
"Yeah, what about it."-NJ
"Well after that, when you guys went on a date and we stayed here to watch movies, we went to the mall."-J
"And long story short we're engaged."-JM
"Yeah we're engaged."-J
"Wait you aren't upset."-JM
"Why would we be."-SY
"Because of how young we are."-JM
"As long as you guys are happy age doesn't matter."-NJ

After a little bit longer of talking about random things we went upstairs and got into bed since we have school tomorrow.
"Hey daddy."-JM
"I love you."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J

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