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-Taehyung POV-
If I'm being honest I'm kinda feeling disappointed in myself because of what happened with Jungkook yesterday. I really regret doing that. And of course he's definitely not gonna talk to me even though we're partners on the math assignment, and the teacher expects us to spend time together after school to bond and work together, like hell if he'll agree to that. It couldn't hurt to ask. He'll say no but I have to try right. And of course he's at his locker, which is right next to mine.
"Howdy partner."-TH
"Fuck off."-JK
"Harsh man."-TH
"So about yesterday, I'm sorry."-TH
"Doubt it."-JK
"Hey cheer up."-TH
"I would but seeing as it hurts to smile because of this cut on my lip, which is your fault, so go suck it."-JK
"Hey I said I'm sorry what more do I have to do."-TH
"I'll see you in class, jackass."-JK
"Hey wait."-TH
"Keep your hands off me."-JK
"And what are you gonna do if I don't."-TH
"What do you care."-JK
"Hey please just tell me a way I can make it up to you."-TH
"Stop being a jerk to me."-JK
"That May be difficult but I'll try."-TH
"If it's gonna be that difficult then just leave me alone."-JK
"Why are being like this."-TH
"What about you, we used to be best friends and then one day you changed, now you hate me and I don't know why."-JK
"I don't hate you."-TH
"Like hell you don't, we used to hang out and talk till dawn, what happened, what did I do to you."-JK
"You didn't do anything, it's me that's the issue, I don't know how to explain it but something happened and -."-TH
"Then you started bullying me."-JK
"I'd rather not talk about this here, can you come over later, you should still know where it is."-TH
"What makes you think I wanna go anywhere near there with you."-JK
"Please, we don't have to talk we could just work on the math."-TH
"Fine, and yes I still know where it is."-JK
"Thank you, now let's get to class."-TH
Yeah I know what you're probably thinking. "Wow they used to be best friends, then why did he beat him up." The answer to that is, I know he doesn't like me back and I'm mad about that. Don't ask.
"So, friends."-TH
"No. Not close ."-JK
"Awww why not."-TH
"Don't go acting all cute, you know why."-JK
"Please, we don't have to immediately be besties again, but can we try to be friends."-TH
"We can be classmates or we can be partners on a math assignment but not friends."-JK
"And you said I hate you, I think you hate me."-TH
"I could never hate you, but you are a bit annoying and difficult to deal with."-JK
"Well so can you."-TH
"You know this whole time we've been walking you haven't once said anything about my arm being around your shoulder."-TH
"Your point."-JK
"You said for me to keep my hands off of you."-TH
"Your not hurting me though."-JK
"But I still could, you know that right."-TH
"You wouldn't."-JK
"You right, I won't."-TH
"Yet anyway."-JK
"I promise that I won't hurt you ever again."-TH
"I accept your apology and your promise."-JK
"Thank you so much."-TH
"Ok but hand off my waist and ass area."-JK
"Ok fine, let's go to class."-TH
"Lucky we sit beside each other."-JK
"I thought you hated sitting beside me."-TH
"I did, but your not so bad."-JK
"I thought you thought of me as an annoying jackass."-TH
"Well you are but still we're friends now right."-JK
"Really we're friends now."-TH
"Thank you."-TH
"Can't breathe."-JK
"Keep your hands off him."-H
"It's ok, we're friends now."-JK
"Is he forcing you into a friendship."-Y
"I'm not that cruel."-TH
"Right your not cruel enough to force him into a friendship but you're cruel enough to beat him up."-H
"Guys stop ganging up on him."-JK
"Fine we'll go away so you can get back to talking to your boyfriend."-H
Did they seriously just call me his boyfriend. I don't mind it though, and I do kinda wish it was true.
"So I'm assuming they're getting along better."-JK
"Yeah, it looks like we're all getting along better."-TH
"Yeah it's a good thing too."-JK
"I'm sorry for everything."-TH
"It's ok."-JK
-at Taehyung house-
"Let's go upstairs."-TH
"So what do you wanna do, talk or work or both."-TH
"Both, we have to get this finished and talking sounds better than silence."-JK
"Ok so where do we start."-TH
"I'm not sure."-JK
"I know something that we used to love doing."-TH
"Stressing our parents out."-JK
"Well yeah but I had another thing in mind."-TH
"Tickle fight."-TH
And so yeah I got on top of him and started tickling him, and since he doesn't know about my crush on him I can touch him anywhere. If ya know what I mean. Then just as he was about to fight back we fell onto the bed with me on top of him as we're Just staring into each other's eyes. I feel myself start to lean closer and knew I was about to kiss him. But at the last second I snapped back into reality I stopped and sat up. He seemed kinda confused and sad at the same time. I'm kinda confused as to why I didn't kiss him, but hell we just started being friends again.
"Ummm so how about we start on the math."-JK
"Yeah sounds good."-TH
As we're working I find myself zoning out and staring at his lips as he's talking about whatever math stuff. God I wanna kiss him. But I sat up and tried to refocus on the math. But I couldn't focus. I just couldn't get his lips out of my head. I want him. More than I ever have.
-third person POV-
Jungkook looks over at Taehyung and noticed the lust filled look in his eyes.
"Are you okay."-JK
"I said are you o-."-JK
Taehyung attached his lips onto Jungkooks neither wanting to back away from it. Taehyung then pushed into the kiss causing them to end up laying down with Taehyung on top of Jungkook. He began undoing Jungkooks shirt buttons but Jungkook stopped him.
"We can't go that far."-JK
"Why not."-TH
"Isn't getting my first kiss enough for one day."-JK
"I'm your first kiss."-TH
"So why can't we go that far."-TH
"It's just too soon."-JK
"How so, we've known each other for years."-TH
"Yeah and most of that time was spent with you bullying me."-JK
"Oh you just had to bring that up didn't you."-TH
"But I'm right though, plus I don't know if I could ever think of you as more than a friend. I'm sorry, I have to go."-JK
"Wait, please don't go."-TH
"Nothing you say right now is gonna make me stay."-JK
"I love you."-TH
"I don't."-JK
"Even after all these years you can't admit that we were meant to be in some way."-TH
"We not even be meant to be friends let alone a couple."-JK
"You always do this, I know you felt something. But every time something happens that you just can't deal with, you avoid everyone."-TH
"Oh you think you know me so well don't you."-JK
"I know you better than your best friends. I at least know you're gay."-TH
"I'm not gay."-JK
"Then explain what happened back there, you kissed back, even if it was just for a split second."-TH
"Why can't you just accept me."-TH
"I've known you for too long to ever fall for you. I was saving my first kiss for someone I actually love. Not my ex best friend and bully."-JK
"What do have to say please for now."-JK
"At least just try things out and see where they go."-TH
"I already know how that would end."-JK
"No you don't, for all you know, we could be soulmates."-TH
"Why not, it's possible."-TH
"I'm not saying that it's impossible that we could be soulmates, I'm saying no as in I would reject you, find someone else to love, you never loved me anyway."-JK
"I have loved you for so damn long and I've been wondering what would happen if just maybe you loved me too, and I know somewhere deep in your heart that you love me."-TH
"I don't love you."-JK
"I'll see you in class tomorrow."-JK
"Please Don't go, I need you."-TH
"Well I don't need or love you."-JK
"And don't try to talk to me tomorrow or ever again for that matter. I can't believe I almost gave you a second chance, you'll never change."-JK
"I'll change everything for you."-TH
"You don't have to worry about me and you anymore, there isn't and will never be an us."-JK
"But, I love you."-TH
"You're just confused."-JK
"I know how I feel."-TH
"No you don't because if you did you wouldn't be saying all these things."-JK
"Please don't leave me, not like this."-TH
"I have to. It's what's best."-JK
Then Jungkook left without looking back and Taehyung just fell onto his knees at the door and started crying so much he almost passed out. What will become of there friendship, will they make up or will they forever remain the long lost soulmates.

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