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-Jungkook POV-
I woke up in my husband's arms, I rolled over and felt a pain in my ass because of what we did last night, I felt his grip around my waist tighten and he cuddled closer to me.
"Morning baby."-TH
"Morning daddy."-JK
"How long have you been awake."-TH
"Not that long."-JK
"What do you wanna do today."-TH
"Well we could tour around London, we just gotta figure out a way for my ass to stop hurting."-JK
"Did I go too rough."-TH
"A little bit, but I don't mind, it was amazing."-JK
"I surprised you didn't lose your voice with how loud you were."-TH
"Well it'd be your fault if i would've lost my voice, you made me scream."-JK
"I'm glad I did, well let's go get a shower and get ready."-TH
He stood up and I tried to stand up but he ended up having to carry me into the bathroom, we sat in the bathtub and cuddled a bit while we showered.
"I love you."-JK
"I love you too baby."-TH
"I'm so happy I get to spend the rest of my life with you."-JK
"I am too, I don't know what my life would be like without you."-TH
"You'd be miserable without me."-JK
"Yeah you're probably right."-TH
"I honestly don't think I could I could live without you."-JK
"I love you so much baby."-TH
"I love you more."-JK
"That's not possible, I love you more."-TH
"No, I love you more."-JK
"Don't make me punish you for lying."-TH
"Go ahead daddy, I'll take the punishment."-JK
"Damn you're hot."-TH
"I know."-JK
"I love you."-TH
"I love you too."-JK
For some reason my phone rang, I looked at the caller id and Jimin was calling me. I answered it and put it on speaker.
"Hey hyung."-JK
"Hey bun, how are y'all doing."-JM
"We're doing good, how are you."-JK
"We're doing good, has he been rough on you."-JM
"Yeah last night, but it's fine, so what're y'all doing."-JK
"We're laying in bed, I have to go to the bathroom but he's asleep and his grip is really tight on my waist, what about y'all."-JM
"We're in the bath right now, it's so relaxing, you know I really love being a bottom."-JK
"Yeah it is fun, but it can be painful at times, you should make Tae be a bottom."-JM
"Never gonna happen."-TH
"And why not."-JK
"I established as the top in this relationship."-TH
"Yeah he's right."-JM
"One day I'll be the top."-JK
"Yeah one day."-TH
"And when he says one day he means no day."-JM
"Nah I meant it, one day you can top."-TH
"Let me know how that goes."-JM
"Will do, so hows it been being married."-JK
"It's amazing, I really love him."-JM
"And he really loves you too."-J
"So hows it been being married for you."-JM
"Awesome, I am totally falling in love with him all over again everyday."-JK
"You two are meant to be."-J
"So are y'all."-TH
After a while we hung up and by then we needed to get out of the bath, we got out and got dressed, after we were dressed he walked over to me and hugged me tightly.
"I love you."-TH
"I love you too."-JK
"I'm sorry for all the mistakes I've made."-TH
"It's okay, you're mine, forever now."-JK
"I'm so happy to be yours forever."-TH
"Plus I got a text from Yugyeom and he said Jisoo moved."-JK
"Yugyeom, I remember him."-TH
"Hey it's okay babe, I love you."-JK
"I love you too."-TH
"Let's go get some food."-JK
We walked hand in hand to a restaurant that was down the street from the hotel, once we got there I noticed a waiter checking me out, I felt an arm go around my shoulder, I knew it was Tae so I leaned my head on his shoulder looked at the menu.
"My baby's too attractive."-TH
"I'm not a baby."-JK
"You're my baby, forever."-TH
I smiled when he said forever, I'm really happy that he's mine forever, I get to wake up with him by my side everyday. We ordered our food and a different waiter brought it to us, she tried to seduce him by showing more cleavage, she even went as far as to pretend she fell and sat on his lap, he gently pushed her off, he's sweet, some whore tries to hit on him but he still doesn't wanna hurt anyone.
"I'm married sorry."-TH
"I don't see her with you though."-Girl
"My husband is right beside me."-TH
She scoffed and started to walk away.
She walked away and he rested his hand on my thigh.
"Don't listen to her."-TH
"Don't worry daddy, it doesn't matter as long as I have you."-JK
We started eating and he kept an arm around my waist the whole time, once we were done he paid and we went walking around a few shops, it's amazing getting to spend the day with my husband. We went back to the hotel at around nine in the evening, once we got there he pinned me to the wall, I yelped as he leaned in and kissed my neck.
"Daddy, what're you doing."-JK
"Claiming what's mine."-TH
"We're married, and I already have so many hickeys, haven't you already claimed me."-JK
"Well yeah, but I wanna claim you again."-TH
"Daddy, please, my ass hurts enough, can we not do it tonight."-JK
"I was just gonna give you hickeys."-TH
"Oh, well feel free to do that."-JK
He started leaving hickeys on my neck again, after a while he pulled away and we went and took a shower, while we were in the shower he kept staring at me and grabbing my ass.
"Why're you grabbing my ass."-JK
"Cause it's mine and I can grab it all I want."-TH
"It's attached to me, it's mine."-JK
"And I married you, so now it's mine as well."-TH
"You're technically right."-JK
"I know, now hand over that ass."-TH
I turned around and he me close, I felt his dick picking my ass, I'll admit that damn it felt good and he's so big.
"Daddy, don't poke me with that thing."-JK
"I know you like it baby."-TH
"Well yeah but still."-JK
"Fine I get it, you don't wanna do it, but hey I hear shower sex is fun."-TH
"Yeah it was fun, but so is sex when your ass isn't hurting."-JK
"Yeah I know, I'll wait until your ass isn't hurting anymore, but I hope I don't have to wait too long."-TH
"You won't have to wait too long, just long enough."-JK
"You're so hot."-TH
"So are you daddy."-JK
We eventually got out of the shower and got our pajamas on and cuddled into bed.
"I love you."-TH
"I love you too."-JK
"Night baby."-TH
"Night night daddy."-JK

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