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-Yoongi POV-
Me and Hoseok just got on the bus and right away I noticed that Jin is sitting up front and honestly I'm happy about that. Then Jungkook and Jimin got on and they looked closer than usual.
"So guys we have to tell you something."-JM
"What is it."-H
"We're dating again."-JK
"Now I told you that would happen, and you didn't believe me."-Y
"Hey guys, did anyone notice that Jackson and Mark broke up."-TH
"What but they were my favorite couple."-H
"Besides us of course."-H
"They were so perfect together."-TH
"Hey Tae can I sit with you, there's nowhere else."-JS
"Sure Jisoo."-TH
"So this is Jisoo."-JK
"And you must be his boyfriend."-JS
"Oh no I am not his boyfriend."-JK
"Oh what happened."-JS
"Let's just say he a bitch and end it at that."-JK
"Oh crap did I end up on a sensitive topic."-JS
"It's fine Jisoo really it doesn't matter."-JK
"Jennie I thought you moved."-Y
"I did but I came back now that I'm eighteen, did you think I was gonna just leave my boyfriend in a different country forever."-JN
"Wait there actually was a girl."-TH
"Oh no we aren't dating, I was talking about Kai, Yoongi is my best friend."-JN
"Oh thank god."-H
"So you must be his boyfriend, he's told me so much about you."-JN
"What, oh did he never mention me to anyone."-JN
"No he didn't."-H
"Wait did Chaeyoung come back with you."-JM
"Yeah, she's not living with me though so she'll be one in a second."-JN
"Who's Chaeyoung."-JK
"Rosé is what everyone calls her but we are the only ones that call her Chaeyoung."-JM
"The really pretty girl."-JK
"Hey guys."-R(Rosé)
"Hi Minnie."-R
"Where's Lisa."-JS
"I'm here."-L
"Hey Lisa."-JM

-Jimin POV-
*in class*
I hate that I have to sit beside him in this class, and he keeps staring at me, I wish he would just go away but of course since we're doing partner work in class I got stuck with him.
"Don't talk to me."-JM
"Look I know you're mad at me but this is partner work."-J
"Work on your own."-JM
"Guys can I talk to you two outside."-Mr.Choi
"Great look what you did now."-JM
"Fuck you too."-J
"Ok so boys what's going on with you two, you were getting along just fine and now you're back to how y'all used to be."-Mr.Choi
"I'd rather not talk about it, can I go to the office."-J
"Not until you tell what happened."-Mr.Choi
"With all due respect Mr.Choi we aren't gonna talk about it, can my seat be moved so I don't have to sit with him."-JM
"No, now you two follow me, I'll tell your teachers that you two are talking things out in the counselors room."-Mr.Choi

Great and now because of him I'm stuck in a room to talk about how I'm feeling about this shit, I'll talk now I'm honestly pissed off and upset that I ever dared to talk to him, I'm ashamed I ever let him touch me.
"Now you two are gonna be in here for the rest of the school day."-Mr.Choi
And then he left and now I'm stuck alone with Jin.
"So where do we start."-J
"With you leaving me alone."-JM
"I know you hate me but they'll check on us and if we aren't talking we'll get detention."-J
"So what do we have to talk about."-JM
"What's going on and how we fee."-J
"Okay well honestly I'm pissed and ashamed that I ever loved you and let you touch me, and I wish I had never talked to you, are we done."-JM
"What part about rest of the day don't you get."-J
"I should be in class with Kookie not stuck in here with you."-JM
"So you two are dating now."-J
"Yeah, not that you would care anyway."-JM
"Yeah you're right."-J
"And let's get one thing straight, you're sleeping on the couch form now on."-JM
"I knew that was coming."-J
"Yeah, now stop talking to me."-JM
"I know you don't wanna hear it but I'm really sorry, it was stupid of me to trick you, but trust me I'm paying for it, everyone hates me, I have no friends anymore and frankly I didn't deserve them anyways."-J
"I don't care."-JM
"Yeah none of you care, but I deserve it."-J
"Yeah you do, so do you still talk to Jackson and Mark."-JM
"No, they hate me too."-J
"They broke up."-JM
"Really, but they were so perfect."-J
"Yeah now that makes three perfect couples that have broke up."-JM
"Who's the third."-J
"Doesn't matter, they broke up."-JM
"This just isn't a good week."-J
"Yeah, but can I ask you something."-JM
"What's up."-J
"Why did you do it."-JM
"I wasn't completely lying, I did love you, I just made up that it was a lie because that's what I told everyone my plan was before we started dating, hell you were the first person I loved, I hate that I didn't fight to keep you."-J
"Why didn't you fight."-JM
"You wouldn't wanna hear anything I'd have to say and you'd probably think I was lying."-J
"Yeah you're probably right."-JM

-Jungkook POV-
I walked into the bathroom and was pushed against the wall and saw Tae.
"Let me go."-JK
"No, please let me explain."-TH
"What is there to explain, we're over, now you can be with that Jisoo girl."-JK
"I don't like her damn it."-TH
"Then go get someone else, and leave me alone."-JK
"Please just let me explain."-TH
"Ugh fine but make it quick."-JK
"I wasn't cheating, she kissed me and I was gonna talk to my dad about getting a restraining order put on her so she's leave me alone, and I wasn't lying I really do love you, and you have no idea how much it hurts that I lost you."-TH
"Why should I believe you."-JK
"Because I know that somewhere in your heart that you still love me."-TH
"So what if I do, I'm with someone else now."-JK
"I know but I can't have you hating me for something I didn't do, you have to believe me, I never even for a second lied about loving you."-TH
"I believe you."-JK

Then he just started crying on my shoulder, I honestly really miss him but I'm with someone else, even if I still love him.
"Can I ask you something."-TH
"Yeh what is it."-JK
"Can I kiss you, just one last time, after that I'll leave you alone."-TH
"If you're gonna leave me alone after then no."-JK
"Yes, and do you promise that you won't leave me."-JK
"Yes I promise."-TH
"Then yes you can kiss me."-JK

He pulled me in and kissed me, I missed his lips so much, I really can never stop loving him, what am I gonna do.
"I love you and I'll always be here for you."-TH
"I love you too hyung."-JK

-Jimin POV-
I wasn't sleeping but I was still upset when Jin came into my room at midnight.
"What do you want, it's midnight."-JM
"I had a nightmare and I don't wanna be alone."-J
"Fine you can sleep in here."-JM
"Don't mention it."-JM

He got in bed and immediately cuddled me and that was when I noticed him shaking.
"You okay."-JM
"Wanna talk about it."-JM
"Come here."-JM

I pulled him into a hug and his shaking calmed down, I guess the nightmare had something to do with me. I could feel him staring at me so I looked at him and we just stared into each other's eyes and I could see him looking at my lips. I felt myself slowly lean in and next thing I know we are making out. I never want it to end, as much as I hate to admit it, I still love him and I really want him. But I'm with someone else. So despite how amazing this feels, I pulled away.
"We can't do that."-JM
"I know but I also know you liked it."-J
"Well duh but still I'm with someone, I'm sorry."-JM
"It's okay, as long as can still cuddle you."-J
"Yes you can."-JM
"Now let's get to sleep."-JM
"Okay, love you."-J
"Love ya too."-JM

-Authors Note-

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