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-Jimin POV-
Ok so I had an amazing idea for my revenge on Jin. I'm gonna do the I can't stop kissing you prank, I wonder how everyone will react. Maybe he'll get annoyed by it, even better than what I thought of. This shall be an amazing prank. I can't wait to see how this'll end up.
"Hey babe, you gotta wake up."-JM
"Why, it's Saturday."-J
"Please, for me."-JM
"I love you but no."-J
"Awww come on, please."-JM
"I'm gonna go back to bed."-J
"Hmph you don't love me."-JM
"Yes I do, and don't you ever go questioning my love."-J
"Ok daddy."-JM
"I'm still going back to bed though."-J
"Ugh, come on."-JM
"See you in a few hours."-J
"Yeah, fine."-JM
*two hours later*
"Ok I'm awake now."-J
"You sure."-JM
"Yes I'm sure baby."-J
-Third person POV-
Jin leaned in to kiss Jimin but was denied.
"Awww come on, are you mad at me."-J
"Yes you are, come on baby."-J
"I'm not mad."-JM
"I know you, so why are you mad."-J
"I already told you I'm not mad."-JM
"Then kiss me."-J
"Nope, sorry."-JM
"Baby, what did I do."-J
"I love you."-J
"Hmph and you said I don't love you."-J
"Do you."-JM
"Yes, of course I love you."-J
"I guess I love you too."-JM
"I bet I can make you know you love me."-J
"Bet not."-JM
"You're wrong, it's Saturday, meaning I'm allowed to."-J
"Be down in a sec."-JM
"Now, what's wrong, why don't you wanna kiss me."-J
"Who said I didn't wanna kiss you."-JM
"Well then explain why you aren't kissing me."-J
"I shouldn't have to explain myself."-JM
"Please just tell me what's wrong."-J
"Nothing is wrong."-JM
"Fine, but let's go get a shower before we head down."-J
*in the shower*
"Baby, kiss me."-J
"Not yet."-JM
"But why."-J
"I don't know."-JM
"You're lucky I love you."-J
"I love you too daddy."-JM
"Ok, so you won't kiss me yet you'll call me daddy."-J
"Yep, is that wrong."-JM
*5 hours later*
Jimin still wasn't kissing Jin, and he was starting to get annoyed by it.
"Baby, what's wrong, what did I do."-J
"I guess I can tell you now, I've been pranking you all day."-JM
"The I don't wanna kiss you prank."-JM
"That's cruel I thought I did something to upset you."-J
"No, babe you didn't do anything."-JM
"You're lucky."-J
Jin leaned down to kiss Jimin, this time he wasn't denied.
"I love you."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J
"And I'm sorry."-JM
"It's fine."-J
"So you aren't mad at me."-JM
"Well a little."-J
"Please don't break up with me."-JM
"Oh baby I would never do that."-J
Jin pulled Jimin into a hug and rested his head on top of his boyfriend.
"I love you."-JM
"I love you too."-J
"So what are we gonna do now."-JM
"Hey boys we're going to the mall, y'all wanna go this time."-SY
"Yeah sure, let us get ready first."-J
"Meet us downstairs when you're done."-SY
They got ready, Jin was wearing a pink sweater and black skinny jeans, Jimin was wearing blue jeans and one of Jin's hoodies, which was a little big on him, but he didn't mind. After they finished making out they went downstairs.
"Awww you look adorable."-SY
"You look so small."-NJ
"I am small."-JM
"You ain't wrong."-J
"I know I ain't wrong."-JM
"Ok, let's get going."-SY
"Come on."-NJ
"And put some chapstick on, ya look like you haven't stopped kissing all day."-SY
"Well after that prank we haven't."-J
"Come on boys."-SY
*at the mall*
"Hey dad can you come with me for a sec."-J
"Yeah, we'll be back honey."-NJ
-Jimin POV-
"I wonder where they're going."-JM
"No clue."-SY
"Or do you."-JM
"I swear I don't know what they're up to."-SY
"So where do you wanna look."-JM
"Hey Jimin, how are you."-JK
"Hey Kookie, I'm good, what about you."-JM
"Good, Hello Mrs.Park."-JK
"Hello Jungkook."-SY
"Hey babe, oh hey Jimin."-TH
"You two, Huh."-JM
"It's complicated."-JK
"To uncomplicate it, we're here on a date, but we aren't officially a couple."-TH
"Well yet."-JK
"We'll fully explain it on Monday."-TH
"Ok, hey Jin."-JM
"Hey babe, oooo look who's on a date, finally."-J
"It's about time isn't it."-TH
"Let me tell ya Jungkook, this kid is so in love with you, he'd always tell me about how much he wished you loved him."-J
"Oh did he now."-JK
"Jinnie why did you have to tell him that."-TH
"You think that's bad this kid kept talking about you 24/7."-JM
"So I'm not the only one in love."-TH
"We'll see y'all on Monday."-JK
"You better still be a virgin."-JM
"No promises."-JK
*at home*
"I'm happy for them."-J
"Me to, and it really is about time."-JM
"I feel like on Monday Jungkook is gonna tell us he ain't a virgin anymore."-J
"Yeah most likely."-JM
"You ok, you seem out of it."-J
"I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me all the time, ya know that right."-JM
"Now what kind boyfriend would I be if I didn't worry about you at least sometimes."-J
"Fair point."-JM
"We look good together."-JM
"We really do, don't we."-J
"I glad our parents are together, if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have each other, we'd all still be enemies."-JM
"Well to be fair, I never hated you, I hated that we weren't together."-J
"I love you."-JM
"I love you too baby."-J
"Surprisingly, after all that hell you put me through, I feel safer in your arms."-JM
"We should probably lay down."-J
"It's nine o'clock on a Saturday and you wanna lay down."-JM
"We could watch cheesy love movies."-J
"You pick the movie out I gotta use the restroom."-J
*in bed*
So what'd you pick."-J
"Alex Strangelove."-JM
"Good movie."-J
(Btw Alex Strange love is a Netflix original movie I suggest checking it out)
"I know it is, I love that movie."-JM
"I love you."-J
"I love you too babe."-JM
"Ok it's starting."-J
*after the movie*
"I'd hate it if my last name was true love."-J
"But true love is beautiful."-JM
"It sure is baby."-J
"I'm tired."-JM
"Go to sleep, I love you."-J
"I love you too, night."-JM

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