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-Jimin POV-
So I went the rest of the school day thinking about what happened in the bathroom. And we just got assigned partners for our math class. I'm kinda glad I got partnered up with Jin.
*at lockers*
"So we're partners, literally."-J
"Huh, oh yeah."-JM
"What were you thinking about."-J
"Nothing just daydreaming."-JM
"About What."-J
"As I said it's nothing, don't worry."-JM
"Well you're my boyfriend so naturally I'm gonna worry about ya."-J
"Aren't I lucky."-JM
"Ok seriously what's wrong."-J
"I'll tell ya later, Yoongi alert."-JM
"Hey bro, why are talking to this loser."-Y
"We're partners on that math project."-J
"I got stuck with Hoseok."-Y
"Don't pretend you're not happy about it."-H
"Psh why would I be happy about it."-Y
"Hey where is Jungkook."-JM
"And Taehyung."-Y
"Probably fucking in the bathroom."-J
"What's that suppose to mean."-JM
"Well Taehyung has a huge crush on Jungkook, but don't tell him I said anything."-J
Then all of a sudden Jungkook comes running up to us all with tear stained eyes and punch wounds all over him.
"Yo what happened."-J
"What do you care, go ask your jerk of friend."-JK
"Yoongi really."-J
"It wasn't him it was Taehyung."-JK
"What'd I miss."-TH
"Why the hell did you beat him up ."-JM
"He mounted off, Unfortunately I'm partnered with him on the math project."-TH
"Mouthing off is no excuse to beat someone up this bad."-Y
"Yeah you're a jerk."-J
"Guys you're suppose to have my back on this."-TH
"Yoongi, you and Hoseok take him to the principals office, now baby let's take him to the nurse."-J
"Why did you call him baby."-H
"We'll explain later."-J
*in the nurses office*
"Sorry I called you baby in front of them."-J
"It's ok."-JM
"But we said we'd keep it a secret, and I blew it ."-J
"It's ok, I still love ya."-JM
"Love ya too baby."-J
"Now explain please."-Y
So Jin explained the story and the whole time he was talking I wanted to get on top of him and start kissing him.
"You zoned out again."-J
So I kissed him on the cheek instead of nearly fucking him.
"Love ya."-JM
"I love you too."-J
"Ok boys your friend is ok."-Nurse
"Thank god."-TH
"What do you care if he's ok you did that to him."-JM
"Calm down sparky."-J
"Fine, daddy."-JM
"Keep it in your pants."-Y
"Shut up."-H
"Fuck you."-Y
"Go to hell."-H
"Just get married already."-J
"That's vile."-Y
"And Taehyung why would you beat up your crush."-H
"Same reason Jin used to beat Jimin up, he too good for me and that makes me angry."-TH
"So punch a wall not him."-J
"Boy you shouldn't be talking."-JM
"I rather be doing you but we're in school."-J
"I'm back, and you stay away from me."-JK
"Congrats he hates you more than he already did."-H
"Eh who cares."-TH
"We gotta get going."-J
"Don't you dare hurt him."-JK
"He won't be hurting, he'll be too busy calling me daddy to feel pain."-J
"Babe really."-JM
"As I said keep it in your pants."-Y
"That's the opposite of what we did yesterday."-J
"Help me."-JM
"Nope, you go get some dick."-H
"You're no help, Bye."-JM
"See ya, hope you can still walk tomorrow."-Y
"We'll see."-J
"Thank god you're both okay, the school called and said y'all were in the nurses office, what happened."-SY
"My best friend got beat up by some kid."-JM
"But we're okay."-J
"Did you keep your eyes on him all day like you said you were gonna do."-NJ
"You heard what we were saying this morning."-J
"And last night.."-NJ
"So you know that we're..."-J
"Dating, Yeah we know, and congrats."-SY
"You're happy about this."-JM
"Well yeah of course we are."-SY
"Wow I thought y'all would be disappointed since we're gonna be step brothers."-JM
"Oh well yeah there is that matter."-NJ
"What do you mean."-J
"We mean that you guys can't continue the relationship, since you're gonna be stepbrothers."-SY
"What no you can't ask us to do that, we love each other too much to do that."-JM
"We're sorry but that's the way it'll have to be."-NJ
"Unless What."-J
"Well y'all will still have to break up but if that'll be too hard with living together as well there are so great private schools that have dorms."-SY
"What no."-JM
"That's preposterous."-J
"It must happen."-NJ
"Not if we get married."-J
"Well you'll have to do it today, the wedding has been moved up to tomorrow."-SY
"Done let's go get the rings."-J
"Don't I get a say in this."-JM
"Would rather have to break up."-J
"No of course not but I'm not really ready to get married yet."-JM
"That's the only way we can stay a couple."-J
"Looks like y'all have a dilemma."-NJ
"We're only 18 we can't get married yet."-JM
"Why not people do it all the time."-J
"Yeah people that love each other and have been together for years."-JM
"Well then should we just break up then."-J
"No, I can't live without you."-JM
"Then why don't you wanna save our relationship."-J
"I'm eighteen, hell I'm practically still a kid, I can't get married."-JM
"Good you have your morals straight."-SY
"This was all a prank, you guys don't have to break up, we just wanted to see if you were sure of what you want."-NJ
"But when the time comes do you think that you'd want to marry me."-J
"Well of course but not right now."-JM
"I can't wait till we're old enough."-J
"But That was a harsh way to a accomplish your goal."-JM
"Sorry honey but it was the best way."-SY
"Who's ides was this."-JM
"You deserve a punishment."-JM
"Careful there shorty our parents are right there."-J
"He always had the evil ideas."-NJ
"I'll remember that."-JM
"You want me don't you ."-J
"Yeah, cause all the time you'll hear me subtly saying, fuck me daddy."-JM
"Hey none of that talk."-SY
"We already did it though."-J
"While you two were at the mall yesterday."-JM
"And damn it was amazing."-J
"I don't need details about how you fucked my son."-SY
"And I'll do it again."-J
"Can I top sometimes ."-JM
"Yeah sure, but you feel so good."-J
"Hey please save that talk for the bedroom."-SY
"So are we allowed to have sex whenever we want."-J
"Just not everyday please."-SY
"Fine, not everyday but he just feels so good I can't resist."-J
"Shut it ."-SY
"So can I fuck him when we get home to soothe the temptation."-J
"Fine but that's it for the next two days."-SY
"Ok but I'll try to fuck him in the school bathroom."-J
"If y'all get in trouble I shall laugh my ass off at you."-SY
"I'd laugh too."-JM
"You'd be busy moaning daddy."-J
"Mom, help me, he's been like this all day."-JM
"It gets better as time goes on."-SY
"Exactly and then you'll be begging for me."-J
"I love you babe. And that was so fun."-JM
"It really was, you feel so good, and I love you too baby."-J
"I'm tired, good night babe."-JM
"Night baby."-J

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